
"Her Mate"

In a world where humans have gone extinct. Leaving werewolves as their ancestors. After being practically outcasted from her pack. Faylen Zakari returns on her eighteenth birthday. Complications arise as she returns and finds her mate. Who will be strong enough to make it?

Kittens_Nightmare · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 - The Dinner Party

Faylen's POV

As I walked out of my room I would quietly close the door before turning away from it. I hummed quietly to myself and looked around the hall. Confused by how quiet it always seemed to be in this hall. Though that didn't last long. As I traveled down the hallway to the other connecting hallways the noise slowly grew louder. I couldn't make out anything too distinct but it sounded to be chatter of tonight's dinner or about the ball coming in just four days. I giggled quietly to myself. It seemed so odd that I had already been back with the pack for three days and in just a mere four days I will possibly find my mate and will finally see my brother's closest friends. I silently wondered how they were taking the news. Did they even know? I squeaked softly as I ran into someone. Stumbling backwards and almost falling over as I did. Luckily whoever I ran into was paying attention and quickly grabbed me by the waist. I heard him chuckle softly.

"I do apologize, miss... Are you alright?" His voice held a soft but husky tone. I would be lying if I didn't say it was hot. "Are you new around here?" his eyes stared back at me in curiosity. I stared back and tilted my head. I knew exactly why he was wondering. After all, I looked much different all those years ago.

"Oh no need to apologize I should have been paying attention after all'' I looked up at him and subtly coughed as he still had me by the waist. I giggled as a small blush crept up his cheeks before he set me back on my feet. "Oh and I'm Faylen by the way. What's your name?" I smiled at the stranger, curious as to his name.

"Oh Uhm, I'm Daniel. How rude of me not introducing myself." He smiled sheepishly back at me, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you, unfortunately I have some business to take care of before dinner if you would excuse me." Upon instinct I curtsied which was customary for my old pack when excusing yourself from the presence of a male.

Daniel nodded his head confused as to why the girl had curtsied. She was quite cute. He hoped to get to talk with her again. Maybe they could even be friends in the future. After one last smile he watched as the girl wandered away from him.

I blushed feeling Daniel's gaze on me as I walked away from him. This time I paid attention as I navigated my way through the hallways. Quickly getting irritated at how much of a task it seemed to be finding the alpha. Unfortunately, my phone was still broken so I couldn't exactly message him and until the party tonight I wouldn't be able to talk to anyone in the pack through the mind link. Due to my departure from the pack the bond that would be there to allow me to do such a thing had been severed. Actually, now that I think about it, if I was closer to Black Wood I would still temporarily have the availability to mind-link with them. Though for me having such an option would come to an end come tonight. I wonder how many more hours I would have until such a link is severed. My one worry now was how it would affect me now that I have my wolf. When I was younger and my link was severed here first it only left me with an empty feeling for a day or two. Now though? Black Wood was my home. It was my wolf's home. I smiled remembering the first night I had shifted. The feeling of being scared at first and the dull pain as my bones cracked and twisted to the point I was on all fours and running with the others from Blood Wood that night.

I blinked and looked around. I hadn't realized I had stopped in the middle of an empty hallway. I tilted my head confused, unsure as to where in the house I had ended up. Though it didn't take long for me to realize which wing I was in. It was just my luck to end up in the study wing. Though maybe this is precisely where I needed to be? I began walking further down the hallway. Looking from door to door as I searched for something indicating I had found the alphas private workspace. I had already been throughout the rest of the house so it only made logical sense he was here. Unless of course he was outside somewhere. I hoped he wasn't outside. I was rather nervous about what he needed to talk to me about. Hopefully nothing too serious. By this point I just wanted to have the conversation and get the party over with. I was tired of thinking about it. What if the pack didn't like me? After all I am just a stranger to them.

By the time I was almost at the end of the hallway, I had begun giving up. Although something caught my eye as I approached the last four doors. Among them were the names Beta Darius, Third Command Kyle, Alpha Dominic, and on the last door directly at the end Alpha Jackson. I could feel my heart squeeze tightly as I read my brother's name. Absent-mindedly I reached my hand up and traced along his name. Swallowing hard to fight the tears. I knew I shouldn't but I reached for the door handle anyway. However right before I could open the door I heard something coming from Jackson's office. It sounded almost like someone had thrown something at one of the walls. I tore myself away from my brother's door and reluctantly let the door handle go.

As I now faced the door to the Alpha's office I reached up and knocked. I gave the door three quiet knocks though I knew he could hear them. The perks of having advanced werewolf hearing, I guess. Just as I finished the third knock the office door flew open. Surprised, I took a step back. I hadn't expected the Alpha to answer the door so quickly or to even open it at all.

"Ah yes Faylen, come in my dear" He smiled at me and stepped aside so I could answer the door. "You're looking rather well today."

As I walked into the office the Alpha closed the door behind me. "Well thank you, sir. What is it you have summoned me for?" I looked away from him as I asked this. So I could observe his office. I wondered if the others looked similar to this. I first noted that the walls were littered with shelves. Some carried books, some held papers and folders, and others seemed to have miscellaneous objects. Then my attention was pulled to the desk. It seemed to be dark red mahogany with a big spiny office chair behind it. Apart from a computer the desk seemed to be clean. On the other side of the desk lay another chair. It looked semi-comfortable. She then took note of there being no other furniture in the room though a rug lay across the floor. It looked rather comfortable I had to say. By the time I had snapped back to reality the alpha had moved and sat behind his desk.

"Please come take a seat we have much to discuss"

"Of course" I smiled nervously and approached the semi comfy chair. Sitting down on it as I scooted forward so I could lean onto the desk carefully.

"For starters, we need to discuss your brother's funeral"

"Of course Alpha" I barely choked out the words. I hadn't even thought about the funeral. I felt stupid for it. How could I be so selfish he deserved to be laid to rest to join the Moon Goddess in peace. "Have any plans been made"

"No. However we do have a paper discussing what he wanted. If you would like to look at it of course"

I shook my head. I knew what he wanted it was a topic we had often discussed when younger. I doubt he would have changed it since then. Maybe I should look at the paper later. "How long before his funeral?"

"Well, we will be waiting for Dom and Kyle to return to the pack. So at least another week because we have the mating ball as well"

"Well if it is okay with you sir can we plan this another day. I'd rather have more time to discuss such a topic. After all we will be expected at dinner soon"

"That is fine by me Faylen. However, we do have another topic to discuss."

"What is it?" I grew a little worried as I watched his facial expression change. For a moment I thought he was going to give me more bad news. But what else could I be told to make my life any worse?

"Secondly I have found you a small house. It is actually on the outskirts of our pack's territory. I understand if you are not interested in it. However, if you are, we can go see it tomorrow. Although with it being so far away from us and so close to the border you would be expected to report any disturbances."

I stayed quiet for a moment to process everything he had just said. "I don't mind. It sounds like a home I would love to check out. Set up the time for tomorrow and let me know"

At this the alpha grinned. Seemed I wasn't the only one happy with my decision. I noticed as he seemed to hesitate to say something. So I decided to prompt him to speak up. "What is it Alpha?"

He stayed quiet for a moment longer before giving me a reassuring smile. "Well I'm not sure how to put this but I have recently talked with my son. I told him about your brother…" Jackson trailed off for a moment, giving me a reassuring smile. "He has recently decided he would like you to take the third in command spot. However, We've never had a female in power before apart from the Luna."

I nodded my head understandingly. Not even the Beta's mate ever had all that much power. If they approved my ranking this would be the first female to ever come into power in a pack since the 3000s. In over two thousand years no female has ever been given power apart from the Luna.

"As flattered as I would be. Has the Luna approved of this?" I was definitely relieved that I hadn't been expected to become the new beta of the pack.

"I have not discussed it with her. I wanted to give you the chance to reject the position first before bringing up such a topic." he gave me a nervous smile and I knew exactly why. He had expected me to reject the position but a part of me just couldn't. An unexplainable gut feeling.

'You can go. Dinner will start in thirty minutes. I will talk to my mate soon about this" I could sense the change in the atmosphere. The room had gotten a lot tenser now that I hadn't rejected the proposal. If the Luna approved of such a thing that could mean major shifts of power in the coming future.

Without another word, I got up from my chair. Gave a small curtsey then left. I shut the door to the office as quietly as possible. Leaving behind a stunned alpha. Now I just had to navigate myself out of these halls and to the dining hall.

After what seemed like an eternity but in reality, it wasn't any longer than twenty minutes I finally made my way out of three halls and into the main area. By now the packhouse was quiet and I assumed it to be because the pack members were heading for the dining hall. I hadn't thought about it until now but, it suddenly dawned upon me that I had no idea where the room was even located in this excessively giant house. If you could even consider this to be a house by now.

For a moment I stood in the packhouse's common area thinking to myself. Cursing quietly under my breath. How could I be so foolish as to be late to my party? Without much time left I focused in on my senses. I could just barely pick up on the scent of food despite the keenness of my smelling sense. Slowly I began wandering in that direction. Only able to rely on my nose to lead me to the proper place. After navigating my way through many twists and turns praying I was headed the right way I was suddenly stopped by someone laying a hand on my shoulder. Startled, I jolted my head to the person relaxing as I realized it was just Layla our Luna. I gave her a small smile which she returned.

"I know you're late and I hate to hold you any longer but I just wanted to give you a rundown of tonight's event." She paused for a moment. I assumed to make sure I was paying attention. After a few more seconds of her staying quiet, I decided to speak up.

"Alright, Layla go on" I tried not to let the excitement seep into my voice as I spoke to her. Crazy just how hours ago I would rather have been shot with a silver arrow than attend this dinner. Just before I could get lost in my thoughts I heard Layla speaking.

"You of course will enter in the next few minutes. Take your seat at the Commandment table. It should be in the front and your seat should be labeled. After a nice warm meal, you will exit. Go up the stairs to our right leading to a balcony inside the dining hall. You will be introduced as Faylen Zakari, the last surviving member, and a future leader. As your position is still not secure, we will not go into details. After that, we will move into the ballroom. You will head immediately to the stage in which your mind link will be reconnected with the pack. Then finally we get to the fun part. You youngins will be left to party for the rest of the night. Able to come and go from the ballroom as you please while the rest of us finish our nightly duties."

I blinked and looked at Layla. Suddenly a pit formed in my stomach. I would be presented in front of the entire pack? Why couldn't it just be some small private thing? Especially with my spot in the pack still left unsecure. The nervousness must have shown because Layla wrapped me into a hug. Giving me a firm yet gentle reassuring squeeze.

"Showtime darling" she gave me one last smile releasing me from her grasp before stepping aside. I assume she was waiting for her mate, our Alpha, Jackson to show up.

Taking one final deep breath I walked in. Luckily for me, it appeared that everyone was chatting away. Talking amongst their groups. I let out a relieved sigh and made my way to the table I had been told to sit at. Much to my delight, I was sat next to the Alphas. Maybe this dinner thing wouldn't be as bad as I thought? As I approached the table I noticed it seemed to consist of the elders of the pack, Kyle's parents, and what I could only assume to be some of the elders' offspring. They were talking amongst themselves as I reached the table so I was able to go undetected. For me it was surprising. Had I been back at my home turf then I would have definitely been dragged into the conversations.

Not too long after I took my seat the alphas walked in. This caused everyone to quiet down as a sign of respect. I'm sure you could hear a knife cut through the air by how silent it had become. As if the room was dead along with the people in it. With broad smiles, the alphas walked to our table.

Jackson would pull out the chair for Layla and then carefully push her in. Showing the pack not just what a true gentleman was but also showing them that they must respect their mate. Their lifelong partner. After he had poured her a glass of water he took his seat at the head of the table. The room stayed quiet for just a second longer before Jackson spoke up.

"Let the dinner commence!" With that, he tapped his glass of water. Almost as if a signal everyone began passing found around the tables. Taking their portion. Everyone except us that is. Being the higher authorities at such an event our plates came pre-prepared. Careful not to disturb anything I took the lid off of my plate. Setting it off to the side as I began eating.

Eventually, I was brought into the conversation at the table. We didn't talk about anything significant which struck me as odd. Although I felt like I had bonded slightly with the pack members. Most of them already knew who I was though but a few were still lost and confused as to who this random girl at their table was.

In total, we had a four-course meal. It started with an appetizer, moved to the main course which was followed by a salad course, and it was finally completed with dessert. Due to how late it was already getting I was rushed through the last two courses. I must have been enjoying myself because it was later than I had thought. By the time I took the last bite of my food I was being rushed to exit the room with Jackson and Layla.

However this time no one took notice. Not like when the Alpha and Luna had entered the room only hours beforehand. This I was thankful for. I had gone unnoticed this long but now it was time to be reintroduced to the pack and then initiated. I couldn't help but admit to myself I was scared and a little sad. It felt great to be back but at the same time it felt as if I was going to be losing a major part of myself.

As we quietly left the dining hall we stopped outside long enough to go over the plan. First, the Alpha would walk in and get the attention of the pack. Followed by Layla joining him and lastly, I would stand between them. I listened intently to the plan not wanting to make any mistakes and embarrass myself. After a few minutes of just standing and chatting amongst ourselves, we got in line. The Alpha headed up the staircase first. The Luna followed him but stayed a few stairs below him. Then lastly I joined them on the staircase. I was about 10 stairs away from the Alpha and 5 away from the Luna. Nervously I watched as Jackson walked through the doors and onto the balcony. In sync, me and the Luna moved up. She now standing where Jackson had and I were she had. Almost as if on cue the Alpha's voice boomed out across the dining hall.

"Excuse me, everyone." He coughed quietly, yet not quiet enough. Clearing his throat as Layla joined him. They stood far enough apart so I could stand in between them. I moved to the top of the staircase and waited for my turn to join them on the balcony. Once Layla had joined Jackson the Dining Hall had quieted down. Almost as if they were afraid to breathe.

This time Layla spoke up. "Tonight we have gathered to welcome a very special member. She paused and this time Jackson spoke.

"We are honored to welcome back Faylen Zakari." he quieted down and I walked onto the balcony. Taking my place between the two. My head tilted up and my shoulders squared as I looked out at the pack members. Determined not to show any signs of weakness. As my weakness could easily affect the pack. As I stopped and smiled slightly loud cheers erupted. I was surprised by this and Jackson waited for the room to once again fall silent. "I present to you Faylen Zakari, the last surviving member of her bloodline and one of our future leaders."

I took a step forward so I was against the railing of the balcony. Placing my hands on the top of the railing as I smiled down at the pack. A spark met my eyes now. Once more loud cheers erupted and filled the space. The pack didn't know me yet they were still thrilled by the announcement. It was rather peculiar but I suppose with an Alpha like ours there's no need to question his decisions. Now it was my turn to speak up.

"I invite you all to join me in the ballroom. For both a party and the ceremony." I was taken aback by the sound of my voice as it rang out across the silent room. There was a hint of command in my naturally soft tone. With a curtsy to the pack, something I had insisted I do before leaving, I turned and walked out of the balcony area. Jackson and Layla followed me out as we all walked down the staircase. As we had started walking the pack members trickled out of the dining hall. Heading to the ballroom which was only three doors down. It baffled me how we could have two giant rooms so close together yet if you looked at the layout of this place you would never guess them to be there. As I arrived at the bottom of the stairs I would slip into the crowd. Making my own way into the ballroom It quickly became a push and shove contest to get through the doors. Finally, I was able to make it through.

While everyone was standing around talking while waiting for the ceremony to begin I made my way to the stage at the front of the ballroom. Not stopping to give myself time to admire the beauty of the room.

Shortly after I had made it onto the stage I was joined by Jackson. I was rather confused by this. Why wasn't Layla with him? Though before I could ask he decided to tell me.

"Layla is tired and has retired to our chambers. She is unneeded for the ceremony and was only going to be here as a courtesy." He was quick to explain as the room was slowly quieting to give us their full attention.

I gave a weak smile and nodded my head in understanding to which he returned. With one final look, we both turned to face the crowd. It seemed like the entire pack had shown up for the ceremony. Although I couldn't help but feel a little sad knowing my brother wasn't here with me and I didn't have the support of Kyle or Dominic. Before I could even process anything Jackson began speaking.

"Thank you all for joining us for this ceremony. We are gathered here to officially link Faylen to our pack once more." His voice was loud enough for everyone to hear yet there was a rather soft tone to it at the same time. I glanced sideways at him, curious as he smiled and turned to face me. I blinked and turned to face him nervously. "I Jackson Rivers hereby accept Faylen Zakari into the Black Reach pack. May she join in becoming one with us once more Moon Goddess."

As he finished speaking a sharp pain jolted through my head. I closed my eyes and bit my lip to stop myself from whimpering. Why did it hurt so much? Still, out of it I felt a hand lay upon my shoulder. I whimpered quietly as another sharp pain stabbed me in the head. Opening my eyes I looked up at the Alpha who looked at me with pain evident in his eyes. After about five minutes the pain dulled. Replaced by a pounding inside my head. It felt like I had been smacked with the handle of an ax.

It was official now I was completely cut away from my old home. Now replaced with a home that has grown foreign to me. As I looked around, still a bit dazed, my wolf spoke to me. This is the first time she had said anything for a while now. I knew she was in severe pain.

Rayella: Well that hurt like a bitch.

Faylen: I don't remember it hurting that bad when I was younger

Rayella: Well before the bond didn't have to connect two beings to one link.

Faylen: I couldn't imagine how it would feel if we had to go through this again with you in charge.

Rayella: As if they could make me bond with them.

At this comment, I couldn't help but smile. This is true Rayella had grown very attached to some of the wolves at my old home. I couldn't imagine what would happen if she had a choice in this mind link process.

I was suddenly reminded of where I was when I felt someone come up behind me. Blinking, I snapped back to reality. Looking around I was surprised that the crowd had thinned out. Huh, I must have missed the last bit, too distracted by my wolf. As I looked around I could only spot people younger than 24 in the ballroom. I figured everyone else had left to retire for the night. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. Spinning around I was ready to punch someone but relaxed when I realized who it was.

"Oh hey it's nice to see you again" I smiled happily up at Daniel. It was nice to see a familiar face amongst this place.

"Likewise, congrats on being initiated though"

"Oh uh, thanks." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously as I looked around. Why was I feeling this way so suddenly? It felt like something was clawing at my skin even. Of course, it didn't go unnoticed by Daniel but he seemed to have better things to do anyway.

"Excuse me Faylen but I must catch up with my friends as promised. See you around." He gave me a reassuring smile before turning and walking away. I gave a simple shrug and decided to walk off the stage.

I was confused by the sudden feeling but decided to brush it off as a symptom of the sudden mind link. I headed for the doors leading outside. Deciding I needed some fresh air to cool down before the party actually began. As I reached the doors I pushed them open and stepped outside taking a breath of relief. Much to my dismay, no one else was outside. Leaning against the exterior wall I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in thought.

I must have been outside longer than I had thought because by the time I made it back inside the party was in full swing. People were standing around talking with drinks in hand. A few noticeably getting tipsy. Others were dancing as the music blared around the room. Some even being so bold as grinding against one another. I laughed and made a final decision to party my ass off. I may not know anyone but it was my party for crying out loud. Walking over to the bar that held all the drinks I grabbed myself one. I quickly downed the first one and before I knew it I had drunk at least thirty shots.

I couldn't deny that I was feeling good. At some point, I ended up on the dance floor. Lucky for me I was still unmated so I could do just about anything I pleased. After my thirty-fifth shot, I don't remember much of anything. The rest of the night seemed to pass in a blur. Before we knew it the sun was beginning to rise. Thus marking the near end of the party. I don't remember when or how but I managed to make it back to my room. I had left shortly after I saw the sun beginning to peek through the sky. While others were still down partying.

As I entered my room, I took my heels off. Throwing them somewhere in the room I stumbled to the bed. I never knew my body and feet could ache this much. Yet, they did. As I practically threw myself onto the bed I covered up with a blanket. In mere seconds after my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.