
"Forced To Love, The One I Love." - Hwan Kyu

WARNING!: This novel at some point may cover sensitive topics, if you feel triggered I suggest you'd take a deep breath and skip. I'll kindly indicate before a scene takes place and when it ends. Read it at your own risk, I have warned. Thank you! Good day:) ------------------ What if you were cursed. Cursed in the circle of hate and love. Cursed into being forced to do something you hated something you didn’t think about. You had planned a life, a life of freedom… the things you hate the most, always tend to happen… you think the world would let you live an ordinary life, That’s what Yuri Hayashi thought. Ha! No one's life is ordinary they have their fair share of trouble fair share of being someone.. they wished they weren’t.… ___________________________ "You never cared for me! You only cared for your own self!!!!!" "I gave so much, but I stopped looking for anything in return, the thing I needed I could never have." ___________________________ Additional note: Cover is edited by me but I don't own the art designed. The picture credits go to their original owners. I don't plan on taking any of its credits thank you. Start: 6th Nov 2022 End: - - - - - Love from Author-Nim -Hwan kyu

Hwan_Kyu · Sports, voyage et activités
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5 Chs

°°Help me!°°

Yuri was at her male best friends house, as he had called her over.

"Yuri, please help me!!" Lean begged as he was on his knees Infront of Yuri as she sat on the bed looking directly at him as if he were some annoying child with a lost mother, as he continued to blabber, until she finally answered.

"Yahh!! What do you want me to help in?? I can't even help my self." She stated looking at him with annoyed eyes and a frown, as she held her phone in her right hand.

"Please help your best friend!" Lean said once again with a little worried look.

"Yahh, what is it child?" Yuri said about to give up on this annoying kid.

"How do you kiss?!?!" He asked shamelessly as he was on his knees before her already. He clapped his hands shut together, as he looked down pleading, and spoke while Yuri was stunned.

"I heard you were the master of shit. Yuri-ahh please teach mee!" He said with a frown putting his hands on her knees. Looking at her with puppy eyes.

These two best friends well we're more like a perfect couple they never admitted it, as they had completely different tastes from each other when it came to a life long partners.

And yes, it was true even though Lean was 17 and Yuri 16, Yuri had been in only a few serious relationships, she never really was in love, but it's said she was the best kisser in all. Gift from God I see.

"Yuri, How do you make a make-out i-intense a-and.. Unforgettable!?!?" He asked shamelessly once again, and covered his face.

She was flustered... With her doe eyes open widely. Looking stunned..

"W-w-what?!" she asked loudly narrowing her eyebrows, with wide eyes, giving a somewhat confused look.

"Yah! You heard correct! What I said is what I meant, n-now atleast don't make m-me repeat it!!" he stated in a desperate tone.

..."And WHY DO YOU THINK I WILL HELP YOU LEARN HOW TO MAKEO-?!?"... Yuri yelled looking directly at him. As he quickly shut her mouth with his hand.

"Shut the fuc up!" he said looking around. "The walls have ears too!!" he stated looking around.

Yuri removed his hand, and spoke.

"Why do you want me to t-teach you?!?" she asked whisper yelling yanking his hand away.

He sighed heavily, and getting up front he ground he sat next to her on the bed. As he opened his mouth to speak.

Yuri was a bit excited she thought it may be because he could have potential feelings for her.... Truth was she liked him.. No, like is an understatement of her feelings.. Its more like love... Him.. Actually infact she was confused of her own feelings, and for the past 5 years of this 14-15 year old childhood family friendship. She may have fallen for him.. she was unsure.. he was her comfort zone in a way, he's.. someone she could rely on, and most importantly someone that had saved her life. Her feelings were secrets in the shadows. She couldn't reveal it for the sake of this friendship.

She was internally happy "does he love me?" "does.. He finally wanna be mine!" she thought internaly, minidancing in her minds shadows. She kept a straight face looking at him.

"Well.. I, Yuri-ah.." he said taking deep breaths not looking at her.

"Ah.. you see I actually.." he said and looked deeply at her eyes...

Yuri's heart was beating like crazy as she prayed to hear those words!! She was nervous.. She felt something in her stomach..  She felt alive? After so much she's been going through personally. She looked back at him with soft eyes, as he spoke.

"I actually fell for-..


Heheh! Wait till I upload the next chap! this one became long and I hate long chapters ahem, thank you for reading I hope u like it!! Tbh I hope u see the characters as I do.. Ill explain them in one chapter shortly butt!! Thanks for the read take care!!

Dont forget to leave a comment and vote, means alot!

Love from


- I will wait for the day you pick me up from your garden after admiring me, and and slowly rip me apart just to ask 'if she loves you back or not.'

Hwan_Kyucreators' thoughts