
Chapter 7:Welcome to Astral Academy

 "C'mon Sora, let's go to the teleport station. Enter the coordinates 3729" I let out a sigh. "I'm gonna miss this place" I guess this is when we make our move to Astral city.

"Enter them faster, dickhead!"

"Don't rush me!" 

As we entered Astral city, we started to look around. We both let out a big "Woah!"

"So this is Astral city? Quite the impressive place"


"What's wrong?!"

"I just realized we gave away all our money!"

"Dammit! How are we supposed to get food? Or Money? Or.. ANYTHING! Stupid, why would you give it away?"

"Well, looks like we have to find a way to make money."

"Let's split up. You look for Astral Academy and I'll look for local guilds and we'll meet back here at sunrise, got it?"

Well, I guess I'm looking around now.

"Hello? Excuse me, Sir. Do you know where Astral Academy is?"

"Course I do. Lemme guess, you're leading in becoming a new sorcerer or in the Marshall path?"

"Yes, sir. Where can I find the Academy?"

"It's in the center of town square"

"Thank you, your help is greatly appreciated"

"Be careful though, the path of cultivation is quite dangerous."

As I walked through the streets of Astral city, I started to think a bit of my life that led to this point. And I also started to wonder, is this the path \truly wanna be on. Well, no going back now.

"Sir, don't take another step or you will be shot on sight. You are on Astral Academy grounds. If you attempt any harmful acts to anyone on this property, you will be met with execution."

"I want to meet with the principal for an application to attend this school"

"Oh! Right this way, Sir."

He led me inside of the Academy. As I looked around, I was amazed with all of the pictures of battles in ancient wars. I stopped and looked at one specific picture. It showed this…Girl. She looked familiar. Before I could even ask, the principal stood on the side of me and asked if I wanted to know who she was. Some call her the strongest in the middle catenate. Janiya Ongaki.

"Ma'am, I would like to enroll into this academy."

"Well, I will give you this document to sign and bring back. When you do, you will officially be part of Astral Academy."

I meet back up with Sora, waiting for him at the park.

"I wonder where he could be"

"So now I have to find a way to make money="

As he makes his way to the local guild, he talks to the guild master. He says "I'm sorry, but you cannot join until you are strong enough to join at least a lower world. "DAMMIT!" 

As I walked down the street to reconnect with Noah, I realized that there wasn't any way that we could make money. Hopefully Noah found a way to get us into Astral Academy.

"Sorry, I didn't get us into the guild, we have to be at least in the lower world. Did you at least find a way to get us into Astral Academy?"

"Yeah, we go next week, we just have to sign this document."

"Well, I can't wait. Let's just hope the readers don't get bored.."