

"Sato" is a light novel that follows the story of Toshihiro, the son of a famous yakuza boss. When his father is killed in a back alley, everything changes in Toshihiro's life. Raised by his father's friend, Hotaru, a mysterious figure, Toshihiro grows up determined to avenge his father's death. joined by a mysterious organization,

Sora_Miyashiro · Action
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7 Chs

chapter 1

It's a dark and rainy night in a bustling city, and a man named Kenji is standing in an alleyway, his eyes darting left and right.

He knows that he is in danger, and his instincts as a yakuza leader are on high alert. Suddenly, a group of armed men appear from the shadows, their faces twisted with anger and hate. They have come for Kenji, seeking for the revenge for that they all wanted for all those years.

Without warning, the men charge at Kenji, brandishing an assortment of weapons including knives and brass knuckles.

Kenji is able to defend himself for a while, using his years of experience and training to parry the blows, but he is outnumbered and soon finds himself pinned against the wall.

He takes several brutal blows, his ribs cracking under the impact of the attackers' fists.

Just when it seems like all hope is lost, and Kenji is on the verge of giving up, something unexpected happens.

Kenji is battered and bruised, on the brink of losing consciousness.

Just then, he hears the cries of a young voice, calling out for him.

With great effort, he manages to turn his head, and that's when he sees his young son, Toshihiro, standing there, tears streaming down his face.

"Father... Daddy... come back..." the young boy sobs, his voice filled with sadness and fear.

With all his might, Kenji drags himself forward and embraces his son. He strokes his hair and whispers comforting words into the toddler's ear.

"Daddy is here... Everything will be all right," he says, his voice shaky but filled with love and reassurance.

But deep down, he knows that this is the end for him. As his consciousness fades, his thoughts drift to his wife, who passed away when their son was born.

He had promised her that he would leave the criminal life behind and take care of their son, but now it seemed like his fate had taken a different path.

Kenji draws his final breath, struggling to keep his eyes open for just a little longer. He looks down at his young son, who is sobbing uncontrollably, tears streaming down his cheeks. With what little strength he has left, he cups his son's face in his hands and tries to speak.

"Toshihiro... my son... my precious boy," he whispers, his voice barely above a raspy whisper.

"I'm sorry... I didn't keep my promise to your mother... but I want you to know... you are the most precious thing in my life..."

As Kenji lay there, taking his final breaths, he turned his gaze towards his son. "Toshihiro," he gasped out, his voice wavering with emotion.

"I need you... to be strong. You... have to... survive. Promise me... that you'll survive."

Kenji lay there, on the brink of death, reflecting on his life. He thought back on his rough upbringing, the life of violence and danger that he had chosen for himself.

He thought about the friends he had made and lost along the way, and the mistakes he had made that had led him to this end. As he lay there, he wished that things could have been different, that he could have lived a life of peace and happiness. But it was too late for regrets now.

Kenji's mind then turned to his son, Toshihiro. He thought about the young boy's future, and how it would now be shaped by the choices he had made.

He felt a pang of guilt for not being able to protect him from the dangers of the world, but also a fierce determination to do everything in his power to ensure that his son survived. With that thought in mind, he closed his eyes, ready to take his final breath.

"With a final gasp, Kenji's last breath left his body, leaving behind a legacy of love and sacrifice."