
"Limiting arms trading, I'm a civilian product, okay?"

Wang Ye was reborn back to 1982. As a graduate of Huqing University, he voluntarily took on the role of director at the Red Star Military Factory to carry out military-to-civilian reform. "We agreed on military-to-civilian conversion, so what's with this gas cylinder?" When Wang Ye's superiors saw the first product he developed for the Red Star Military Factory, they were stunned! And all of this was because Wang Ye was very clear. In that year, China's reform and opening up progressed in an orderly manner, making way for economic construction. Countless military projects were shelved, and it was said that selling tea eggs was more profitable than making rockets. In that year, Eagle Sauce and Bear Fur were engaged in fierce competition internationally with their lackeys, little did they know that a few years later, Bear Fur would collapse, China's pressure would reach its peak, and the need for weapons would be sorely felt! "Economic development is crucial, but military industry cannot be neglected! Since the country has no money, then we in the military industry will earn it ourselves!" From that day on, the Red Star Machinery Factory, undergoing military-to-civilian transformation, embarked on an unprecedented path of development. It merged military and civilian aspects, treating customers as gods in military matters, while maintaining military quality in civilian use. Finally, when more and more Red Star Machinery Factory products appeared internationally, Eagle Sauce and Bear Fur were utterly dumbfounded! "Internal threaded steel pipe? Flammable and explosive gas cylinder? Gyroscopic tricycle? Multi-tube fire-fighting rocket launcher? Pickup truck with rainmaking artillery? Tracked tractor? Cruise self-destructing drone?" "And you call these civilian products? Rabbit, you have no sense of honor!"

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Chapter 12: On Added Value

In the silent meeting room, all eyes were locked on Wang Ye's face, with expressions of astonishment without exception.

"Wang Ye, what did you say? Is Red Star Machinery Factory going to take on the task of earning foreign exchange?"

"Are you serious? You're not joking, are you?"

After a brief silence, Li Gang, sitting there, looked at Wang Ye with hesitation, while Wang Ye seemed not to notice everyone's bewildered gaze, nodding faintly with a slight smile.

"Yes, you heard me right. As the director of Red Star Machinery Factory, I've decided to take on the task of earning foreign exchange."

"Of course, I'm serious. How could I joke about something this important?"

Wang Ye's resolute voice echoed in the meeting room, and the expressions of the attendees began to vary. Wang Ye appeared calm, Li Gang looked puzzled, and after a brief astonishment, the whole atmosphere became calm, as if they were watching a show.

Only the six leaders of the machinery factory couldn't help but exchange glances, their worried expressions evident. Initially, they had been somewhat convinced by Liang Jinsong's words, believing in this young man.

But now, he had directly boasted and volunteered to take on the task of earning a hundred thousand dollars in foreign exchange. Wasn't this a joke? With the current production capacity of Red Star Machinery Factory, what could they produce to earn a hundred thousand dollars?

Consequently, they began to feel that this young man was not very reliable. Even though he was a graduate from Huqing University, he was probably one of those who talked big but couldn't deliver, overly ambitious and lacking practical experience.

"Of course, it's not impossible."

"After all, since your Red Star Machinery Factory falls under the management of our local industrial bureau, it's treated equally with other state-owned factories. Of course, you can choose to take on the task of earning foreign exchange."

"But, Wang Ye, I must say that although I mentioned some things related to earning foreign exchange just now, I didn't imply, nor did I hint, that Red Star Machinery Factory should take on the task of earning foreign exchange. After all, your situation is quite special."

"And Wang Ye, I also understand your eagerness to contribute to the country's reform and opening-up and economic construction. But I must remind you that while the country does need foreign exchange, and earning foreign exchange is a project we are actively promoting, in my opinion, for the current Red Star Machinery Factory, it's more important to find a product or some orders to work on and earn money to survive."

"Solving the problem of survival is the greatest contribution to the country. Then we can consider the issue of earning foreign exchange, right?"

Upon hearing Wang Ye's words, Li Gang, sitting there, pondered for two seconds before organizing his words and said so in a rather tactful manner.

He even took most of the responsibility upon himself, implying that his words just now had put pressure on Wang Ye, forcing him to make such a decision. He also embellished Wang Ye's "unusually impulsive" decision, attributing it to an eagerness to contribute to the country and a hurried decision made in an urgent situation, making this decision not seem so foolish and overly ambitious.

After all, any normal person, upon hearing Wang Ye's words just now, would have thought that Wang Ye's head was probably wedged between the doors. A machinery factory that had just undergone military-civilian reform could, at most, produce small metal products like pots, pans, shovels, and hoes. They hadn't even solved the problem of putting food on the table, yet they were thinking about earning foreign exchange. Moreover, they blurted out a hundred thousand dollars. Wasn't this a joke?

Amidst the diverse gazes of the crowd...

Wang Ye chuckled and stood up, picked up the Red Plum cigarette on the table, and handed it to everyone present, including the logistics officer and the Women's Federation director, who were also smoking. After everyone courteously lit their cigarettes, and the air was filled with smoke once again, Wang Ye sat back down and said:

"First of all, Director Li, thank you for your kindness. I understand what you mean."

"But I really wasn't joking, and this decision wasn't made on a whim. Actually, on the way here, Director Liang once discussed with me about the military-civilian reform of our machinery factory and asked me for my thoughts."

"At that time, I mentioned a few plans, all of which needed to be decided based on the actual situation. And the task of earning foreign exchange now is a certain scenario I assumed, which fits perfectly with one of my previous plans!"

"So you don't need to worry about that."

Hearing Wang Ye's words, except for Liang Jinsong, who still looked indifferent as if he were watching a show, the expressions of the others relaxed slightly. Then Wang Ye glanced at everyone before continuing with a slightly smiling tone:

"However, from your expressions, I can still see strong doubts and questioning."

"So, Director Li, please allow me to ask you a question."

Facing Wang Ye's somewhat arrogant attitude, Director Li didn't get angry. Instead, he nodded with interest and said:

"Go ahead."

Then Wang Ye reached out and took out a Red Plum cigarette clipped behind his ear, placed it on the table, pointed towards Zhao Lao Han, and looked up to ask Zhao Lao Han:

"Elder, according to Director Li's statement just now."

"For our Red Star Machinery Factory, it's impossible to find production tasks within the plan to support ourselves, right?"

"So, we need to explore a product ourselves and make efforts in the market economy, right?"

Facing Wang Ye's question, Zhao Lao Han turned his head to look at Director Li, who didn't show any reaction. Only then did he look back at Wang Ye, sighed, and nodded, saying:


After receiving this answer, Wang Ye nodded, then took out another cigarette from the cigarette case and placed it on the table, aiming it at Director Liang Jinsong beside him, and asked again:

"Director Liang, the so-called earning foreign exchange means selling a product to foreigners and earning US dollars, right?"

Liang Jinsong's face remained expressionless, but he also nodded in agreement:


Finally, Wang Ye merged the two cigarettes together and pushed them towards Director Li, smilingly asking:

"So, Director Li."

"Our factory needs a product to survive, and we also need a product to earn foreign exchange."

"So why can't these two products be the same?"

"Achieving both purposes at the same time?"

As soon as this was said, the expressions of everyone present froze again.

Because they had never expected that Wang Ye would come up with such "twisted logic". And the reason why it was called "twisted logic" was, of course, because while Wang Ye's words initially seemed reasonable, upon careful consideration, the problem was too significant!

"Hahaha! Wang Ye, you rascal! You almost fooled me!"

"Although theoretically, what you said is indeed correct, but practically speaking, I don't think this plan is feasible."

"After all, your military-civilian machinery factory now can, at most, produce small metal products like pots, pans, shovels, and hoes. It's simply impossible to produce products that foreigners need!"

"Of course, I welcome you to present practical products to prove me wrong!"

At the end of his speech, Li Gang's smile carried a hint of provocation as he looked at Wang Ye. Obviously, this was a tactic to provoke him. However, Wang Ye didn't evade it. He scanned the people present, cleared his throat, and said:

"Of course, Director Li, you mustn't be angry then."

"But before that, please allow me to be arrogant once again and give a lesson to all the leaders and seniors here."

"And this lesson is called 'The Theory of Product Value Added'!"

As soon as Wang Ye finished speaking, Director Li, who had just lit his cigarette with a "smug smile" and Liang Jinsong, who had been sipping tea and watching the show, instantly became serious, looking at Wang Ye with rapt attention.