
Chapter 193

"Get off!" I cried out sending a blast of bio-electricity at the bitch blasting her back. But the moment she landed on the ground she got back on all fours and charged at me like a wild animal.

I crawled away, I couldn't give off any more electricity, it was pointless! I found a metal pipe near the garden, I found myself wishing for a katana like Blade but I'll use what I can.

I grabbed it quickly and turned around. "ARGH!" I cried out swinging as hard as I could and suddenly I felt the metal pipe change in the palm of my hand.

It became smaller, it grew an edge as it became sharp enough to cut bone. The blade sailed through the air not even halting as it cleaved the vamp's head off her body.

It came flying off as her blood splattered onto my body. I looked down, her head was between my legs as her body fell away to the side. My clothes were covered in blood, I turned to the pipe in my hands, no, not a pipe, a blade.

"No!" one of the other vamps cried out as she turned to me. In that moment of weakness the black man in the trench coat cut off her head before stabbing the last vampire through the chest.

The both died instantly. Slowly I found the body of the blonde turn into dust, leaving no proof behind of a body. I panted, slowly looking up at the man who saved me. He put his blade into his scabbard and bent down, "you okay?"

I nodded, "ah...yeah. I think so." I nodded looking at the dust where the girls were, "they were vampires weren't they?"

The man nodded, "yes, they were."

I looked at the blade in my hand, "I...I never-"

"It wasn't human," he spoke up.

"Obviously neither am I," I shot back.

He smiled, "what makes us human isn't our genetics little mutant, it's our choices. I know vampires who have turned but have never killed another human before. But these girls...they are monsters that deserve to be put down."

I sighed, I couldn't believe that, everyone deserved at least a chance, a chance to...I don't know. I looked up at him, "thanks. Your Blade aren't you? The vampire hunter?"

The man raised an eyebrow, "yes, and how do you know that?"

I slowly got back on my feet, "word gets around."

"Is that why you're here?" Blade asked looking at my cabin, "trying to find proof of the supernatural?"

I sighed, "believe it or not, I'm actually here on a vacation," I kicked the shards of glass from my broken window, "so much for rest and relaxations."

"Hm, well if it's any consolation these were the only vamps I found in the area, you'll be safe for now," Blade turned around and walked away.

"Wait, that's it? You come in, kick ass and then leave?"

Blade smirked, "kid, I came here to kill vampires, do you see any other vampires?"

"What about the jocks?" I pointed at the two unconscious once lying in the corner.

"Come morning the thralls will be released, don't worry," Blade waved my worry away as he walked away.

"Wait!" I called out. He turned around, starting to look annoyed. I took out a piece of paper, the receipt for my meal at Wendy's and wrote down my contact info in the back. I gave to the man who raised an eyebrow, "if you're ever in Queens and need a place to stay call me. I know I don't look like much but I can help you out, I'm pretty smart."

Blade chuckled, "fine, thanks kid," he put the note away before walking into the forest and disappearing.

I blinked, 'so cool,' I looked around, there was a huge pile of ashes where four vampires once were. Four unconscious jocks who are probably going to call out for mommy come morning and one broken window. This was going to be a long night.

But on the plus side, I looked down at the metal blade in my hand. It was crude, but I knew for a fact that Magneto's powers inside my body were finally active. I could feel it, the metal, I think I can transform metal, this warrants further research.

The Next Day:

I barely got any sleep that night. So much fucking work! First I had to go to the nearest hardware store and buy the materials to replace my broken window. It was a half assed job, but at least now the owner won't ask me what happened the moment he sees a broken window.

Then came the jocks, I left them by the side of the highway, when I went into town for lunch I heard people talking about the boys they found and how they had no memory of what happened to them for the past six months.

I collected the vampire dust samples for studying, though the equipments I had on hand were useless. They weren't strong enough, so I'll have to use the ones in the Baxter building instead.

After all that I came back to my cabin and slept until late in the afternoon. When I woke up, it was testing time.

My powers seemed to revolve around metal, that's for sure. But to what extent? When I was at the hardware store I also bought sheets of other metal as well. Copper, steel, bronze, iron and aluminum.

I checked and surprise surprise, only ferrous metals were reactive. When I touched metals like steel, I found that I could feel its metallic form under my hand, like it was a part of me without any nerves. Like a really long nail.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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