
"Love You Till Eternity"

Kimo is a stalker and the one he stalks is Asuka, Asuka knew his stalker was his childhood crush and wants to win him over. but Asuka got murdered by another stalker name Kishibe and Kimo swear to his God that we will take revenge no matter what

Kardelllalic · Action
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9 Chs

Ch. 6 Twisted route

(Kimo knocks on the parents door and when the parents said "Who's there?" Kimo kicks the door and opens it)

Kimo: Pardon my disturbance but I'm here to take your life's.

Kishibe's parents is utterly scared seeing a scrapped mask like that w-why do this what do you want?

Kimo said: fucking revenge (as he brutally murders them cuts off their limbs one by one and decided to cook them feeding it to the dogs and leaves leaving a blood pool inside the house)

Random baby: wahhhhh wahhhh! Mommyyy!!!!

Kimo: (noticing the baby decided to manipulate the girland says, they were not your real parents I am they kidnapped you making you think they were your actual parents I came here to save you)

"Ofc the baby believed him and decided to follow him as he goes home

Kimo said to himself: (I wonder who's next? Ahh yes his friends kuku)