
"Secret Diaries"

This is the diaries of all the characters of My Forbidden Romance Past, Future and Present this book can help you better understand the characters more in a deeper light and see some sides of them that you haven't seen before in the main story line....

Merida_Yumina · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

🚨💜 Claire/Atanasia 💜🚨

Diary entry 100th

         Dear Diary I don't know if I can take this anymore this is to much for me why did the past have to come running towards me why did I have to see her again? don't get me wrong I do miss her but still why? why did she have to hurt me this way? those she really want me and my friends to be separated? I don't know but all I know is I will stop her if she is going to hurt my friends then I will forget that I care for her so deeply even though as of right now Beatrix is still mad at me and I know she still hates me about what had happened but can you blame me diary of mine? I have to lie in order to protect the people I love and care about am I in the wrong here? you know sometimes dear Diary of mine i regret being a angel since I didn't have a choice from the very beginning I wish someone had told me that I have another option right now so that I can help the people I love without telling a lie towards them.


But for now this all I have to say sincerely yours - Claire