
"I am a homeless person in the United States

"I am a homeless person in the United States."

sckyh · Urbain
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75 Chs

Chapter 61: If It Doesn't Come from the Heart, It's Just Words

Resentfully glancing at Big Shot, Termeil truly didn't know how to respond.

If it doesn't come from the heart, it's just words.

When Termeil's heart began to care, she didn't want her words to be mistaken for weapons.

So, she hesitated and didn't speak rashly.

Even though they had only known each other for two hours, she had already started to care about Big Shot's opinion of her.

This was not only because of Big Shot's capabilities but also because he brought too many tricks into their interactions.

"Chan, I don't have any prejudice against you, but, I think, I think you should understand me, you know?"

Okay, Termeil admitted that she did have some prejudice against the drifter; her tone even sounded a bit dejected.

Nobody wants their friends to see their unflattering side.

Big Shot patted her shoulder, seeing that the raven-haired rich woman didn't take offense, he smiled calmly.

"It's okay, aren't we getting to know each other now? How about we talk about work, about how to run your account?"

He actually had ideas in mind, but he needed to confirm with Termeil first.

"Do you have any ideas? Look at my account, there are only a little over four hundred followers."

"Have you thought about switching platforms?"

"Switching platforms? You mean P Station?"

Awkwardly smiling, Big Shot opened his TikTok video and started explaining.

"This video app in our country now has over a hundred million users, and their user base is still growing rapidly.

But the content creators on this platform are mostly from our country; there are very few foreigners.

Do you understand what I mean?"

"You want me to post videos on this app from your country?"

"Actually, what you really should find is an MCN specializing in YouTube, but since you found me, I think I can help you give it a try.

The overseas creator space on this app is wide open right now. Do you get my point?"

"Aren't you an auto mechanic? Why do you know so much?"

Termeil understood Big Shot's words, and she knew that there were many MCNs specialized in serving YouTube influencers.

But she hadn't considered making her account really good before.

The idea of going on P Station was just to find a man, and posting on YouTube was just to get more compliments.

Who doesn't like being praised by others?

Today was just a coincidence; she hadn't expected a drifter like Big Shot to have twenty thousand followers. This stark contrast thoroughly stimulated her desire to manage her own account.

A drifter can have over twenty thousand followers, so why can't I have a hundred thousand or eighty thousand?

But she hadn't expected a mere auto mechanic like Big Shot to be so knowledgeable, even using terms commonly used in the venture capital circle.

This gave her a pleasant surprise.

Truly a capable man who has caught my attention, his capabilities are indeed comprehensive.

"An auto mechanic is still an auto mechanic, but I've also started businesses in Hua Country. Don't underestimate me, Mimi.

I may not be as professional as a specialized MCN agency, but if I help you, I also have my strengths."

Big Shot loved talking about collaboration, especially with a rich woman like Termeil.

Not only does she have money, but also good connections.

Of course, he wouldn't cheat Termeil.

"First, you know Lisa's personality. I can gain her trust because I'm a sincere person. You can ask her if you don't believe me.

Second, I know what our country's users like to see from overseas creators, so I can help you design video content targeted at our country's users.

If you think it's okay for me to try, then I can do it for two months first and let you see the results."

Big Shot doesn't know anything about what domestic users like to see from overseas creators!

Yes, he was very successful in setting up a local fitness short video matrix in his previous life, but he only paid attention to domestic creators.

But he wasn't just talking nonsense; after all, the overseas creator space on TikTok was indeed wide open.

Even if this raven-haired rich woman only posts daily life content, her followers probably won't decrease.

Moreover, Termeil is so beautiful that occasional posts will skyrocket her traffic.

"Chan, every man tells me that they are sincere. Are you all using the same script?"

Termeil's normal mood was activated by Big Shot's professional jargon!

She instantly realized many things were wrong.

The progression of her relationship with this man today was a bit too fast!

Before Lisa came, she was worried that Lisa was being deceived, but just now, she realized with a start that she herself had almost been fooled!

Are you calling yourself sincere when talking about business cooperation?

Since when was sincerity a competitive advantage in business cooperation?

You come from Hua Country, and you say you know what Hua Country users like?

Why is an auto mechanic so capable? Why bother with illegal immigration?

Why is our relationship progressing so fast?

Why do I trust your words so much, even wanting to be friends with you?

Termeil wasn't naive; just because she liked men didn't mean she couldn't see through them.

Yes, you have a big shot, but if I have enough, I can also have fun without you.

Taught by her father and brother since childhood, sensitivity could be said to be Termeil's innate instinct.

In the moment before agreeing to Big Shot's proposal, her instincts pulled her out of the influence of the System Skill Level 2 Eloquence.

Smiling, the black-haired girl extended her fingers and gently touched Big Shot's face.

There was a cunning glint in her sapphire eyes as she blinked, cheerfully agreeing to Big Shot's words.

"I believe you, Chan, you really are a very sincere boy!"

Interesting swindler!

Termeil was very curious about Big Shot's intentions.

Why are you getting close to me but unwilling to be my driver?

Why is your behavior so different from your identity?

Without noticing anything wrong, Big Shot nodded with a smile and opened his social media app, signaling Termeil to add him.

"You can ask your lawyer to see how to draft the contract; I might need to hire a small team in the country to serve you."

Since crossing into America, he had been treading on thin ice.

But Big Shot kept making one mistake after another.

The first mistake was underestimating the shamelessness of ABC, saying things that didn't match his current identity and being broadcast without authorization.

The second mistake was getting a severe cold and taking too many painkillers, overestimating the bottom line of American pharmaceutical companies, not reading carefully, and taking 650mg at once.

The third mistake was that, without understanding Termeil's past, due to arrogance about his own eloquence and tricks, he fell into the pit he dug himself.

"How should we shoot the video content?"

"I will provide you with some video scripts; you should be able to find a photographer, right? If not, you can use your phone to shoot."

"No problem, Chan, working with you is so much fun."

Termeil's emotions were full as she gave a clear answer, looking as naturally excited as a girl in love with her beloved.

"So much fun? Your description is really interesting, Mimi."

Thinking everything was under control, Chan didn't realize he had been seen through. His tone remained calm yet warmly friendly.

It was October 13, 2018, at 2 p.m. in America.

They even laughed as they shook hands.

You play me, I play you, the dog couple perform sweetly together.

Only Lisa wasn't too sweet about it; she really hated the feeling of being a chauffeur!