
"My Destined One" • Tensura X Arifureta

Two Brothers who got summon in another world will they succeed in getting back home join them on their adventure on this new Fan-Fic. please note that I don't own any of the characters That's are included in this Fan fic all right are reserved for their respective author

VOIDKING · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

Ch.9:Rimuru's Heart

•Before Rimuru Decided to Reincarnate•

After the Grate war and peace return, Rimuru was sitting oh his chair in his office signing his paperworks while looking board.For him,He had already archive his goal having monster and human co-exist,His Country became one of The richest in the world,His people are living with smile on their Face.

But, even after all that, Rimuru still felt empty there was a hole in his heart a regret he wanted to fix, he wanted to go back in time to save Shizue but

For some reason, no matter how many times he went back in time to try and save her, Shizue always dies. Though Rimuru doesn't know why.

Ciel Then explain to Rimuru that Shizue's death is an Absolute Point in time that can't never be changed, without her death Rimuru's journey to became a Supreme Being will never start.

By knowing this Rimuru will have to go into another journey to find his beloved destined one, Shizue

After the tenma war Chloe confessed to Rimuru. To this Rimuru replied by telling Chloe that Rimuru loves Chloe very much, and wants to marry her. After spending a few years with her Rimuru finnaly realized how big the hole in his heart was left by Shizue

Even though, Rimuru has been living with Chloe happily, he just can't get over Shizue. Shizue was the key to Rimuru's broken door. In short there's a giant hole in his heart making him feel empty inside

Because of this, he wants to find Shizue's soul first, before marrying Chloe. Thus his journey began, he went back in time hundreds of time to save Shizue but each time she was killed or she dies due to natural causes

Ciel finnaly told Rimuru the only way to see Shizue and be together with her is too find Shizue's soul that was reincarnated when she died

Rimuru knew it was going to take a long

time to find Shizue so he froze the whole

existance of the cardinal world without

them knowing this as to not let chloe wait for him for thousands of years.

But by doing this rimuru felt guilty because of his selfishness So for them it felt like nothing happend but in reality Rimuru had been looking for shizue

Rimuru knew it was going to take more than thousands of year to find Shizue so He leave the Frozen Cardinal World and Tempest to his Trusted subordinate before he start his reincarnation.

Ciel suggested to keep reincarnating until he finds shizue's soul so that's what his been doing for years no for thousands of years

•Back to Present•

On Rimuru's side he was pretty close to Hajime, but ciel told him not to interfere for now, so he slowed down on his descend. Rimuru is sitting down next to a fire he had made while his surrounded by a barrier he made

Right now what he is doing is contemplating on what's his real goals and how far he had come

"That's right, my purpose my goal for this crazy cycle of pain"

Since he had been reincarnating over and over again he had to keep leaving the people he would meet his families from where he reincarnates he would leave. Each time he does that the pain in his heart keeps getting worse. But if it meant seeing her again he would endure it. In his mind, he's already to devoted on his decision to find her, so there's no turning back now

After spending a few years being engaged to Chloe he began to realised how big the hole in his heart left by Shizue really was. The failure he felt was something he wouldn't be able to endure

He wanted to marry Chloe already, but what he needed to do first was save his destined one. The one he failed to save

So first he went back in time and after meeting with Shizue again he revealed all that had happend in the future

Shizue was happy with Rimuru, she also felt guilty making Rimuru do all those things, but rimuru assured her, "it was ok" he said

Shizue fell in love with Rimuru and so did he. They loved eachother very much but one day, in the falmuth invasion she was killed

Rimuru lost him self and was about to destroy the whole timeline when Chloe appeared calming him down and returning him to his senses

Rimuru in despair went back in time again and like last time saved Shizue fell in love and like again she was killed by Yuuki this time and like again Rimuru lost it and destroyed Yuuki, he would have perminantly lost himself had Chloe not been there to stop it again

Again Rimuru went back in time and the same happend. They fell in love and this time she was killed by Ivarage, again he was calmed down by Chloe

He kept coming back in time desperately trying to save her but each time he would fail and she would end up dead

Rimuru thought of just killing all the main enemy but ciel had warned him by doing so he would change the timeline and the progression of his nation wouldn't happend.

For the last time Rimuru went back in time again but this time ciel had came up with an idea he would go back to the present and find her soul that had been reincarnated instead. Therefore he wouldn't change anything

Before he left the past he said goodbye to Shizue promising her they would reunite in the future and from there live happyly together, he gave shizue a kiss before leaving the past to return to the present

After returning to the present Rimuru had told Chloe he would first look for Shizue's reincarnation or maybe just her soul before they could get married

No matter how many times it had happend he could never get use to shizue dying in his arms over and over again. The pain of him seeing who he loved die in his arms

He couldn't just revive her like what he did with Shion because unlike them for whatever reason Rimuru found out Shizue's soul had been broken. He's thoughts was that this might have happend because her soul had a hard time being summomed to this world

Rimuru was afraid of the cardinal world changing without him since he knew it would take a very long time to find shizue's soul in the vast existance

Through his own selfishness he left the Cardinal world.

Rimuru felt extremely guilty about this, because he didn't want to be left behind or he didn't want anyone to keep going without him.

He wanted to find shizue's soul but he didn't want to leave his freinds for a long time so he Froze the Entire Cardinal World, he didn't want anyone to be in danger so he leaves the black numbers and the 12 Patrons to defend the cardinal world just incase their world should get under attack

Now a few thousand years had passed and he was yet to find shizue's soul

He never gave up searching for her. He promised shizue they would meet again

Until he found Some one In his present Reincarnation that had the same Soul but also very different he waited for Years to see if he could see a sign the she is Shizue but There's no sign of her recognizing who he was until one day they got Summon to Another world Not only that they got Summon to a Completely different Reality This gives him hope.

The pain of watching her die in his arms hundred of times. He wasn't gonna let that go in vain.

"Shizue...im not gonna give up until i fullfill my promise to you..." he mutters and continue his journey.


But Unknown to Him that Time in the Cardinal world started to flow again once he got summon to another Reality.


Ahh once again for some new Reader that keeps asking me the questions "why is this similar to the Fan-Fic that they read" well it because it's taken inspiration from it the Title is "Arifureta x Tensei slime" and yess I'm continuing it since it's been almost a year since it got updated so I said to my self why not continue it. The first 57 chapter will be completely the same with a little bit of adjustment to the story line and once it pass that I will put my own take on the story I'm Going to use the Light novels and Web Novels of both Anime as a Source material since I notice that this Is mostly take to it's Novel Series.