
"Start with Batman"

Ancient existences wake up in the abyss, demons whisper in people’s ears, unknown horrors erode the spirit, and madness breeds in the darkness of people’s hearts. But it is not only darkness that descends on this world. There are heavily armed dark knights walking in the dark to judge crimes; tight-fitting supernatural beings wandering between buildings to act as friendly neighbors; The impossible god on earth, the “S” symbolizing hope shines like the sun on his chest… No one could have imagined that behind all of them, there was just a player sitting in front of a computer screen holding a keyboard and punching hard. ---------------------------------- This is an edited version of the MTL story "Start with Batman". I am editing everything from improving the English to fixing mistakes. So, feel free to read it if you want. Also please, if the story doesn't interest you, please give chapter 1 a chance and provide honest criticism about my writing/translation capability. Let me know if I am wasting my time translating this MTL novel as I just picked it up randomly to test my translation skills. Time is precious, but your feedback is invaluable to me. [Also, the cover is not mine. The original cover cannot be used for some reason, so I will improvise.] Author Name: name taken mtl link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/start-with-batman/

Daoist_yuehan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Chapter 17: absolute idiosyncrasy

Noticing Chu Cheng's complicated expression, Chen Meiyue asked, "What's wrong?'"

Chu Cheng replied honestly, "It's nothing... I was just wondering if it would be unsafe to fly in such a freshman base."

After hearing his words, Chen Meiyue burst out laughing and said with a smile, "You can rest assured about this. The air base is very safe. In fact, it may be the safest place in the world, and no outsiders can invade."

Upon hearing this, Chu Cheng's expression became even more complicated. He vaguely remembered that people on the Marvel set had said the same thing about Aegis's Helicarrier. However, as we all know, the security system of the Aegis mothership is like Nima, which is in charge of Confucius. Its security concept highlights that it is a "pleasure to have friends come from afar", and any ghosts and snakes can come in and out, worse than public toilets.

Of course, that's metaphysics, and it doesn't mean that everything flying in the sky is dangerous. Chu Cheng sincerely hopes that the giant ship under his feet can avoid the curse of being threatened while traveling through the skies and the world.

Following Chen Meiyue's twists and turns in the complicated metal corridor, Chu Cheng soon arrived at a bright and well-lit office located by the window on the ship. The room was very tidy, with a clean desk on the desktop, a metal filing cabinet neatly placed against the wall, and a water dispenser beside the cabinet.

Behind the desk sat a man in a white coat. Chu Cheng's first impression of him was exquisite. The man was neatly groomed, with a meticulously trimmed mustache and bright eyes behind thick, round lenses.

As soon as Chu Cheng entered the room, the man enthusiastically stepped forward and said, "Hi, you must be the latest discovered strange person."

Chen Meiyue explained, "This is Professor Miyazaki, an expert in the study of infected people. He will be in charge of conducting a series of physical tests on you."

Chu Cheng was confused, "Physical test? Physical examination?"

"It's not so much, a physical examination is just like a physical fitness test," Professor Miyazaki explained with a smile. "Don't worry, it's just to see if your body is healthy or not."

As Chu Cheng shook his hand, he noticed that the professor had strong hands and a sturdy body. As he approached, he also smelled a faint scent of perfume.

The professor's exquisite appearance, the scent of perfume, and his expectant expression that almost undisguisedly said "let me make you healthy" instinctively made Chu Cheng feel the need to keep his distance.

Fortunately, the tests were indeed physical fitness tests, as the professor had said. The main items included running, jumping, boxing, and hand-grip strength.

Chu Cheng closed his eyes and charged with all his might, running the 100-meter sprint in 13.38 seconds.

Professor Miyazaki pinched his watch and stared at the number for a while with clear disappointment on his face.

"Is that it?" he asked.

The three-thousand-meter run took Chu Cheng all his life to finish, and he reckoned that he was only able to persevere due to his significantly improved physical fitness after playing games for two days. Otherwise, with his nerd physical quality, he might not even last after three kilometers.

Afterwards, the jumping and punching strength tests were also calm, completely at the level of a student with relatively outstanding all-in-one ability. At this level, the school team may rate him as excellent, but he was still at the student level.

Finally, it was time for the shooting session.

When a researcher handed the heavy pistol to Chu Cheng, he said helplessly, "I've never touched this thing before."

"It's okay, you can shoot whatever you want," Professor Miyazaki said. "According to our statistics, some infected people are born with a talent for shooting, and they may be able to get used to it very quickly."

Chu Cheng reluctantly picked up the gun, tried hard to aim at a target ten meters away, squinted his eyes, and aimed for a long time before pulling the trigger.

A series of gunshots echoed in the confined space.

After emptying a whole magazine and seeing the target hit status from the monitor, Professor Miyazaki fell silent.

High EQ: No ants in the shooting range are spared.

Low EQ: Hang a banana around a monkey's neck; maybe it's better than this.

Chu Cheng also felt a little embarrassed by his results, but it was expected and reasonable.

After all, this gun is not his forte, and it is different from the ones he is used to. guns from games is different from reality, so It is normal that he succ at it.

The test results seemed to disappoint Professor Miyazaki, and he quickly came to a conclusion.

"An incompetent idiosyncratic," he said. "Both mentally and physically, he is immune to the source of infection, and all sources of infection will not affect him in any form."

Afterwards, Chen Meiyue quickly explained to Chu Cheng that this kind of situation was rare but not completely absent. There were also some personnel in similar situations in the Ninth Branch of the Secret Service.

Most eccentrics are only immune to the mental effects of infection, but their bodies will still be strengthened and transformed, and they may even awaken special abilities. But it is different for a small number of people. They are completely immune to infection both mentally and physically, and they will not be any different from ordinary people.

They are called

"absolutely extraordinary."

After the test was completed, Tang Li led him through various entry procedures. The Ninth Office was fairly efficient in handling affairs. He went to several departments in a row to write a few forms, and after a while, his registration was complete.

"Here's your ID," Tang Li spoke in a soft voice, and handed Chu Cheng the certificate that had just been distributed.

Chu Cheng was a little surprised. "Why are there three certificates?"

"One is our real ID from Secret Service Nine. The other two are from the Public Security Bureau and the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau," Tang Li patiently explained.

"Secret Service Nine is currently a non-public organization, and our own certificates may not be easy to use under certain circumstances. Therefore, agents can combine the actual situation and need to show appropriate certificates to facilitate tasks."

Got it, it means they still have vests. On the one hand, it's convenient for doing things, and on the other hand, it's convenient for shifting blame.

The Public Security Bureau and the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau are really like people sent from heaven at home. No one knows how many small and large scapegoats have been unknowingly pinned on them.

"Alright, we're all set." Tang Li smiled, "Congratulations on officially becoming a member of our team. Since you're still a student, you won't have to report to work every day, but make sure to keep in touch and stay informed of any developments."

"So, what will my duties be?" Chu Cheng asked.

"As a new recruit, you'll be assigned low-risk missions to gain experience and work alongside other agents. We'll also pair you up with Detective Luo, who's currently working on a case that you can learn from."

Chu Cheng nodded, grateful for the opportunity to learn.

After Tang Li finished briefing him, he left to attend to other matters. Chu Cheng took the opportunity to look around the office.

Compared to Professor Miyazaki's room, it was much smaller, with a cluttered desk taking up most of the space. Documents labeled "internal" were strewn across the surface, along with an open bag of potato chips.

On the desk, there was a framed picture of two men in sheriff's uniforms standing shoulder to shoulder and grinning at the camera.

"I was quite the catch back in the day, wasn't I?"

Chu Cheng turned around to see Detective Luo Yajun standing behind him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry," Chu Cheng said.

"It's alright," Detective Luo waved a hand dismissively. "That was from my early days in the Public Security Bureau. Look at that guy, he was a real hunk, all muscle and no fat..."

Chu Cheng nodded in agreement, "And he had a full head of hair."

"Yeah..." Detective Luo's voice trailed off, as if lost in thought.