
Novelas de ivan - WebNovel


  • Ivan

    unsweetened_bun · Adolescente
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    "she was chosen because she was his right from the very beginning..." Once on a rare occasion, the night of a blue full moon, a girl is being taken from a household to serve the beasts who call themselves werewolves. The werwolves were the one who ruled the town and controlled everything. They looked human but buried under their human facade was a ruthless monster who seeks to destroy. Everyone tried to protect themselves but deep down they knew they were no match for the werewolves. Arianne was a little girl who was born different from other people in the town. She had long red hair and she was born with different coloured eyes. One green and one brown. No one knew exactly why she was born that way and it wasn't hereditary. Her mother also died during her child birth and because of that her father, Massimo distanced himself from her and chose to remarry instead. He married a woman called Christine who already had a child out of wedlock, Rissa. Together Rissa and Christine decided to make Arianne's life hell to which her father turned a blind eye to and because of that, it affected Arianne and she decided to withdraw herself from her family and the society. The day of the selection came and Rissa was selected to go and serve the werewolves. Scared for her life, Rissa decided to persuade her mother to convince Massimo to offer Arianne up for the selection. Ignoring her screaming pleas and tears, Massimo offered up Arianne to go and serve the werewolves. No one really knows what happens to the girls that are being selected and no one bothered to ask. Not knowing the fate that awaits her, Arianne decided to go and serve the werewolf who they call Ivan Giovanni, a alpha who is known for his ruthlessness. Can Arianne survive living among werewolves? What happens when she finds out more about her identity and the only person who could help her was Ivan? What do you think will happen if she finds out that Ivan was the boy she had saved all those years ago from dying? NOTE: I DO NOT OWN THE COVER IMAGE OF THIS BOOK. IMAGE WAS FOUND ON PINTEREST.

    DA_Aloera · Fantasía
  • Villain: I Shall NTR All The Sons Of Destiny's

    I was a normal kid... a kid who wanted nothing other than a happy family. Was that too much to ask for? So, why did everything turn out this way? Was asking for a normal, caring family too much that everything became worse? Why did it come to this? Why was my innocent mother murdered? Why did they do it? ... These were the thoughts running through the mind of the 4-year-old boy as he watched an unknown man—someone he had never seen in his entire life—scar him, kill his mother, and slaughter his entire family. At that moment, something clicked inside him—a burning desire to avenge his mother, who had shielded him from his abusive father. His father would come home late, drunk, and beat him and his mother, taking out his frustration over unpaid debts and the persistent threats from the loan shark. After all that messed-up shit, good things started happening to him. He was adopted by loving new parents and received a teacher who genuinely wanted to help him improve every day. But after all he’d endured, his mindset had changed entirely at a young age. Nobody could be trusted, and only the dead could keep their mouths shut. With this mindset, he manipulated everyone around him to maintain a peaceful life so he could peacefully kill every member of the Vorontsov bloodline—the ones who caused his suffering. ### He did everything he could: research, spending money without a care, hiring mercenaries, and achieving the revenge he so desperately sought. But in the end, he felt empty—a soul without any purpose, which led him to take his own life right after accomplishing his revenge. But was that all? Of course not. After he died, something amazing, eye-popping, and hard to believe happened—he somehow reincarnated into an unknown world where the strong rule and the weak kneel. A world where immortality is not a dream, and the power to destroy millions of universes with a single snap is a reality. This was the new reality for Ivan, who longed to rest in his mother’s embrace after all that had happened. Upon reincarnation, he also received something else: a magical entity called "The Netori System." A system that empowers him if he NTRs others and takes their wives or girlfriends. It also told him something he thought impossible—that he could even revive his mother who died years ago. With a new purpose driving him, he set out to NTR everyone, especially those called "Sons of Destiny," who get everything handed to them on a silver platter. *** This is a slow-paced novel. If you’re a soft-hearted person, I suggest that you find another novel because this one isn’t all sunshine and rainbows; it has a really dark start and stays dark throughout. --- 150 Power stone - 1 Extra Bonus Chapter 40 Golden Tickets - 1 Extra Bonus Chapter 1 Castle - 4 Extra Chapters All the Bonus chapters will be released on Sunday. ### Tags: Blackmail, BDSM (Sometime), Ruthless Mc, Evil Mc, Cold Mc, Playful Mc, Manipulative Mc, Actor Mc, Overpowered Mc, Fast Growth Rate, Cucking Son of destiny and others, NO NTR (Netorare) to the MC: NEVER, No Yuri, MILF, Virgin, System, Incest, Mommy, Lil Bit Sentiment System.

    Twintail · Oriental
  • Married To My Billionaire Stepbrother

    On the day of her wedding to her childhood sweetheart, Natalie Ford received an unexpected gift: a marriage certificate. It stated that she was already married to a complete stranger—Aiden Handrix. While the wedding guests continued to mock and insult her, her lover Ivan decided to dump her, choosing to marry her half-sister Briena instead. To add insult to injury, she was thrown out of her home. To prove her innocence, Natalie Ford could only take one course of action - she had to find this mysterious Aiden Handrix and get to the bottom of this! The next day, there was news trending on the TV. Justine Harper, the heir of the richest family in the Bayford was returning home. Natalie’s eyes narrowed at the TV screen. ‘Why does this man look exactly like the man in the picture of my wedding certificate?’ In the quest of uncovering the mystery behind her said marriage, she decided to follow him and ask personally. “Are you married?” “No.” “Do you have a twin brother?” “No?” “By chance you heard the name Aiden Handrix?” “No.” “Then, who the hell are you?’ “Your brother.” “Wait, what?” “Yes. Now pack your bags and come home with me.” First got a husband out of the blue and now a brother with the same face? Was god creating clones and offering them to her with different relationships?

    Sera_b17 · Ciudad

    —ella fue elegida porque era su derecho desde el principio...—Una vez en una rara ocasión, la noche de una luna llena azul, una niña es llevada de una casa para servir a las bestias que se hacen llamar hombres lobo. Los hombres lobo eran los que gobernaban el pueblo y todo lo controlaban. Parecían humanos pero, bajo su fachada humana, había un monstruo despiadado que buscaba destruir. Todos intentaban protegerse, pero en el fondo sabían que no eran rival para los hombres lobo. Arianne era una niña que había nacido diferente a las demás personas del pueblo. Tenía el cabello largo y rojo y había nacido con ojos de diferente color. Uno verde y uno marrón. Nadie sabía por qué había nacido así y no era hereditario. Su madre también murió durante su parto y, por eso, su padre, Massimo, se distanció de ella y decidió volver a casarse. Se casó con una mujer llamada Christine que ya tenía una hija fuera del matrimonio, Rissa. Juntas, Rissa y Christine decidieron hacerle la vida un infierno a Arianne, mientras su padre les daba la espalda. Por esto, Arianne decidió alejarse de su familia y de la sociedad. Llegó el día de la selección y Rissa fue elegida para servir a los hombres lobo. Aterrorizada por su vida, Rissa decidió persuadir a su madre para convencer a Massimo de ofrecer a Arianne para la selección. Ignorando sus súplicas y lágrimas, Massimo ofreció a Arianne para servir a los hombres lobo. Nadie sabe realmente qué sucede con las chicas que son seleccionadas y a nadie le importa preguntar. Sin saber el destino que le espera, Arianne decide ir a servir al hombre lobo al que llaman Ivan Giovanni, un alfa conocido por su crueldad. ¿Podrá Arianne sobrevivir viviendo entre hombres lobo? ¿Qué sucede cuando descubre más sobre su identidad y la única persona que puede ayudarla es Ivan? ¿Qué crees que sucederá si descubre que Ivan era el niño al que salvó hace tantos años de morir? NOTA: NO SOY EL PROPIETARIO DE LA IMAGEN DE LA PORTADA DE ESTE LIBRO. LA IMAGEN FUE ENCONTRADA EN PINTEREST.

    DA_Aloera · Fantasía

    "Sie wurde auserwählt, weil sie von Anfang an sein Recht war..." Einmal bei einer seltenen Gelegenheit, in der Nacht eines blauen Vollmonds, wird ein Mädchen aus einem Haushalt entführt, um den Bestien zu dienen, die sich Werwölfe nennen. Die Werwölfe waren es, die die Stadt beherrschten und alles kontrollierten. Sie sahen menschlich aus, aber unter ihrer menschlichen Fassade verbarg sich ein rücksichtsloses Monster, das nur darauf aus war, zu zerstören. Alle versuchten, sich zu schützen, aber tief im Inneren wussten sie, dass sie den Werwölfen nicht gewachsen waren. Arianne war ein kleines Mädchen, das anders als die anderen Menschen in der Stadt geboren wurde. Sie hatte lange rote Haare und wurde mit verschiedenfarbigen Augen geboren. Ein grünes und ein braunes. Niemand wusste genau, warum sie so geboren wurde, und es war nicht erblich bedingt. Auch ihre Mutter starb bei ihrer Geburt, und deshalb distanzierte sich ihr Vater Massimo von ihr und beschloss, stattdessen wieder zu heiraten. Er heiratete eine Frau namens Christine, die bereits ein außereheliches Kind, Rissa, hatte. Gemeinsam beschlossen Rissa und Christine, Arianne das Leben zur Hölle zu machen, wovor ihr Vater die Augen verschloss, was sich auf Arianne auswirkte und sie dazu brachte, sich von ihrer Familie und der Gesellschaft zurückzuziehen. Der Tag der Auswahl kam und Rissa wurde ausgewählt, um den Werwölfen zu dienen. Aus Angst um ihr Leben beschloss Rissa, ihre Mutter zu überreden, Massimo davon zu überzeugen, Arianne für die Auswahl vorzuschlagen. Ungeachtet ihrer schreienden Bitten und Tränen bot Massimo Arianne an, den Werwölfen zu dienen. Niemand weiß wirklich, was mit den ausgewählten Mädchen geschieht, und niemand hat sich die Mühe gemacht, danach zu fragen. Ohne zu wissen, welches Schicksal sie erwartet, beschloss Arianne, dem Werwolf Ivan Giovanni zu dienen, einem Alphatier, das für seine Skrupellosigkeit bekannt ist. Kann Arianne das Leben unter Werwölfen überleben? Was passiert, wenn sie mehr über ihre Identität herausfindet und die einzige Person, die ihr helfen könnte, Ivan ist? Was glaubst du, wird passieren, wenn sie herausfindet, dass Ivan der Junge war, den sie vor all den Jahren vor dem Tod bewahrt hat? HINWEIS: DAS UMSCHLAGBILD DIESES BUCHES GEHÖRT MIR NICHT. DAS BILD WURDE AUF PINTEREST GEFUNDEN.

    DA_Aloera · Fantasía
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    "elle a été choisie parce qu'elle était sienne dès le tout début..." Une fois, lors d'une rare occasion, la nuit d'une pleine lune bleue, une fille est prise dans une maison pour servir les bêtes qui se nomment elles-mêmes loups-garous. Les loups-garous étaient ceux qui régnaient sur la ville et contrôlaient tout. Ils avaient une apparence humaine mais sous leur façade humaine se cachait un monstre impitoyable qui cherche à détruire. Tout le monde essayait de se protéger mais au fond, ils savaient qu'ils ne faisaient pas le poids face aux loups-garous. Arianne était une petite fille qui était née différente des autres gens de la ville. Elle avait de longs cheveux roux et elle était née avec des yeux de couleurs différentes. Un vert et un marron. Personne ne savait exactement pourquoi elle était née ainsi et ce n'était pas héréditaire. Sa mère est également décédée pendant son accouchement et à cause de cela, son père, Massimo, s'est éloigné d'elle et a choisi de se remarier à la place. Il a épousé une femme appelée Christine qui avait déjà un enfant hors mariage, Rissa. Ensemble, Rissa et Christine décidèrent de faire de la vie d'Arianne un enfer, à quoi son père fermait les yeux, et à cause de cela, cela affecta Arianne et elle décida de se retirer de sa famille et de la société. Le jour de la sélection arriva et Rissa fut choisie pour aller servir les loups-garous. Effrayée pour sa vie, Rissa décida de persuader sa mère de convaincre Massimo de proposer Arianne pour la sélection. Ignorant ses supplications criantes et ses larmes, Massimo offrit Arianne pour aller servir les loups-garous. Personne ne sait vraiment ce qui arrive aux filles qui sont sélectionnées et personne ne se donna la peine de demander. Ne connaissant pas le destin qui l'attend, Arianne décida d'aller servir le loup-garou qu'ils appellent Ivan Giovanni, un alpha qui est connu pour sa cruauté. Arianne peut-elle survivre en vivant parmi les loups-garous ? Que se passe-t-il quand elle découvre plus sur son identité et que la seule personne qui pourrait l'aider était Ivan ? Que pensez-vous qu'il se passera si elle découvre qu'Ivan était le garçon qu'elle avait sauvé toutes ces années auparavant de la mort ? REMARQUE : JE NE POSSÈDE PAS L'IMAGE DE COUVERTURE DE CE LIVRE. L'IMAGE A ÉTÉ TROUVÉE SUR PINTEREST.

    DA_Aloera · Fantasía
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  • Bride To His Darkness

    Asking help from the enemy was the last thing Samantha ever planned on doing, but who knew she would find her fate irrevocably sealed in the hands of a notorious Vampire Lord? In a world where Humans and Vampires have chosen to co-exist, the sacred orb of GreenHollow in the Northern Empire goes missing on a rainy night, right after the death of their ruler who was murdered in cold blood. It brought upon them an endless drought that can only be reversed when the sacred orb is found, and returned to its rightful place in the Empire. Ivan Chevalier, the heir and most feared son of the murdered Vampire King, has only two motives in life - to find his Father's perpetrator and behead him, his second motive is hunting down the sacred orb and restoring GreenHollow to what it used to be during his Father's reign. But when both motives lead him to the hands of his enemy's daughter, he has to choose between getting rid of her, or using her to his advantage by turning her into his blood slave. Samantha Dufort, a simple girl from EmptyHollow, is on the run with her younger brother after witnessing her Father being brutally murdered by a Vampire Lord. On the way, she gets abducted by slave traders. Forcefully separated from her younger brother, Samantha finds herself in a brothel, where she is trained to become a courtesan till she comes of age to be sold out. Her encounter with a mysterious man in white whom she referred to as her 'angel of death' saves her from a misery that only led Samantha into the cage of a Vampire Lords den. Tricked into becoming his puppet, Samantha tries to find different opportunities to escape the Vampire's den, and the Vampire Lord in person. But will she succeed when no one has ever left the Palace walls? Well, she was going to be the first to escape from these walls and find her missing brother. Twisted and trapped in the webs of Vampire politics interrelating with humans, Samantha discovers the main reason for her existence, a reason that could lead to changing the course of Empty Hollow. What happens when the Vampire Lord isn't the only darkness she has to run away from?

    Sky_Li_9922 · Fantasía
  • Star-Crossed Legacy

    The Ricca crime family has a magical ancestry, one that manifests in prophetic dreams and secret abilities. Vanessa, the sheltered princess of this magical mafia family, can see others' secrets. She calls this her "shadow vision." No one is supposed to know about it, because it's an ability that would get her killed. Ivan Volkov, the heir to a Russian crime family, discovers Vanessa's secret and wants to use it to find a traitor in his crew. Vanessa is taken and forced to live with Ivan and his cousin Dominik until she can provide them with the traitor's name. But the man betraying Ivan is the one person immune to Vanessa's gift. He's also the one person Ivan would never expect: his cousin. Dominik and Vanessa are fated in this enemies to lovers story of mystery, magic, and mafia. In order to overcome the darkest evil and help Ivan's victims, they need to let go of their distrust, secrets, and give in to scariest, strongest thing either of them has encountered: each other. A CEO of Seduction sequel and standalone. Published exclusively on Webnovel.

    emme_z · Ciudad
  • Marriage Contract With My Supreme Alpha

    [Mature Content! NO RAPE] Everly never thought her life would change so much by merely marrying Ivan, a man she barely knew. She had tied the knot with him in an attempt to save her ill mother, but what she wasn’t aware of, was what this man, Ivan Smirnov, truly was. A being beyond something she’d never for once imagined in her life. Just a few days into the marriage, tragedy struck. Everly's mother was cold bloodedly murdered in the hospital and as far as things had appeared, there seemed to be a possibility of Ivan being connected to the whole incident—a connection that Everly herself may not be willing to believe nor accept. As the dig into the case went deeper, she struggled with mixed feelings for him, in between her attraction and his secrets. What happens when Everly discovers what this man, her soulmate, was? Would she flee or be with him? And would she ever learn to love him or will she find herself in regret? How To Contact Me: >>>Discord: luna01704

    _LunaX_ · Fantasía
  • Saving my little angel

    Harry didn't used to have a name until a pretty doctor has given him one. He was just a five year old boy who was quiet , introvert and smart. One day his biological father schemed against his uncle, he had no idea he was destined to die with his uncle that day. But fortunately somehow they survived, he didn't knew that he'll meet someone in the hospital who will give the love he was deprived of since birth. He'll meet his benefactor sent by the God. Guess this trouble was somehow blessing in disguise. . . . . Crystal was a intern doctor working in one of the hospital. One night her father called her and told her she has to marry someone he has arranged and she has no other choice. He also informed her that the guy he found is crippled so she doesn't have to make a fuss about this. Fate has it that guy she saved on the request of little boy is the same crippled man she is destined to marry. No one knows what this marriage will bring in crystal, Harry and the crippled man's life. Will they stay together or part their ways let's see. Excerpt Crystal was sitting in the greenhouse of her mansion which looked more like a jungle. A big black cat was lying near her feet. Its green eyes glinted darkly when it heard someone's approaching footsteps. Crystal looked up and saw Ivan dragging a bloodied man in the greenhouse. The man pleaded to her for mercy he said, "Please give me a chance. I wouldn't betray you again." Crystal closed the book in her lap and leaned towards the man and said, "Can you take away the pain my Harry is suffering from right now." The man cried loudly and pleaded for mercy again and again. Crystal was annoyed by his loud voice. She looked at Jade. Its black fur was shining in the sunlight. She asked, "Jade are you hungry?" Jade let out a roar and stood up elegantly. Jade took two steps back and jumped towards the man. She removed the man's hand in one bite. The man was eaten alive by the big black cat. There wasn't a sign of remorse on Crystal's face. After Jade was full she called servants to clean after her and Jade walked towards Crystal and laid down beside her leg and Crystal continued stroking its fur.

    _Nightshade_1 · Ciudad
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    "ela foi escolhida porque era dele por direito desde o início..." Uma vez, em uma rara ocasião, na noite de uma lua cheia azul, uma menina é levada de uma casa para servir às feras que se chamam lobisomens. Os lobisomens eram os que governavam a cidade e controlavam tudo. Eles pareciam humanos, mas sob sua fachada humana havia um monstro impiedoso que busca destruir. Todos tentavam se proteger, mas no fundo sabiam que não eram páreo para os lobisomens. Arianne era uma menina que nasceu diferente das outras pessoas da cidade. Ela tinha longos cabelos ruivos e nasceu com olhos de cores diferentes. Um verde e um marrom. Ninguém sabia exatamente por que ela nasceu assim e isso não era hereditário. Sua mãe também morreu durante seu parto e por causa disso seu pai, Massimo, se distanciou dela e optou por se casar novamente. Ele se casou com uma mulher chamada Christine que já tinha uma filha fora do casamento, Rissa. Juntas Rissa e Christine decidiram fazer da vida de Arianne um inferno, ao que seu pai fechou os olhos e, por causa disso, afetou Arianne e ela decidiu se afastar de sua família e da sociedade. O dia da seleção chegou e Rissa foi escolhida para ir servir os lobisomens. Com medo pela própria vida, Rissa decidiu persuadir sua mãe a convencer Massimo a oferecer Arianne para a seleção. Ignorando seus gritos de súplica e lágrimas, Massimo entregou Arianne para ir servir aos lobisomens. Ninguém realmente sabe o que acontece com as meninas que são selecionadas e ninguém se deu ao trabalho de perguntar. Desconhecendo o destino que a aguarda, Arianne decidiu ir servir ao lobisomem a quem chamam Ivan Giovanni, um alfa conhecido por sua impiedade. Arianne conseguirá sobreviver vivendo entre os lobisomens? O que acontece quando ela descobre mais sobre sua identidade e a única pessoa que poderia ajudá-la era Ivan? O que você acha que aconteceria se ela descobrisse que Ivan era o menino que ela salvou anos atrás de morrer? NOTA: EU NÃO SOU O PROPRIETÁRIO DA IMAGEM DE CAPA DESTE LIVRO. IMAGEM ENCONTRADA NO PINTEREST.

    DA_Aloera · Fantasía
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  • Hellish Desires

    COMPLETED!!! [Warning: Mature Content] Thank You, ReaderX_X for my very first Golden Ticket!! Check out my other book: The Lady And Her Bodyguard. ††† He is a being meant to be in Hell from the very beginning. Silverstein Ashton Ivan Caestria. Crown Prince of Kingdom Caestria. Said to be the most powerful human, could destroy an entire kingdom with just a sword, kill thousands with just a flick of his long fingers. Most sought after man by all women. Alexandra Carmarthen. Daughter of the Duke of the East. Pretty fair lady. Has utmost grace and skills in sword dancing. Chosen to be the bride of the Crown Prince of Caestria. But what happens when the two finally gets married and her husband is not the human everyone thought he was? And she was just not a normal human girl aswell? *It's not the best book, but it's worth the shot!*

    Diaval_ · Fantasía
  • The Lost Moon of silver

    "Please, I have to go home." That's what I told the man in front of me. I begged him to let me go, but in my heart, I pray he never will.  How crazy is that? How can I feel safer with a stranger I've just met than the man who was supposed to love me until death? Why does he look at me like I'm the most beautiful thing in the world? Does he see the bruises? Is that why he's doing this? I should've never left the house, but I couldn't let him win. Not this time, but I hadn't counted on this. "He'll never hurt you again." I want to believe those words, but I don't know if I can. What if I'm going crazy? What if it's all a dream, and I wake up in the nightmare that's my life? I shouldn't trust him, but gods, why does his voice affect me like this? Why does he smell like lightning storms and heather? "Nefretiri? Do you know what a mate is?" No, he didn't just say that! Life isn't supposed to be this dark. That's what Nefretiri Jordans believed until her world came crumbling down. Her marriage was now a game of slave and master, and she would never win. Not when her husband was cruel enough to bring his mistresses to the house and act like Nefra was nothing more than a servant. She wants to run, but she can't. He'll never let her go, especially not with their new daughter. So, she has no choice but to live in hell and do her best to stay sane. Unfortunately, that line of sanity suddenly breaks when Ricky goes too far, and Nefra makes a stupid choice. After all, it's just a cake. Who cared about that?  Fate has a cruel sense of humor, and Nefra quickly learns that nothing is by chance. So, what started as a painful but necessary trip to the store turned into an unexpected adventure.  After all, she never put mate on her shopping list. Not that it mattered to Ivan. The Alpha of the Sebryanny Kinzhal pack from Colorado who's slowly coming back from a year of hell. All he wanted was to find peace and figure out what he was supposed to do with his life. The moon goddess had an answer, and she set him up to find the one thing he needed to be saved.  So, when Nefra crashed into his truck and he saw her, Ivan knew she was his destiny. Unfortunately for him, she's not on board and seems to belong to someone else. If Ivan wants Nefretiri to be his, he'll need to do more than earn her trust. Dark secrets are waiting to devour both of them, and more than one enemy is watching in the shadows to claim what both unknowingly hold.  Somehow, they must get past their pain to find each other and build something neither believed was possible again. Finally, it's time to put the cards on the table and bet it all. If they win, their lives will be more than either of them could ever dream, but if they lose, the darkness will destroy more than one life.

    TheSanuraka · Fantasía
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  • Who Killed Ivan?

    On the evening of April 10th, a young male was discovered deceased in an alleyway in Eastvale, having suffered fatal injuries consistent with blunt force trauma to the head. Initially, it appeared to be a tragic consequence of an altercation that had occurred in a nearby bar. However, further investigation revealed that the victim, Ivan Lewis, had been a member of the Patriot Brotherhood and had been terminated from his employment due to his racist beliefs. This revelation has opened up a complex web of potential motives and suspects. Ivan's behaviour, which was characterised by inflammatory rhetoric and discriminatory actions, had antagonized numerous individuals, including members of the Asian-American community whom he had insulted in the bar earlier that evening, his business partner's associates, and possibly even someone within the Patriot Brotherhood itself. As Inspector Ethan Backwoods conducts a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the victim's death, he believes he is making progress, but a surprising discovery forces him to reevaluate everything he thought he knew.

    Precious_Muna · Ciudad
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