
"I am a homeless person in the United States

"I am a homeless person in the United States."

sckyh · Urbain
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75 Chs

Chapter 68 Tonight she'll be the one.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, after a day of answering phone calls, Cao Yuanyuan left the company feeling exhausted.

The corridor where she waited for the elevator was crowded with people who, like her, had been working overtime until now. Each person's face bore an expressionless look illuminated by the light from their phone screens.

No, she couldn't exactly call it overtime today, considering she was supposed to have finished work at six o'clock. It's just that the supervisor organized a meeting in the evening, which dragged on a bit longer than expected.

According to company regulations, attendance at such summary meetings was voluntary; everyone had the option not to attend. But Cao Yuanyuan and the others lacked the courage to go against the tide.

Opening various job recruitment websites, Cao Yuanyuan browsed through the information for the day. She wanted to change jobs—not necessarily for a higher salary, just to be able to leave work on time. A monthly salary of four thousand would suffice.

As a graduate of a secondary vocational school, she was aware that it would be difficult to stay in Nanjing with her qualifications, but she loved the city. So, she had applied to several platforms, but the responses she received were quite diverse.

Business public relations offered twenty thousand a month, photography assistant fifteen thousand, and personal tour guide twenty thousand.

These jobs paid well, but Cao Yuanyuan didn't dare to try them!

"Hello, the Culture and Media Company is recruiting operations staff (non-sales). The work location is not fixed; you only need a computer and a phone. The basic salary is two thousand five hundred, with an additional eight hundred for full attendance. The company is a regular one, providing five social insurances and one housing fund. The probation period is seven days before regularization. We require perseverance, resilience, a spirit of learning, and a spirit of struggle. If you perform well, there are bonuses, and strong abilities will be rewarded with a monthly salary increase!"

The recruitment information from Cheng Daqi was really ordinary, and the salary was only a little over three thousand. However, Cao Yuanyuan's eyes lit up. After searching for a job for so long, she had encountered too many tricks.

This was the first time she had come across a job where the salary and probation period were clearly stated during the conversation!

"Can we chat? I have some understanding of new media. Can I ask which platform our company specifically operates on? Also, I'd like to know how the daily working hours are arranged."

She didn't realize that she had applied for a sales position but was being actively approached for a non-sales job.

This girl's social experience was completely inadequate; she couldn't sense anything amiss.

Thirteen hours behind Beijing time, at eight o'clock in the evening, which was seven o'clock in the morning in the United States, Cheng Daqi had just woken up and received a message from Cao Yuanyuan.

He also saw that his big brother, Sun Dongxin, had already registered the company and sent all the relevant information to him. He said he'd get it done in a day, but it was all done in half a day!

Brother Sun from Ludi had such high energy!

Cheng Daqi directly sent the company information to Cao Yuanyuan.

"Just registered a legitimate media company, with a paid-in capital of five hundred thousand. It's not a shell company; currently, we're only operating on Douyin. The working hours are not fixed, but if you come now, your daily working hours will definitely not exceed eight hours."

Shanhai Pass Media had just started up, so there wasn't much work for Cao Yuanyuan to do even if she wanted to work overtime!

Looking at the picture on her phone, Cao Yuanyuan fell into thought.

The paid-in capital clearly stated one million, so why did he say fifty thousand?

Was the HR person afraid of being cheated?

"Hello, I only have a secondary vocational education. Are you sure your company will hire me?"

"Not really focusing on education, but we do have requirements for your professional attitude. If you just want to coast along, I'm afraid we won't be able to work together."

"Sorry, when you talk about professional attitude, are you asking me to voluntarily work overtime for free?"

Smirking, Cheng Daqi chuckled silently.

How could I exploit you if you didn't work overtime?

Indeed, the working hours didn't exceed eight hours, but when it came to overtime, you couldn't escape it.

Although I'm a good person, entrepreneurs are not.

Of course, overtime pay would still be given. Cheng Daqi couldn't skimp on costs in this regard.

"Ms. Cao, there will definitely be overtime in any company, after all, there are always emergencies at work. But we do pay overtime, and it's not every day. Please rest assured about this."

Although they had known each other for a long time, they still had to pretend not to know each other when they talked. Cheng Daqi found it quite amusing.

In her previous life, Cao Yuanyuan was the queen of the workplace, and she would work overtime until he begged her to stop. After all, the overtime pay for director-level positions was indeed expensive, and the boss also felt the pinch.

"Does your company have an office on Ludi Island?"

Knowing that there was overtime pay, Cao Yuanyuan found that she didn't dislike overtime as much.

She asked about another doubt she had discovered: this Shanhai Pass Media was actually located in her hometown, Ludi Island.

"Currently, we share an office building with Dongxin on Ludi Island. The cafeteria conditions are excellent. If you want to come to the office, you can come to Ludi Island."

"Why did you choose me? I'm just a secondary vocational school graduate working as a phone customer service representative. Isn't it simple to find someone better than me for your company under these conditions?"

"Because you're reliable, Cao Jie. You helped me a lot in my previous life, and I can't do without you in this life!"

As a boss, Cheng Daqi really appreciated employees like Cao Yuanyuan.

She was someone you could trust.

"Just say whether you're coming or not. Seven-day trial period, a hundred yuan per day, even if you don't get hired, you'll still receive the trial salary."


It wasn't unreasonable for operations staff to recruit for operations. After all, operations were like a brick.

But now it was eight o'clock in the evening, and you were asking me to start working now? Isn't that a bit too much?

Cursing silently, Cao Yuanyuan replied.

"Got it, but are you the company boss? I thought I was talking to HR."

"Yes, add me on Feixin, and I'll send you the recruitment requirements."

"Then, Cheng Zong, if I start working tonight, will it count as overtime?"

"Have you worked for eight hours today?"