

"Sato" is a light novel that follows the story of Toshihiro, the son of a famous yakuza boss. When his father is killed in a back alley, everything changes in Toshihiro's life. Raised by his father's friend, Hotaru, a mysterious figure, Toshihiro grows up determined to avenge his father's death. joined by a mysterious organization,

Sora_Miyashiro · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: New Beginnings and Old Memories

Hotaru: "Hey, how are you holding up?" He asked, his voice gentle and caring.

Toshihiro: He pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I'm managing. Some days are harder than others, but I'm getting there."

Hotaru: He nods, understanding the weight of loss all too well. "It's normal to feel that way. Just remember, I'm here for you, man."

Hotaru's presence proves invaluable to Toshihiro as he navigates the challenges both on and off the baseball field. With each passing season, the once timid and reserved boy transforms into a strong and determined young adult.

As the years pass, Hotaru witnesses Toshihiro's growth, his heart swelling with pride and melancholy as he watches his best friend's journey unfold. The two friends remain, a bond forged in the fire of grief, enduring the test of time...

Toshihiro was walking through the school hallway, making his way to his next class. He had been deeply affected by Hotaru's passing, and the events of the past few years had changed him drastically.

As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and longing for his fallen friend. Suddenly, an energetic voice called out to him.

It was Asuka, the new student who had just transferred to the school. She was dressed in the school uniform and she had a bright smile on her face.

"Hey there! You must be Toshihiro, right? I'm Asuka Tanaka, the new student,"

she said cheerfully.

Toshihiro was taken aback by her boldness and friendliness.

He wasn't used to being approached by strangers, especially by someone as lively as Asuka.

"Yes, that's correct,"

Toshihiro replied politely, trying to hide his surprise.

"It's nice to meet you, Asuka."

Asuka had a mischievous glint in her eyes as she studied him. She had been observing him from afar, and she had already formed an impression of him.

"I've heard a lot about you,"

Asuka continued, her smile widening.

"You're quite the legend around here, you know."

Toshihiro arched an eyebrow in confusion. "Legends? About me?"

"Oh, you don't know?" Asuka exclaimed, feigning surprise. "Everyone's talking about you. They say you have an incredible fighting skill, and you've been involved in some pretty intense battles."

Toshihiro felt a little uneasy at this revelation. He was not comfortable with the attention he was getting.

"I can defend myself if I have to," he replied modestly.

As Asuka approaches Toshihiro and introduces herself, he is surprised and taken aback by her friendly demeanor. While there is no dialogue in this moment, Asuka's carefree attitude and confidence contrast with Toshihiro's more serious and reserved personality.

Her boldness and approachability are apparent in her gestures, body language, and facial expressions, while Toshihiro remains somewhat aloof, curious, and slightly guarded.

As Asuka stands before him, she studies his features and quirks, intrigued by his unique character.

It's clear that she is observing him with intent and has a particular interest in him, which is evident in her subtle body language and facial expressions.

Toshihiro, on the other hand, is initially cautious and somewhat suspicious of Asuka's motives, wondering how she knows so much about him.

Despite his initial wariness, there is a flicker of interest and curiosity in his eyes as he takes in her vibrant presence.

As Asuka interacts with Toshihiro and senses his kind demeanor and trustworthy aura, she recognizes that he is a genuinely good person. She feels a sense of familiarity and warmth towards him, as if they had known each other for longer than they actually have.

This sense of connection and trust fuels Asuka's desire to get closer to him and build a stronger bond. Meanwhile, Toshihiro is drawn to Asuka's warmth and sincerity, finding it easy to open up to her and share his thoughts and feelings.

"Asuka stood before Toshihiro, she felt a sense of warmth and familiarity, as if they had known each other for longer than they actually had.

There was a trust and a connection between them that was hard to describe, but it was there, and it drew them closer with each passing moment."

Volume 1 Epilogue:

Toshihiro walked alone, his thoughts consumed by memories of his father's death. The pain and trauma still lingered despite the passing of time. As he reminisced, he recalled how Hotaru had stepped into the role of a mentor and father figure.

Although nothing could replace his lost father, Hotaru's friendship and guidance had been a lifeline during his darkest moments. The bond between them strengthened with each passing day, and Toshihiro knew he would forever be grateful for Hotaru's steadfast presence in his life.