
"SOULBOND : A Heroine's Odyssey to a New World of Power and Redemption

soul exchange , death , fight , love , comedy , romance , family , emotions , friendship ,magic , fate , ghost .

Arinsia_123 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: Whispers of the Past

The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon Kriya's face as she stirred from her slumber. Her day, as was customary, had begun early. With a heart full of resolve, she embarked upon her daily routine, diligently attending to the chores that wove the tapestry of her life. College, on this day, felt like a distant land, one she had decided to skip in pursuit of the simple pleasures that beckoned.

As she left behind the classroom walls and the drone of lectures, the day stretched before her, an empty canvas waiting for her to paint it with the strokes of her desires. The sun hung high in the sky, casting its benevolent gaze upon her, and she felt a gentle warmth wrap around her like an old friend.

But she decide to go to her part time job which she like most , even after all she went to tuition for teaching primary school children and then on the way of home she went to river side road .

Kriya's path led her to a serene riverside spot, where the water flowed with a rhythm that seemed to mirror her heart. Seated on a rock stone, she indulged in a plate of dumplings, savoring the taste of comfort and simplicity. Music flowed through her earbuds, a companion to her solitude, and she watched the clouds drift lazily across the sky, their forms ever-changing, like the dreams she held close.

She was a girl of unassuming beauty and a heart woven from pure gold. In the small gestures, the simplicity of her life, there lay a profound beauty that only those who truly saw her could appreciate. Her smile, though unadorned by glamour, held a power to brighten the world around her.

As the hours flowed by like the river before her, Kriya finally decided it was time to return home. Her mother, she knew, would be waiting, concern etching her features if she were late. Reluctantly, she stood, her cycle in hand, ready to navigate the journey back to the haven of her familial love but way of path she a old lady struggling with her vegetable bags so, she helps the old lady with gratitude , she was tried but still she have smile on face at return the old lady give her a bunch of grapes , and start walking towards the home .

But life, it seemed, had other plans that day. As she meandered through the familiar streets, a group of street dogs greeted her with wagging tails and eager eyes. Kriya couldn't resist their companionship. She sat down, sharing a few moments of playfulness and offering them what little food she had left. It was in these simple interactions with the four-legged friends that her heart found solace.

However, amidst the purity of these moments, a shadow from the past intruded. Kriya's gaze landed upon a group of acquaintances, once considered friends, now lost in the haze of deception and betrayal. She knew that acknowledging their presence would only invite negativity, so with a heavy heart, she turned away, walking away from the toxicity that lingered in their company.

Returning home, she shrugged off the weight of those unwelcome memories. Her heart, though scarred, remained untouched by the bitterness that had woven its way through her past. With a smile that defied the darkness of those moments, she embraced the warmth of her home.

Her mother, a pillar of unwavering love, greeted her with open arms. Together, they embarked on the daily ritual of preparing dinner, their shared efforts forging a bond that transcended words. With the scent of simmering spices filling the air, Kriya sat down to write in her diary, a place where her thoughts found sanctuary.

Suddenly, her phone jolted to life, its screen lighting up with the name of a person she had once held close to her heart. The mere sight of his name sent tremors through her. Tentatively, she answered the call, only to be met with a storm of anger and resentment. Her ex-boyfriend's words were like daggers, cutting through the fragile peace she had painstakingly built.

Yet, even as his accusations pierced her, Kriya's resolve remained unbroken. She had grown stronger, and the scars of her past had transformed into badges of resilience. With a quiet determination, she listened, refusing to let his words define her. Deep within her, a spark of defiance flickered, a reminder that she was no longer the vulnerable girl he once knew.

As the call ended, Kriya felt a mixture of emotions, but above all, she felt the resurgence of her inner strength. The road ahead was uncertain, but she knew that her journey was far from over. Each day, each moment, was a brushstroke on the canvas of her life, and she was determined to paint a masterpiece of her own design.

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