
Novelas de is shangri la frontier good - WebNovel


  • La Princesa Olvidada

    Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist es la hija menor del rey Edward de Alvannia. Ella es una hija ilegítima nacida de una sirvienta en el castillo que a su padre le gustaba. Después de que su madre murió cuando era joven, su padre la llevó a casa y la 'adoptó'. Debido a su origen humilde e ilegitimidad, fue descuidada por su padre el rey y maltratada por su madrastra la reina y sus hermanastros. Cuando tenía 16 años, estalló una guerra con el país vecino de Grancresta. La guerra duró dos largos años y los dos países hicieron una tregua al final. El imperio de Grancresta exigió una princesa para casarse con el joven rey. Se dice que el rey de Grancresta pidió específicamente la mano de Alicia. Alicia tenía 18 años cuando fue enviada a Grancresta como prometida del joven rey, que se decía que era un tirano malvado de sangre fría, el rey Regaleon del imperio de Grancresta.

    Les01 · Historia
  • My Goddess is Good at Pretending

    Imagination was the eye of the soul, the beginning of creation. Despite her immense power, the Supreme Goddess of Mysterious Origin had to seal herself after saving the world from the threat of destruction. However, she was sent to another world by the universe's will. Ely was a girl suffering from partial memory loss. She was known as the shrine priestess of the Sacred Mountain. One day, she received the holy mission to unseal her Goddess Master. She got her priorities straight. However... The pets she adopted became the Demon Kings, capable of suppressing the world. The tree she planted became the World Tree, forming a bridge between heaven and earth. The passerby who received enlightenment from her became the Sage who led the entire generation. The disciples she nurtured became bigshots known across the three worlds. When she looked back... The street painter who pestered her for her handicrafts and paintings turned out to be a God. The young priestess she recruited was actually the number one saintess from the Divine World. She was known as the holy saintess. Yet, she still referred to herself as a mortal.

    YuuZu · Fantasía
  • My Stolen Good-for-nothing Husband Is a Secret BigShot

    COMPLETED [ Mature content ] Sweet love, no rape, no abuse. ... His world was riddled with threats and she was a troublemaker who poke dangers for fun. Alexa Quinn, the famous daughter of a wealthy family– carefree and daring, finds her world crashing down after a night with her fiance. Never in her wildest dream did she expect that her fiance of two years was only after her father’s company and not her. With her own two hands, she signed away the ownership of her family’s business to a man who in turn sold the company to the Clintons. Desperate to restore her family’s dwindling status and save the thousands of lives that depended on her family, she goes in search of the Clintons. Stepping into the city, she was catapulted to a wedding, only to be told that she was at the Clintons' wedding. She hears that the groom was a good-for-nothing who was unconditionally loved and cherished by his grandfather. So, when the groom was ditched, Alexa immediately schemes her way through and becomes the new bride. This is the beginning of her plans to salvage her family's crisis. In three months, she would be staggering back to her city with the ownership documents to her father’s company, no love, no romance, easy peasy, she thought. Unfortunately for her, the so-called good-for-nothing Aiden has more secrets than a blackhole. All it took was a few hours after the wedding to make Alexa fall head over heels in love with him. As the two swim in their love and romance, Alexa didn't forget her initial plans and her sweet husband was there to make her dream a success. Unbeknownst to the two, their one mistake of taking back Alexa's company will trigger enormous troubles they must deal with in order to keep their lives. “There is pleasure in danger,” Alexa said, but what if the danger this time was more perilous than she and Aiden had ever experienced?

    Hassy_101 · Ciudad
  • Empire: Forged in the Frontier

    System based book inspired by elements of Mount & Blade game series. ------------------------------------------------ Exiled from his homeland, Gresvin Oakfall, the son of the Marquis of Oakfall, had no choice but to venture into the windswept and unforgiving Endless Plains. The Endless Plains are home to scores of bandit groups and barbarian tribes. It was an unlawful, chaotic and war torn land. Gresvin had ventured into the plains seeking a place he would be able to call home once more. Battle had ensued and he found himself the savior of a small village called Coedwig and became its protector. In doing so, a mysterious power awakened in him, a system that would enable him to create a kingdom never seen before. To transform the small village of Coedwig into the capital city of all of Aehtelgard would be his task and goal. March along the journey of a small time protector growing into a king that would rule the most powerful kingdom to ever exist.

    Warrior_Blade · Fantasía
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  • La Seducción de la Corona

    [Advertencia: contenido maduro r18+/fuerte] Él es su salvación. Ella, su perdición. Sin embargo, se niega a dejarla ir... Mineah, la Princesa más joven de Ebodia, fue maldecida al nacer para permanecer inmaculada y traer desgracia a los que la rodean. Esta profecía se cierne sobre ella como una nube oscura, creciendo cada año que no se cumple. Existe en rumores susurrados como una figura lastimera: frágil, sumisa, indeseable. Debajo de esa máscara se encuentra una zorra fuerte y feroz digna de ser reina. Y esta posible reina ha puesto sus ojos en romper su maldición, incluso si eso significa engañar al vampiro más astuto que jamás haya nacido. Nikolai, aunque recluso y enigmático, es reverenciado por el Reino de Valcrez como un gobernante sabio y poderoso. Sin que sus leales súbditos lo sepan, su imagen de perfección es una red de mentiras que, si se expone, puede hacer que su reino y todo lo que aprecian se derrumbe bajo sus pies. Cuando estos dos encuentran sus caminos cruzados en una alianza matrimonial, comienza el juego de la Seducción de la Corona. Pero, ¿quién es el cazador y quién es la presa? ******** Extracto: —¿Por qué te estás desnudando frente a mí? —preguntó con el ceño fruncido, haciendo poco por ocultar la irritación en su voz—. ¡Su objetivo era capturar solo su corazón, no todo su cuerpo! —¿No se me permite tomar un baño con mi esposa? —respondió con tono frío—. Pedí a propósito una bañera grande para estar seguro de que los dos cabríamos en ella juntos. Ella suspiró, sin apartar la mirada de él mientras recuperaba la compostura. Al verlo sonreír con suficiencia, se obligó a sentirse cómoda mientras él hablaba. —Así está mejor. Dijiste tú misma que nadie te obligó a casarte conmigo. En cambio, te ofreciste y te ofreciste voluntariamente para hacerlo, así que espero que tengas la seguridad suficiente para compartir un baño con tu marido —afirmó con confianza Nikolai—. Después de todo, pronto haremos más que solo esto. Descarado... Evitando rodar los ojos, logró darle una sonrisa mientras decía: —No me culpes si luego mueres por mi culpa. **** Nota: La portada del libro fue encargada y es propiedad del autor. Por favor, no la utilice!

    Eustoma_Reyna · Fantasía
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  • The Good Teacher

    Guy Larks was famous in his original world for his widespread charity work in poverty-stricken and war-torn nations. He was especially known for his efforts in developing schools and educational facilities for children, as well as teaching and nurturing many students. So it was devastating news to learn that he wouldn't live past his 30th year. But he was given a second chance! A new life in another world, as a down-by-the-dumps teaching apprentice in a world of magic and wonder. He was given no cheat, just a Repository of Knowledge holding all the information he could bring with him from his previous life. In this new world, Guy rediscovered his life's true calling! Ride along on Guy's journey as he changes the world one budding mind at a time, as the greatest teacher this world has ever seen! State of Story: - Volume 1 - A Whole New World [COMPLETED][FREE] - Volume 2 - Starting Anew [COMPLETED][LOCKED] - Volume 3 - The Grand Experiment [COMPLETED][LOCKED] - Volume 4 - Birth of the True World Sect [COMPLETED][LOCKED] - Volume 5 - Legacy of the True World Sect [COMPLETED][LOCKED] - Volume 6 - Worlds Beyond [ONGOING][LOCKED] Discord: https://discord.gg/PKbqtembQJ Expected Upload Freq.: 3 Chapters per Week w/ min. 1500 Words per Chapter _______ AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a slice-of-life-ish story at its core. This is NOT a hot-blooded, high-octane novel filled with conflicts and fights around every corner. If that is the kind of story you are looking for, unfortunately, you will not find it here (at least not in the early chapters). The MC is a modern man, with modern sensibilities. Conflicts are handled civilly, or avoided altogether. There will be fights, but the story does not revolve around it. The MC is mature, and handles relationships tactfully. There will be a slow-burn romance in this story, and ABSOLUTELY NO HAREM. I despise that genre from the bottom of my heart! I also have some LGBTQ+ elements planned for the future (with side characters). English not first language. Writing mistake? Please forgive. Proofread many times before upload, problems not much. If issue, then point out mistake, I correct immediate. I am thank you for you're understanding :) ALSO: I started writing this story with one intention in mind, and that was to act as a parody of existing novels with similar themes. However, around CH25, I realised that my work was becoming too derivative and boring. So I pivoted and decided to make my novel its own thing. I believe that my work has become better because of it. Additional Tags: #LGBTQ+

    Junior_Sundar · Fantasía
  • La Séduction de la Couronne

    ``` [Attention : contenu fortement mature r18+/adulte] Il est son salut. Elle, sa perte. Pourtant, il refuse de la laisser partir... Mineah, la plus jeune Princesse d'Ebodia, fut maudite dès sa naissance pour rester innocente et apporter le malheur autour d'elle. Cette prophétie plane sur elle comme un nuage sombre, grandissant chaque année sans se réaliser. Elle existe dans des rumeurs étouffées comme une figure pitoyable - fragile, docile, indésirable. Sous ce masque se cache une renarde forte et fière digne d'être reine. Et cette future reine a jeté son dévolu sur la brisure de sa malédiction, même si cela signifie tromper le vampire le plus rusé jamais né. Nikolai, bien que reclus et énigmatique, est vénéré par le Royaume de Valcrez comme un souverain sage et puissant. À l'insu de ses fidèles sujets, son image de perfection est une toile de mensonges qui, si elle était révélée, pourrait faire s'effondrer leur royaume et tout ce qui leur est cher. Quand ces deux-là voient leurs chemins se croiser dans une alliance matrimoniale, le jeu de la Séduction de la Couronne commence. Mais qui est le chasseur et qui est la proie ? ******** Extrait : « Pourquoi te déshabilles-tu devant moi ? » demanda-t-elle avec un froncement de sourcils, ne faisant peu pour cacher son irritation dans sa voix. Son objectif était de capturer seulement son cœur, pas tout son corps ! « Ne suis-je pas autorisé à prendre un bain avec ma femme ? » répliqua-t-il d'un ton froid. « J'ai spécialement demandé une grande baignoire pour être sûr que nous deux y rentrions ensemble. » Elle soupira, sans détourner son regard de lui tandis qu'elle reprenait son calme. Le voyant sourire en coin, elle se força à se mettre à l'aise tandis qu'il parlait. « C'est mieux ainsi. Tu l'as dit toi-même, personne ne t'a forcée à m'épouser. Au contraire, tu t'es proposée et t'es portée volontaire de toi-même, alors je m'attends à ce que tu sois assez confiante pour partager un bain avec ton mari », déclara confiant Nikolai. « Après tout, nous ferons bien plus que cela sous peu. » Sans gêne... Se retenant de lever les yeux au ciel, elle parvint à lui adresser un sourire en disant, « Ne me blâme pas si tu meurs alors. » **** Note : Volume 1 : Histoire Principale Status - Terminé (Chapitres 1 à 403) Volume 2 : Histoire Annexes Status - Terminé (Chapitres 404 à 472) Volume 3 : Histoire Annexes Status - **** PS : Couverture de livre commandée possédée par l'auteur ! Ne pas l'utiliser ! ```

    Eustoma_Reyna · Fantasía
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  • Good Villain

    | WPC #153 World of Villains Gold Tier | How great is it to actually get a system and transmigrate to different worlds? But how unlucky is it to transmigrate only into villainesses... Avina is a good girl with good grades, good looks, and good friends. Only thing is that she has princess syndrome. And now faced with an unfortunate, unwanted, undesirable death, she has a system and has to transmigrate into different worlds in order to live once more! Hmph! This Princess is so good looking and beautiful! I have no reason to waste my precious hands to push a peasant! I am so beautiful and talented, how can I hang on one tree! It’s not him who doesn’t need me, but ME who doesn’t need HIM! System: Host, shouldn’t you flatter the target and gain good will? Avina: It is beneath me to flatter a hooligan. Hmph! Warning Notice: Content is PG; mild hints of inappropriate language but still safe to read :) [SCHEDULE]: the goal is daily, the dream is double daily, the min. is 3x per week, Author Intro./Diary has more info

    Yuki_Nightingale · Fantasía
  • Shangri-La Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

    For every God out there, there are about thousand shitty games in this world. Bugs, Errors, Texture Collapses, Inconsistent Scenarios…… Those are the things that fill the players around the world with grief and remorse. A certain boy who loves such shitty games decides to challenge a Godly game recognized by the general public for a change. As a result, both the gaming world and the real world in which the boy is revolving begin to change. Still, the specs of the Godly game still fills the boy’s heart with dread. 「Are Encounter Rates like that really a common sense in Godly Games……?」 “This is not my original work, "Shangri-La Frontier" is a work belonging to Katarina. Please support the original release.”

    OverlordOfDeath · Fantasía
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  • Stellar Ascension: Rhythm of the Cosmic Frontier

    In the expansive realm of the Imperial Stellar Dominion, three celestial Emperors reign supreme: Protostar, Sunfire, and White Dwarf. Their rule spans across regions, from the technologically sublime Pulsar Provinces to the mineral-rich Meteor Marches. Powerful factions, like the Voyagers of the Nova Pulse Order and the mysterious Seekers of the Black Horizon Order, enforce their cosmic mandates. Yet, there exists a place beyond their grasp: the Unknown Reaches. This lawless frontier, strewn with the ruins of long-lost alien empires, is a refuge for outlaws, fortune-seekers, and those desperate to escape the emperors' rule. Amidst the intrigue of the cosmos, we find our protagonist, Caden Driver. A young Star Seeker from the Oracles of the Quantum Echo Order, Caden was chosen from his home in the Nebula Expanse for his unique aptitude in cultivation. Now, he must navigate the complex power dynamics of his Order, the political undercurrents of the System Assemblies, and the ambitions of the Emperors. Armed with the mysterious and powerful techniques, Caden embarks on a journey that will test his resolve and push his abilities to their limit. From exploring the vibrant nebulae and understanding the enigma of black holes, to striving to ascend the ranks within his Order and uncovering the secrets of the ancient ruins, Caden will encounter both the awe-inspiring beauty and lurking dangers of the universe. His journey of cultivation, exploration, and discovery will not only transform him but could also reshape the very destiny of the Imperial Stellar Dominion.

    Vonscott_Bair · Ciencia y ficción
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  • Shangri-La

    “I don’t care if it isn’t real! I want to stay here with everyone!” . . . . . . . . She never woke up.

    Callaeins · Fantasía
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  • Good Gone Bad

    Rachael was living a regular ordinary life, she thought that having her heart broken was the biggest of her worries. Until she returns to her hometown to have the biggest burdens on her shoulders, will she find the strength to fight on, or will it make her crumble in the end?

    ReinaRay729 · Integral
  • La Obsesión de la Corona

    —Tu cama está fría —habló una voz en la habitación que hizo que abriera los ojos de par en par por el miedo. Nerviosa, se giró, tragando suavemente al ver una sombra en su cama como si alguien yaciera allí. El hombre que había estado tumbado se sentó, emergiendo de las sombras donde había estado esperándola. —¿Qué haces aquí? —preguntó ella cuando sus pies tocaron el suelo y él se impulsó hacia arriba para empezar a caminar hacia ella. Sus rasgos guapos se veían más oscuros de lo habitual por la falta de luz en la habitación. —Vine a encontrarte —inclinó la cabeza—, ¿a dónde fuiste? —Salí a caminar —fue la rápida respuesta que hizo que él sonriera, una sonrisa que a ella le daba más miedo. Ella dio un paso atrás cuando él se acercó a ella. Eso no lo detuvo de acorralarla, y su espalda golpeó la pared detrás de ella. Levantó la mano hacia su rostro, y ella cerró los ojos, asustada. Ella tembló cuando sus dedos trazaron un camino desde su sien pasando por su mandíbula y cuello. Su cabello rubio estaba suelto. —¿En medio de la noche? —ella no le respondió sabiendo que él podía descifrar sus mentiras a través de sus palabras. Él se acercó más, lo que hizo que ella girara su rostro lejos de él y sus palabras vibraron en la piel de su cuello—, ¿fuiste a verlo, mi dulce niña?

    ash_knight17 · Fantasía
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    HARAP BIJAK DALAM MEMBACA !!! (19+) Sebuah berita menyebar tentang perjodohannya dengan anak dari rekan bisnis papanya membuat Yashelino geram. Laki-laki itu tampak memikirkan sebuah cara agar ia bisa membatalkan rencana tersebut. Pertemuannya dengan seorang gadis karena saudaranya membuat mereka harus bertengkar. James memanfaatkannya hanya untuk kesenangan sesaat, akan tetapi Yas yang mengetahui itu tidak menyukainya. Kemudian Yas membuat perjanjian tertulis diatas kertas dengan gadis tersebut yang membuat keduanya saling menguntungkan. Malapetaka pun terjadi, gadis itu tidak tahu akan bahaya apa yang sedang menantinya setelah terlibat dengan dua orang laki-laki seperti mereka. Lantas apa isi dari perjanjian tersebut, bagaimana Yas menghadapi keluarga besarnya dan mengapa gadis itu menyetujuinya? Art by Pinterest

    giantystory · Ciudad
  • Showdown in Shangri-La

    Treasure hunters Kyle and Tina travel to the ancient paradise of Shangri-La to find the elemental relic known as the Heaven's Charm. The duo must face off with hurricanes and the deadly pirate Captain Whitebeard in this epic high seas adventure.

    Master_MoJo · Acción
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  • La Trampa de la Corona

    ``` —Estoy seguro de que encontrarás mis brazos más cómodos que cualquier otra cosa en este mundo... —Rey Darío Grant, el poderoso gobernante del Reino de Cordon. Era despiadado e impetuoso contra sus enemigos. Su mera presencia gritaba con autoridad robusta; su aura sola era más que suficiente para que algunos de sus enemigos admitieran la derrota y huyeran con solo verlo. Pero a pesar de todo esto, era impotente y desvergonzado frente a una mujer… su pareja, la Princesa de Ebodía a quien se negaba a dejar ir. Descubre cómo resultarán las cosas para nuestro Rey posesivo que está decidido a usar el Encantamiento de la Corona para hacer suya a su pareja por cualquier medio necesario. ¿Podrá tener éxito y conquistarla toda, cuerpo, corazón y alma? * Nota: Volumen 1 & 2: Historia Principal Estado: Completado (Capítulos 1 al 555) Volumen 3: Historia Secundaria Estado: Completado (Capítulos 556 al 641) —Solo puedo declararme ganador una vez que logre conquistar tu corazón... —Volumen 4: Historia Secundaria Estado: Completado (Capítulos 642 al 701) —El amor nunca estuvo en mi vocabulario cuando se trata de mujeres hasta que llegaste tú... —Volumen 5: Estado: Completado (Capítulos 702 al 805) —Te elijo a ti… tú que ocupas codiciosamente todo el espacio en mi corazón... —Capítulos Especiales en adelante, completados **** PD: ¡Portada del libro encargada y propiedad del Autor! ¡No usarla! ```

    Eustoma_Reyna · Fantasía
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