
Novelas de marissa ann - WebNovel


  • Mr. President: You Are The Daddy Of My Triplets

    "M... Marissa! Are they my kids?" Rafael's eyes weren't moving away from the adorable kids' faces. "No, Rafael. They are not," Marissa said with a fake smile, "They aren't yours. Remember?" she batted her lashes quite dramatically, "We were never married!" Marissa Aaron’s elder sister Valerie Aaron jilted her blind boyfriend on her wedding day and ran off. For face-saving, Merissa's family pleaded to her to marry Raphael Sinclair. The irony? She was not allowed to tell her blind husband that she was not Valerie but Merissa Aaron. On the day of Raphael's successful eye surgery, Marissa got to know that Valerie was back to take her rightful place as Sinclaire’s daughter-in-law. Marissa tried explaining to her husband that she was the one married to him, but he did not believe her. Instead of any more convincing, heartbroken Merissa decided to leave the city without telling him, her secret. Raphael Sinclair was the classic definition of drop-dead gorgeous and was the only heir of the Sinclair group of industries. What would he do when he came to know that all this time the woman who offered him, her love and her body was not Valerie but her younger sister Marissa Aaron? How would he react when he came to know that he was the father of the babies Marissa was carrying in her womb? Would he go after Marissa and win her back? And the million-dollar question! Would Marissa ever be able to forgive him and love him again?

    JessicaKaye911 · Ciudad
  • Sr. Presidente: O senhor é o pai dos meus trigêmeos

    "M... Marissa! São meus filhos?" Os olhos de Rafael não se desviavam do rosto adorável das crianças. "Não, Rafael. Eles não são," disse Marissa com um sorriso falso, "Eles não são seus. Lembra?" ela piscou os cílios de maneira bem dramática, "Nunca fomos casados!" A irmã mais velha de Marissa Aaron, Valerie Aaron, abandonou seu namorado cego no dia do casamento e fugiu. Para salvar a aparência, a família de Merissa implorou para que ela se casasse com Raphael Sinclair. A ironia? Ela não podia dizer ao seu marido cego que não era Valerie, mas sim Marissa Aaron. No dia da bem-sucedida cirurgia de olhos de Raphael, Marissa ficou sabendo que Valerie havia voltado para tomar seu lugar de direito como nora dos Sinclair. Marissa tentou explicar ao marido que era ela quem havia se casado com ele, mas ele não acreditou. Em vez de tentar mais convencê-lo, a desolada Merissa decidiu deixar a cidade sem contar seu segredo. Raphael Sinclair era a clássica definição de galã e o único herdeiro do Grupo Sinclair de Indústrias. O que ele faria ao descobrir que todo esse tempo a mulher que lhe ofereceu amor e seu corpo não era Valerie, mas sim sua irmã mais nova Marissa Aaron? Como ele reagiria ao saber que era o pai dos bebês que Marissa estava esperando? Ele iria atrás de Marissa e reconquistaria seu amor? E a pergunta de um milhão de dólares! Marissa seria capaz de perdoá-lo e amá-lo novamente?

    JessicaKaye911 · Ciudad
  • Señor Presidente: Usted es el padre de mis trillizos

    —M... ¡Marissa! ¿Son mis hijos? —Los ojos de Rafael no se apartaban del rostro adorable de los niños. —No, Rafael. No lo son —dijo Marissa con una sonrisa fingida—. No son tuyos. ¿Recuerdas? —pestañeó de manera bastante dramática—. ¡Nunca nos casamos! Valerie Aaron, la hermana mayor de Marissa Aaron, dejó plantado a su novio ciego el día de su boda y se fugó. Para salvar las apariencias, la familia de Merissa le rogó que se casara con Raphael Sinclair. ¿La ironía? No se le permitió decirle a su esposo ciego que ella no era Valerie sino Merissa Aaron. El día de la exitosa cirugía ocular de Raphael, Marissa se enteró de que Valerie había vuelto para tomar su legítimo lugar como nuera de Sinclaire. Marissa intentó explicarle a su esposo que ella era la que estaba casada con él, pero él no le creyó. En vez de seguir convenciéndolo, la desconsolada Merissa decidió dejar la ciudad sin contarle su secreto. Raphael Sinclair era la definición clásica de una belleza impactante y era el único heredero del grupo de industrias Sinclair. ¿Qué haría él cuando se enterara que todo este tiempo la mujer que le ofreció su amor y su cuerpo no era Valerie sino su hermana menor Marissa Aaron? ¿Cómo reaccionaría al saber que era el padre de los bebés que Marissa llevaba en su vientre? ¿Iría tras Marissa para recuperarla? ¡Y la pregunta del millón! ¿Podrá Marissa alguna vez perdonarlo y volver a amarlo?

    JessicaKaye911 · Ciudad
  • Mr. President: Sie sind der Vater meiner Drillinge

    "M... Marissa! Sind das meine Kinder?" Rafaels Augen wichen nicht von den niedlichen Gesichtern der Kinder. "Nein, Rafael. Das sind sie nicht", sagte Marissa mit einem gespielten Lächeln, "Es sind nicht deine. Weißt du noch?", sie klimperte dramatisch mit den Wimpern, "Wir waren nie verheiratet!" Marissa Aarons ältere Schwester Valerie Aaron hat ihren blinden Freund an ihrem Hochzeitstag sitzen lassen und ist abgehauen. Um ihr Gesicht zu wahren, flehte Marissas Familie sie an, Raphael Sinclair zu heiraten. Die Ironie dabei? Sie durfte ihrem blinden Ehemann nicht sagen, dass sie nicht Valerie, sondern Merissa Aaron war. Am Tag von Raphaels erfolgreicher Augenoperation erfuhr Marissa, dass Valerie zurück war, um ihren rechtmäßigen Platz als Sinclaires Schwiegertochter einzunehmen. Marissa versuchte ihrem Mann zu erklären, dass sie diejenige war, die mit ihm verheiratet war, aber er glaubte ihr nicht. Anstatt ihn weiter zu überzeugen, beschloss die untröstliche Merissa, die Stadt zu verlassen, ohne ihm ihr Geheimnis zu verraten. Raphael Sinclair war die klassische Definition von umwerfend schön und der einzige Erbe der Sinclair-Industriegruppe. Was würde er tun, wenn er erfuhr, dass die Frau, die ihm die ganze Zeit ihre Liebe und ihren Körper angeboten hatte, nicht Valerie, sondern ihre jüngere Schwester Marissa Aaron war? Wie würde er reagieren, wenn er erfährt, dass er der Vater der Babys ist, die Marissa in ihrem Bauch trägt? Würde er Marissa nachgehen und sie zurückgewinnen? Und die Millionen-Dollar-Frage! Würde Marissa ihm jemals verzeihen und ihn wieder lieben können?

    JessicaKaye911 · Ciudad
  • Monsieur le Président: Vous êtes le Papa de mes triplés

    "M... Marissa ! Sont-ils mes enfants ?" Les yeux de Rafael ne se détachaient pas des visages adorables des enfants. "Non, Rafael. Ils ne le sont pas," Marissa dit avec un sourire forcé, "Ils ne sont pas les tiens. Tu te souviens ?" elle battit des cils de manière assez dramatique, "Nous n'avons jamais été mariés !" La sœur aînée de Marissa Aaron, Valérie Aaron, a abandonné son petit ami aveugle le jour de leur mariage et s'est enfuie. Pour sauver les apparences, la famille de Merissa l'a suppliée d'épouser Raphael Sinclair. L'ironie ? Elle n'avait pas le droit de dire à son mari aveugle qu'elle n'était pas Valérie mais Marissa Aaron. Le jour de la chirurgie oculaire réussie de Raphael, Marissa a appris que Valérie était de retour pour reprendre sa place légitime en tant que belle-fille des Sinclair. Marissa a tenté d'expliquer à son mari qu'elle était celle qui avait épousé, mais il ne l'a pas crue. Au lieu de le convaincre davantage, le cœur brisé, Merissa a décidé de quitter la ville sans lui révéler son secret. Raphael Sinclair était l'incarnation même de l'homme incroyablement séduisant et était le seul héritier du groupe d'industries Sinclair. Que ferait-il lorsqu'il apprendrait que tout ce temps la femme qui lui offrait son amour et son corps n'était pas Valérie mais sa sœur cadette Marissa Aaron ? Comment réagirait-il en apprenant qu'il était le père des bébés que Marissa portait en elle ? Chercherait-il à retrouver Marissa et à la reconquérir ? Et la question à un million de dollars ! Marissa serait-elle un jour capable de lui pardonner et de l'aimer à nouveau ?

    JessicaKaye911 · Ciudad
  • The lost mate

    Anne's life takes an unexpected twist when she meets her mate, the Alpha wolf prince Damien. Her world shatters when he rejects her, casting her out of the pack and into exile. To escape certain death, Anne flees to the human world, hiding her true nature and the secret she carries. Five years later, Anne has built a new life among humans, raising her son in peace. When Damien unexpectedly stumbles upon Anne and discovers their child, the heir to his pack, old wounds are reopened, and forgotten bonds are reignited. Damien is determined to reclaim what he lost, but Anne is no longer the same broken wolf who once loved him. She is stronger, fiercely protective, and unwilling to be hurt again. As Damien battles to win back her trust and integrate their son into his legacy, they must navigate a path of betrayal, redemption, and unknown enemies. Can Anne forgive the past and accept a future with the man who once shattered her heart? And can Damien prove he’s worthy of the mate and child he abandoned?

    N_Chandra_1849 · Fantasía
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    [CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT!! ] (At least read the first fifteen chapters before tossing it aside) . Anna Sui woke up from her drunken state to see her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend on the eve of their wedding. Anna was so heartbroken that she ran out of the house, but due to an unfortunate turn of event, she had a one night stand with a complete stranger. . EXCERPTS, "Anna where are you I've been trying to call you for hours now, why are you ignoring my calls?" Her frown deepened. "Leave me alone Mack you can keep being with Nari I don't care." She yelled. "Oh please stop it Anna. You're my girlfriend and I demand to know. Don't tell me you're with another man Ann. Did you forget today's our wedding" Before Anna could say a word her phone got snatched away from her. "She's mine now. If you call or disturb what's mine from now on, be ready to rot in hell." He hunged up and tossed the phone aside. . (IN THE CUPID'S QUILL COMPETITION. Support book by adding it to library, voting with power stone, gifting golden tickets and normal gift.)

    Kourtney_Sspears · Ciudad
  • Transmigrated into Another Apocalyptic World (BL)

    Luciel strived to survive in a world that was suddenly plunged into chaos by monsters. Unfortunately, the base he was staying at didn’t survive the monster tide. So, after surviving in such a world for 7 years, he died. Luciel thought he had died, but when he opened his eyes, he was met with peaceful modern scenery. After looking around, Luciel laughed with joy and said, “Ha ha ha. I can finally enjoy such peaceful scenery again! No more eating expired food! No more sleeping in the open space! And there is no need to fight daily! To whomever brought me here, thank you very much. I will enjoy this life to the fullest!” He also woke up in the body of a male model who had just sighed to be the contract lover of their boss. "Hmm, $5 million and a house in the capital as a separation fee, and $100,000 as an allowance every month. The boss also has a handsome face. Ok, no problem!” Luciel did enjoy his peaceful life for a few weeks, but afterwards he found out that the world he was in was the apocalyptic novel he read in his past life. He didn’t want to live in the same way as his past life, so knowing that he was the lover of the protagonist who died in the first chapter because he ran away, he decided to stay and rely on the protagonists. Luciel just wanted to rely on the protagonist to have a better life in the upcoming zombie apocalypse. However, he was forced to deal with the people flocking around to rely on the protagonist, and he was even forced to fight again just to save him. “Hey! I just want to rely on you! Why do I need to deal with a lot of things?” “It’s not my fault that some things happened.” “What did you say?” “Don’t stare at me with such a cold look. Don’t worry; you can continue to relax and just rely on me. You don’t need to care about anything else, as long as you care about me!” “Huh? Are you still dreaming?” ------------ This is a story about how Luciel lives in another apocalyptic world and how his contract relationship with Treyton turned into a real relationship.

    Ann_Lucy_4506 · LGBT+
  • Presiden: Anda Adalah Ayah Dari Triplet Saya

    "M... Marissa! Apakah mereka anak-anakku?" Mata Rafael tak berpaling dari wajah anak-anak yang menggemaskan itu. "Tidak, Rafael. Mereka bukan," Marissa berkata dengan senyum palsu, "Mereka bukan milikmu. Ingat?" dia berkedip dengan dramatis, "Kita tidak pernah menikah!" Kakak perempuan Marissa Aaron yang lebih tua, Valerie Aaron, meninggalkan pacarnya yang buta di hari pernikahannya dan kabur. Untuk menyelamatkan muka, keluarga Merissa memohon kepadanya untuk menikah dengan Raphael Sinclair. Ironisnya? Dia tidak diperbolehkan memberitahu suaminya yang buta bahwa dia bukan Valerie melainkan Marissa Aaron. Pada hari operasi mata Raphael yang berhasil, Marissa mengetahui bahwa Valerie telah kembali untuk mengambil tempatnya yang seharusnya sebagai menantu perempuan keluarga Sinclaire. Marissa mencoba menjelaskan kepada suaminya bahwa dialah yang menikah dengannya, tetapi dia tidak percaya. Alih-alih meyakinkan lebih lanjut, Marissa yang patah hati memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kota tanpa memberitahunya rahasianya. Raphael Sinclair adalah definisi klasik dari sangat tampan dan adalah satu-satunya pewaris grup industri Sinclair. Apa yang akan dia lakukan ketika dia mengetahui bahwa selama ini wanita yang menawarkan padanya, cinta dan tubuhnya bukanlah Valerie melainkan adik perempuannya Marissa Aaron? Bagaimana reaksinya ketika dia mengetahui bahwa dia adalah ayah dari bayi-bayi yang Marissa kandung di rahimnya? Akankah dia mengejar Marissa dan memenangkan hatinya kembali? Dan pertanyaan senilai jutaan dollar! Akankah Marissa bisa memaafkannya dan mencintainya lagi? ```

    JessicaKaye911 · Ciudad
  • After Breaking Up, I Married the General

    Ryzel, a nineteen-year-old guide, was expecting to marry Dwight, but the man changed his mind a month before the wedding. “I’m sorry, Ryzel. I wanted a nice and compassionate wife, so I am going to marry Sean instead. Unlike you, who were usually preoccupied with other things, he always showed concern for me. Not to mention how highly compatible we are with one another. I've actually met him before, but he persuaded me to date you because he feels sorry for you." Without even waiting for Ryzel's response, the man left. Ryzel, who was left behind, can't even bother caring about his heart because he's been dealing with a lot of issues as a result of the sudden rejection. He was turning 20 in a month, which meant he had to be married according to the federation's laws. After he reaches the age of 20, the government's assistance will cease, leaving him to fend for his own expenses. If he is not married to a powerful sentinel, he will not be able to reclaim his inheritance and will be forced to die on the front lines. He instantly began looking for solutions, but his hope kept dwindling as his birthday approached without a proper solution to his problems. On the day he felt all hope was lost, his ex’s superior, General Lewis, proposed to him. "I'm not gentle and kind; my priority probably won’t be you; our compatibility may not be high; do you still want to marry me?" Ryzel questioned, fixing his gaze on the general. "It's okay, I don't need my wife to be gentle and kind. Our compatibility is also high. You can focus on your studies, job, or dreams. As long as you remember that you are my guide." “Okay, let’s get married.” ------------------------ This is the story of Ryzel's advancement in career and love life, even with all the troubles surrounding him.

    Ann_Lucy_4506 · LGBT+
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    //DARK ROMANCE// BOOK2: The Billionaire's Submissive My new steamy book; The Mafias Dirty Little Slut(18+) by babyauthor WARNING! THIS BOOK CONTAINS STEAMY SCENE IN EVERY CHAPTER, IF YOU ARE BELOW 18 AND YOU FEEL INSUCRE ABOUT READING EROTIC BOOK, PLEASE DON'T READ. IT CONTAINS HIGH SEXUAL CONTENT!!!...THOSE WHO WISH TO CONTINUE, PLEASE DO BECAUSE YOU WIL REALLY ENJOY IT, IT'S WORTH IT! … (18+) "Please doctor, please fuck me please". Ann begged. Her hands were handcuff below her knee which made her legs to hang up in the air. Marcus observed her pussy that were spread wide open for his eyes to feast on. His cock hardened and trying to break free out of his pants but he tried suppressing his urge as he stared at her wet entrance with lust filled in his eyes. "Please touch me doctor, please touch me down there doctor it hurts so baaaaad.....". Ann begged, she tried touching her pussy but the handcuff around her wrist were depriving her. Marcus smirk, he strode to the bed where she was positioned at the edge of the bed and swat down. His face, facing her swollen pussy as he maintain direct eye contact with her drippy wet entrance. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE "SEX DOCTOR" WANNA READ MORE??? PLEASE CONTINUE... * Check out my new steamy book: The Mafias Dirty Little Slut(18+) Book 2 of the sex doctor (HIS submissive)18+: The Billionaire's Submissive Don't forget to support my work and comment Also follow my Facebook page: Precious Elohor - Babyauthor. Link:

    Babyauthor · Ciudad
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  • Éleveur d'Alpha Damien : La première nuit

    ``` Elle n'était qu'une simple humaine qui souhaitait seulement vivre une vie paisible à la campagne quand elle rencontra son âme sœur. Il était l'Alpha travailleur acharné qui ne s'accordait jamais de plaisirs mondains, au contraire, il tirait sa joie d'être puissant. Leur destin s'est entrelacé quand ils ont tous deux possédé ce qu'ils convoitaient, la paix et l'amour. __________________ Avant d'atteindre l'âge de 18 ans, Alpha Lucas de la meute des Amants des Clowns prétendait être l'âme sœur d'Aurora et voulait faire d'elle sa Luna. Malheureusement, elle fut accusée d'infidélité le jour de son mariage et fut rejetée par l'homme qui prétendait être son âme sœur et qui l'aimait. Elle dut assister à la mort de ses parents et à la spoliation de son héritage. « Moi, Lucas Dominion, te rejette, Aurora Madison comme mon âme sœur. » ……………………………………… Après avoir été vendue comme esclave, elle fut achetée pour être une reproductrice pour l'Alpha de la meute du Croissant Rouge, la meute la plus influente et la plus grande du pays. Damien, qui était l'Alpha de la meute du Croissant, n'a pas même accordé un regard à Aurora, et elle fut jetée dans la partie la plus profonde du manoir pour travailler avec les omégas. Cinq ans plus tard, elle avait minutieusement planifié la mort de ses parents, prête à mettre son plan en œuvre. Malheureusement, Alpha Damien, qui l'avait négligée pendant des années, vit soudain son intérêt piqué et ne la lâchait plus du regard. Aurora, qui ne croyait pas qu'il lui était possible d'être bénie d'une autre âme sœur, décida de ne plus jamais tomber amoureuse. Voyant comment l'Alpha la favorisait, elle décida de tirer profit de son aide pour venger la mort de ses parents. Les rôles s'inversèrent lorsqu'elle découvrit qu'il était son âme sœur, un autre âme sœur ? ……………………………………… « Âme sœur ? Je n'ai pas une telle chose, » dit-elle, niant l'étincelle qu'elle ressentait entre elle et Damien, même si c'était évident. Son cœur se réchauffait à sa voix, son visage se réchauffait à son contact. Il avait déjà brisé sa résolution, mais elle s'était juré de ne plus être faible. Pourtant, comment pourrait-elle nier qu'elle ne ressentait rien pour lui alors qu'il avait de tels effets sur elle ? Mais elle avait peur, terrifiée à l'idée d'être trahie par son âme sœur une fois encore ! Il y avait des cas rares d'avoir deux âmes sœurs, pourquoi la déesse lunaire lui avait-elle accordé un tel destin ? « Tu ne pourras pas le nier éternellement, et je n'ai aucune intention de te laisser partir, » dit-il, ses yeux emplis de colère, voyant combien elle était dégoûtée à l'idée de l'avoir pour âme sœur. « Je n'ai rien à t'offrir. » Elle essaya de le convaincre pour le sortir de la transe dans laquelle il était. Si seulement elle savait qu'il était en pleine possession de ses moyens. « J'ai seulement besoin de mon âme sœur, » en disant cela il fit de grands pas vers la porte et la claqua après être sorti. Après avoir trouvé la force de se libérer de son passé douloureux, Aurora est confrontée par son premier âme sœur, Alpha Lucas, qui cherche à la réclamer. Devant un choix, va-t-elle retourner vers celui qui l'a trahie, ou rester avec Alpha Damien, qui ne lui a offert que la paix ? La couverture est pour l'auteur, ne pas utiliser ! ```

    Trishybaby · Ciudad
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  • I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

    You can read my new book "Lord of the Time: I Can Reincarnate Infinitely." Fein is a transmigrator who finds himself in a world filled with monsters and demons. Fortunately, he has a unique ability that allows him to upgrade his talents in everything. Alongside his companions Aoi, Sofia, and Voli, he uses his newfound abilities to fight against the dangerous foes that threaten the safety of humanity. In this world, humans and beasts alike use the powerful energy known as degu to fuel their abilities, which can strengthen their bodies and weapons. Beasts are ranked based on their rarity, with common, golden, legendary, mythical, and god-level beasts being the most powerful. However, despite their strength, the beasts are not invincible and must be carefully fought. Fein himself can understand the laws that enabled him to gain powers such as space manipulation and the all the laws such as time, darkness, light, death, fire, etc... Space Manipulation allows him to create and control rifts in space, warp reality, and move through time. Meanwhile, Aoi has the power of ice and snow, which can freeze her enemies and create powerful blizzards. Sofia uses her power of destruction, and Voli wields the power of lightning to strike his enemies with devastating bolts of electricity. As they face off against the dangerous demons and monsters that threaten their world, Fein and his companions must use their abilities and their wits to survive. The battles are intense and the stakes are high, as even the slightest mistake could mean the difference between victory and defeat. Will they be able to save their world and protect humanity from the dangers that lurk around every corner? Only time will tell. You can buy my priv: Extremely Low Price at: Tier 1: Advanced 2 chapters- 1 gold coins. Tier 2: Advanced 10 chapters- 100 gold coins. Tier 3: Advanced 20 chapters- 150 gold coins. Tier 4: Advanced 35 chapters- 200 gold coins. Tier 5: Advanced 50 chapters- 250 gold coins. Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. The art is rightfully owned by Jenny Ann. However, if the artist wants to communicate to take it down, please DM me on my Discord--- UnluckyGuy#3859

    MadScythe · Fantasía
  • The Billionaire's Beautiful Mistake

    When Marissa Diáz, decides that having a one night stand with a stranger at the club, is the only way to avoid dying a virgin for the rest of her life. she clearly isn't prepared for the rollercoaster of dramas that follows after finding out that she's pregnant for a stranger! ~~~ Giovanni Russo, is a notorious playboy who would rather sleep with a chicken than to sleep with the same woman twice, nor commit himself in any relationship.  But when his one night stand shows up at his office, with the evidence that she's pregnant for him. He isn't prepared to see his daddy instincts coming to life, when he's forced to either settle down with the girl or give up his inheritance to his cousin. Marissa Diàz, a waitress and a commoner who dreams of a barbie life finds herself tangled up in the complicated life of the Russo family, after sleeping with the playboy grandson of a third generational business tycoon. At finding out that she's carrying the future heir of the next line of the Russo family. Marissa isn't ready for unplanned motherhood and also playing wife to a man, who's heart is devoid of any emotions. In a bid to not not lose his inheritance nor his child, Giovanni would have to take extreme measures and that was suggesting a contract marriage arrangement between him, and his baby mama for a year. Marissa has no option for abortion, nor did she intend on marrying a casanova like him. But maybe she could come to terms that a contract marriage for a year, is all she needed to be in the life of her child. But when love, trust and betrayal come to play a vital role in their planned marriage. Giovanni would have to come to the conclusion, that he isn't planning to let Marissa leave him nor their child after a year. But is being just a mother to their child all that Marissa wanted? What if she wanted more than what the contract forbids? When she doesn't want to be Mrs.Russo just in papers, but in Giovanni's heart? The only woman in his life, that wouldn't come so easily but who says love doesn't conquer all? ~~~ Excerpt: "Just so you know, sweetcheeks. I'm not the kind of man who's going to treat you like a queen, take you out on dates. Buy you flowers, or give you kisses every morning."  Giovanni closed the gap between them, as he saw the way her breath hitched at seeing how close he was to her. "But i promise to give you the sweetest pleasure your body would crave every single day of your life. I'm not promising you my love or affection, sweetheart. All i can provide is my time for you and the baby, so what would it be?" His words made her know how heartbroken this man was, but then she's not promising him that she would love him either. He's nothing but her baby daddy, and she's just a wife to him in contract only. "My answer is yes, Giovanni. I will be your wife." ~~~ #Book one of the baby daddy series. Author's Note:Hi everyone, this story comes in a series, and be assured for a satisfying journey right here. Any resemblance to any person is a mistake. Everything documented is nothing but the mere imagination of the author. Be warned! i take plagiarism of my work seriously and please endeavor to keep the hate comments away. If you don't like the story, move on to the next room.  My other books: *365 Days To Love. *A Mommy For Hire: The heiress must get married. *Narika:The Ghost Bride. Instagram ID: IrreplaceableSassy. Discord ID:Jayden#1882 Email: oluchij222@gmail.com.

    Jayden222 · Ciudad

    [CONTIENT DU CONTENU MATURE !! ] (Lisez au moins les quinze premiers chapitres avant de le mettre de côté) . Anna Sui s'est réveillée de son état d'ébriété pour voir son petit ami la tromper avec sa meilleure amie à la veille de leur mariage. Anna était tellement dévastée qu'elle s'est enfuie de la maison, mais à cause d'un enchaînement de circonstances malheureux, elle a eu un coup d'un soir avec un parfait inconnu. . EXTRAITS, "Anna où es-tu je tente de te téléphoner depuis des heures maintenant, pourquoi ignores-tu mes appels ?" Elle fronça les sourcils. "Laisse-moi tranquille Mack tu peux continuer à être avec Nari ça m'est égal." Elle cria. "Oh arrête Anna. Tu es ma petite amie et j'exige de savoir. Ne me dis pas que tu es avec un autre homme Ann. As-tu oublié que c'est notre mariage aujourd'hui ?" Avant qu'Anna puisse dire un mot, son téléphone lui a été arraché des mains. "Elle est à moi maintenant. Si tu appelles ou déranges ce qui est à moi désormais, prépare-toi à pourrir en enfer." Il raccrocha et jeta le téléphone de côté. . (DANS LE CONCOURS DE LA PLUME DE CUPIDON. Soutenez le livre en l'ajoutant à votre bibliothèque et en votant avec la pierre de pouvoir.)

    Kourtney_Sspears · Ciudad
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  • L'ex-femme enceinte de M. Ceo

    Ace Carter Greyson, son mari depuis cinq longues années, a demandé le divorce la nuit de leur cinquième anniversaire de mariage. La raison ? Tout simplement parce qu'elle ne peut pas avoir de fils. Phoenix l'a supplié de rester mais sa décision ferme était inébranlable alors elle a finalement accepté de le laisser partir. Sa vie a été encore plus détruite après qu'elle a découvert sa longue liaison avec sa secrétaire, et maintenant, la maîtresse était enceinte. Quelques mois après leur divorce, il a épousé la secrétaire enceinte. Le monde de Phoenix bascule soudainement lorsqu'elle découvre qu'elle est enceinte de quatre mois.

    ruffatorres · Ciudad
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    ``` [¡Contiene contenido para adultos!] (Al menos lee los primeros quince capítulos antes de descartarlo). Anna Sui se despertó de su estado de embriaguez al ver a su novio engañándola con su mejor amiga en la víspera de su boda. Anna estaba tan desconsolada que salió corriendo de la casa, pero debido a un desafortunado giro de los acontecimientos, tuvo una aventura de una noche con un completo desconocido. Extractos, —Anna, ¿dónde estás? Llevo horas intentando llamarte, ¿por qué ignoras mis llamadas? —Su ceño se frunció más. —Déjame en paz, Mack, puedes seguir con Nari, no me importa —gritó ella. —Oh por favor, deja de hacer eso, Anna. Eres mi novia y exijo saberlo. No me digas que estás con otro hombre, Ann. ¿Acaso olvidaste que hoy es nuestra boda? —Antes de que Anna pudiera decir una palabra, le arrebataron el teléfono de la mano. —Ella es mía ahora. Si vuelves a llamar o a molestar lo que es mío de ahora en adelante, prepárate para pudrirte en el infierno —colgó y tiró el teléfono a un lado. (En la competencia de Pluma de Cupido. Apoya el libro añadiéndolo a tu biblioteca y votando con la piedra de poder). ```

    Kourtney_Sspears · Ciudad
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    Marissa Dwika Putri adalah Teman, sahabat, Keluarga bagi semua Orang. Sabrina adalah murid baru ditahun 2016 dia tidak bisa menemukan teman karena dari dulu dia sangat aneh dan akhirnya dia bertemu Wanita Cantik bernama Risa tetapi dia tidak tahu kalau Risa itu adalah hantu, setelah bertemu Risa akhirnya dia mempunyai banyak teman yang sangat aneh Sama seperti dirinya mereka adalah Almira dan Anita. Chika datang dan mengatakan ' Apakah kamu bisa melihat Marissa?'

    DeeLullaby · Adolescente
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