
chapter 1

Kimberly's pov

Hey get of me, you lunatic , I screamed but Fred wouldn't stop ,he got my hands and legs tied to his bed.

    He started getting undressed I wanted to scream but my mouth was gagged, I couldn't move my legs or my body.

Why is he doing this he is my boyfriend,I thought he understand the fact that am too young for sex am seventeen for Fucks sake, my thoughts were interrupted when I felt a sharp pain,I couldn't scream or shout I just let the tears flow.

  Poor Kimberly I just lost my virginity my mom would be do dissapointed in me,he raped me over and over again till I could no longer bear it I blacked out.

I shot out of bed, with beads of sweat on my forehead and my whole body trembling and shaking as I sobbed,it was another nightmare, my mom walked in through the door she came to my bed side , and held my hands.

  Cupcake what happened?you screamed she said cupping my cheeks and raising my head up to look at her.

I did not answer her question, I just hugged her and cried into her chest wetting her clothes with my tears.

Oh honey was it another nightmare? She asked I nod my head in response, minutes later I calmed down she told me to go back to bed as it was 2am in the morning. Mom? Yes cupcake!? can you stay here till I fall asleep? I gave her those puppy eyes,of course darling she came to my bed side and sat at the head of the bed, and smotened my blonde hair,I fell asleep in no time .

I woke up the next morning, smell of bacon eggs and ham filled the house I knew my mom was at it again, she's the best cook I knew. It was a Saturday she had an afternoon shift not a morning shift as other days. I walked into our small kitchen,hey mom good morning I said giving her a peck on the cheek; hey Kim how was your sleep? Well it was fine I replied take out plates and setting the dining table.

  Well my name is Kimberly Roberts,I lived with my mom in a Town house,we could not afford a house I lost my dad when I was 10,ever since then mom has been the only one taking care of me, when I was 15 I started taking part time jobs because I was going to school to help my mom because the burden on her,was getting too much, I had to help in any little way I can.

Other teenage girl's paint nails go shopping, clubbing and had a lot of fun but I couldn't,I could not afford that luxury Life for myself with my 12$ daily wage . I just got a scholarship to Silverado musical school, well my dream is music and I was going to follow my dreams. Although am going to meet my worst nightmare there I wouldn't care less I could just ignore him, except the nightmare's trust me have moved on.

I stared at my work on the dining table and did a happy dance I love food more than anything, the only thing that makes me forget my pains.


This is my first book and first writing enjoy I will add the characters to every chapter

Bye Griffins till later 😌❤️🌹✍️