
Novelas de dapper dresser - WebNovel


  • Deux fois rejetée Luna, le désir de tous les Alphas

    Valérie, la fille de l'Alpha assassiné de la Meute de la Pierre Jaune, ne pouvait jamais diriger la meute car elle avait un loup Luna. Son compagnon, Tristan, fut désigné Alpha à sa place. Après avoir assumé le titre d'Alpha, Valérie fut piégée et brutalement rejetée, non seulement par Tristan mais aussi par toute sa meute, et sa petite sœur, Scarlet, avec laquelle Tristan avait des liaisons secrètes. « Je rejette Luna Valérie comme ma compagne. Elle a été surprise au lit avec un étranger, ce qui signifie qu'elle trahirait la meute. La punition pour la trahison est la mort », annonça sans cœur l'Alpha Tristan. Les chants des membres de la meute et des Alphas visiteurs venus pour la conférence des Alphas les attirèrent vers le jugement. Personne ne s'attendait à ce que l'Alpha Denzel, dont le nom faisait dresser les poils sur leur peau en raison de sa cruauté, se rende à la conférence. Valérie trouva de l'espoir lorsqu'elle réalisa qu'Alpha Denzel était son compagnon de seconde chance, mais elle fut douloureusement rejetée une fois de plus. Le double rejet la conduisit à perdre son loup, et elle fut condamnée à mourir par tous les Alphas présents. Elle pensait que son sort était scellé lorsque l'Alpha Denzel partit et qu'un guerrier était prêt à l'exécuter. Tout le monde fut choqué lorsque soudain, l'Alpha Denzel se retourna. « Arrêtez ! La fille traîtresse d'un Alpha défunt ne doit pas être tuée. Plus de souffrances l'attendent », déclara-t-il. Le cœur de Valérie chuta lorsqu'elle vit son regard sombre, qui était comme un gouffre sans fond, alors qu'elle s'évanouissait d'épuisement. Quelques mois plus tard, une guerre éclata entre les Alphas alors qu'ils commençaient à revendiquer la Luna rejetée deux fois. Avec son loup mort, la déesse lunaire aura-t-elle la grâce de lui en donner un autre ? Et quel Alpha sera capable de faire fondre son cœur désormais glacé ?

    Glorious_Eagle · Fantasía
  • The Devil's Sweetheart

    °°Completed°° °°Alarm bell:Mature content. Slow ignition book. Burlesque comedy, sitcom, full-on entertainment°° °°A small caution: FL is a narcissist.°° "It's always been you and for the rest of my life, it will be you. Till my last breath, I will guard you with my life for eternity. My promise." A near-death experience made her fall into pits of despair. Her story should have ended by then, but did it? No! She raised against the odds. Five years, stardom followed Leena Hayes, she grew up to a renowned model, an entrepreneur, capsized her own company from scratch. She has achieved eminence in five years. Wang Devin, his name itself would turn the world into a frenzy, a rare mystique. A model turned business tycoon, his wealth knew no abundance, his power knew no boundaries. Handsome, sharp-tongued, he has been named as WholePackage in the modeling industry for his dapper style and charming looks. His razor-sharp tongue tied with the encounter of dazzling Leena and fell for her topsy-turvy. But he soon found it's not easy to tranquilize her heart, for she is a man-hater. Will he able to ignite the sparks in her heart? Will she reciprocate his love? .... Leena Hayes: Wacky, snazzy, sharp-witted, self-centered narcissist. Wang Devin: Spicy, sharp-tongued, helot to his sweetheart. She was the sugar. He was the spice. Their paths unexpectedly collided. Just after, everything felt nice. And they set off as tyrannizing mates. Come and experience the barrel of laughs with their amazing witty sallies. .... Their Love "I fell in love with your soul even before I touched your skin. If this is not true love_" "You touched my soul long before what your hands feel like. If this is not true love, then I don't know what else I could name our relationship." She completed it for him. ... Their Passion "I love how your breath pauses when I put my __" She blushed and hit his shoulder even before he could proceed further. Despite she loved his dirty side, she would never admit it to this shameless man. "Where did you throw your gentleman image Mr.Adonis." Pulling him by his shirt, she nibbled his jaw. "Trust me, sweetheart, I am still a gentleman with the real dirty mind, only for you." His raspy seductive whispers were enough to make her think of all the filthy things he would do to her. ... °°This is my original novel°° °°A sweet vis á vis story.°° °°Cover pic is edited according to my interest. All credits to the original owner°° °°Join the discord @: https://discord.gg/p4AWrb9°° My other books: A Spellbinding Tale: Clary and Leandre's Timeless Love Saga IG : ansly_ylsna

    ainsley · Ciudad
  • Cross dresser

    Jang Seo ya, a wealthy but cold-blooded woman, had gotten a call from the hospital notifying her that her twin brother had been in an accident. “In the meantime, please act like me and look after my CEO,” her brother said before losing consciousness. Seo ya was taken aback by his remarks since he's asking her to work as a secretary for her brother's CEO, which is a homophobic—the type of person she hates the most. While investigating her twin brother's accident, Jang Seo ya tries to figure out what she did to turn a cold-blooded homophobic CEO into a gay who is head over heels for her. A homophobic and a LGBTQ supporter, what type of romance awaits them?

    Jangmirhoses · Ciudad
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    ``` Prise au lit avec un homme qui n'était pas son mari, Kathleen Crawford a été déclarée coupable et honteusement bannie de la famille Hudson. Quoiqu'elle ait été piégée, et qu'il ne se soit rien passé entre eux, mais qui était prêt à croire son histoire, étant donné la circonstance où celui qui l'a vue était le tout-puissant Shawn David Hudson : son propre mari. Elle n'était plus la femme faible et sans épine qui avait quitté la famille Hudson, elle est revenue quelques années plus tard avec une identité nouvelle, mais puissante. La vengeance était sa mission : œil pour œil contre ceux qui l'avaient piégée. Elle ne craignait pas d'écraser quiconque ose se dresser sur son chemin. Mais dans sa quête de vengeance, Shawn réussira-t-il à la faire chavirer une seconde fois ou le cœur de Kathleen est-il trop froid pour être fondu par son charme irrésistible ? ```

    Beautifiedg1 · Ciudad
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  • {~• Fell For A Cross-Dresser •~}

    Daoistw7kE19 · Fantasía
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  • Stripped Of Power: I Married a Useless Heir

    Lisa Qin was a heiress who had it all; Beauty, brains, a loving family, and the highly coveted Young Master of the Yun household as her fiance. However, she lost everything when she stood up for Kaizer Yun, the most hated Miss of the Yun family. Despite helping the woman who would be her future sister-in-law, Lisa was stripped of her heiress title and forced to attend a rundown university with zero support. Friends and relatives deserted her in droves! Her only ally, the outcast Kaizer became her new roommate in the University. Unbeknownst to her, Kaizer Yun is actually a man! Born as a male, Kaizer was forced by his mother to become a cross-dresser from young, to stay alive in the Yun household. Contrary to popular belief, Kaizer is not just an insignificant man who stays in the female hostel. He is actually a first class graduate and the talented business mogul, Lord K whom the business world fears. But for Lisa Qin, he is willing to remain the unwanted 'Young Miss' of the Yun household.

    Hassy_101 · Ciudad

    Warning; Mature Content (r18) If you are given the option to choose between being comforted by a lie or being hurt by the truth, which would you pick? Remember, one lie has the power to taint a thousand truths. ---------------- Abigail Woods, Abby for short, is a beautiful and strong-willed girl born out of wedlock to a poor and struggling mother. From a young age, she craved the genuine love of a father. However, life plays a cruel game on her when she ends up with a pedophile stepfather and a heartless stepsister. After years of enduring abuse, Abby flees her past life on her twenty-first birthday and starts a new life in a faraway countryside as Stella Peterson. For one whole year, Abby, now Stella, adopted the fake identity of a local farm girl and worked for the Dawsons as a vine dresser. Everything was perfect for Stella until she crosses paths with two wealthy and handsome gentlemen, who are both rivals in the same line of business. Both young men are tenacious and want Stella as a wife. But Stella's falsehoods and past are out to hunt her. How far is Stella willing to go, to keep her real identity a secret? Would she succeed in her mission or would karma come calling? ********* #Betrayal #Love triangle #Revenge #Weak to strong #Dark #Survival ********** Welcome! Thanks for choosing this book. This is my third book and I am thrilled to share it with you all. It is dedicated to all my fateful old and new readers who love a good face slapping novel. Note: This is a slow burn romance novel. Please add this book to your collection list, drop a review, and vote. The book cover does not belong to me. Kudos to the talented designer. Do not forget to check out my first book; A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

    Tres_Aguila · Ciudad
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  • Tomber Amoureux du Roi des Bêtes

    [COMPLETE] Reth avançait vers elle, le menton bas afin que l'ombre projetée par sa mâchoire sévère tranche à travers le col fourré épais de son gilet. Ses cheveux étaient tombés sur ses yeux dans la bagarre, ainsi il la guettait à travers comme un lion dans l'herbe. À chaque pas, sa démarche gracieuse et ondulante lui rappelait celle d'un prédateur traquant sa proie. Malgré le sol de la forêt jonché de brindilles et de feuilles, il ne faisait aucun bruit. « Qui-qui êtes-vous ? » bégayait Elia, reculant, les mains levées. Il suivait chacun de ses pas jusqu'à ce qu'elle bute brusquement contre l'arbre derrière elle—et il ne s'arrêta pas avant de se dresser au-dessus d'elle, si large que ses épaules et sa poitrine formaient un mur devant elle. Elle pouvait sentir la chaleur émanant de sa peau dans l'air frais de la nuit. « Je suis le Roi Léonin. » Sa voix était un gravier sombre et rauque. Derrière lui, un chœur de hoquets, de hurlements et de gazouillements d'assentiment s'élevait du peuple qui regardait. « Et vous êtes ? » « Elia, » souffla-t-elle. « Elia, » grogna-t-il, se penchant encore plus près, apportant avec lui le parfum du pin et de la pluie et le musc de quelque chose d'indiscutablement masculin. « Je suis Reth. » Il prononçait le nom avec un roulement guttural étrange dans la gorge. « Je suis le Roi des Bêtes. Je suis Chef de Clan, et je suis l’Alpha de WildWood. » Plusieurs grondements s'élevèrent alors de la foule derrière lui, mais il les ignorait. Elia déglutit tandis qu'il se penchait jusqu'à ce que la barbe hirsute sur sa mâchoire râpât sa joue. « Je suis le Roi, » dit-il, « Et vous serez ma compagne. » La forêt derrière lui explosa. ****** Elia est une étudiante universitaire pauvre jusqu'à la nuit où elle est emmenée dans le monde de l'Anima—régi par des humains dont les cœurs anciens battent avec le sang des animaux. Là, elle est forcée de participer à un combat à mort. Mais quand Elia survit, et refuse de tuer son dernier adversaire, le Roi doit soit la tuer lui-même, soit la prendre pour compagne. Reth, le brutal Roi des Bêtes au sang de lions, choque tout le monde quand il choisit la faible humaine Elia pour devenir sa Reine. Il lui promet tout le confort de sa richesse et de sa position—mais il est clair : Elle ne réchauffera pas sa couche. Il l'a choisie pour contrer ceux qui tentaient de le coincer en mêlant sa lignée Léonine avec celle des Loups. Elia a besoin de l'aide de l'Anima pour devenir plus forte et les gouverner bien. Mais les Loups vengeurs voient seulement une humaine faible qui leur a fait honte. Alors qu'Elia et Reth se rapprochent, les loups sont déterminés à la détruire. Reth et Elia admettront-ils leurs sentiments l'un pour l'autre à temps pour lutter pour le Royaume—et leurs vies—contre la tribu de loups malveillante ? Ou les loups tueront-ils Elia et s'empareront-ils du trône ? [Contenu mature - pas de violence sexuelle] Couverture utilisée avec l'autorisation de copyright payée. Illustrée par Aenaluck—voir plus de magnifique art et les soutenir sur www.patreon.com/aenaluck

    AimeeLynn · Fantasía
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  • The Foolhardies

    Dean Dapper leads two lives. By day, he’s your average teenager enduring the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the mundane human world. By night, however, he’s the reluctant commander of the Foolhardies, a group of troublemakers fighting in a war of succession that’s been ongoing for nearly five hundred years! A Fifteen-year-old battling mythical fairy-tale beings may sound foolhardy, but Dean isn’t in this for himself. His younger brother Luca faces a life of slavery in the fairy realm, and only Dean’s fight to become the clan hero might rescue Luca from his grim fate. Luckily, Dean finds a valuable ally in Aurana, a princess of the clan with her own political ambitions of her family claiming the empty throne. Strategic battles, magic sword fights, the underbelly of fairy politics, and raging teen hormones—it’s all in a night’s work for Dean, Luca, Aurana, and the rest of the Foolhardies. [UPDATE] Pausing on daily chapter releases this June 2020 on account of spending part of my writing time editing the work from the beginning. Please expect even better prose and tighter pacing from chapters 1 to 220 soon. It all starts with 1. After I'm done with that, daily chapters will resume. But don't worry, chapters will still come out weekly. It just won't be daily for now. RELEASE SCHEDULE: 1 chapter daily at 10-11 PM Hong Kong time. want to read more of my works? check out GAME MASTER OF SOULS (ML-Fantasy/Game) only on Webnovel. Want to buy me a cup of coffee? A gift on the novel page will do the trick. :D Follow me on Twitter "@WhoisGDCruz" for all the Foolhardies news that doesn't fit in the Author's note of each chapter. :p Want to chat about the Foolhardies? I'm on Discord: GD_Cruz#3598

    GD_Cruz · Fantasía
  • Defend the Queen

    How to defeat a horde of monsters? Create an army! How to do that? BECOME A QUEEN!! Set your colony, raise your army, attack monsters, eat their flesh, then evolve! . . . Iziul was the youngest and the only female General of the Army of Earth year 2075 who attained the respectable rank of Five-Star. Sadly, her high prestige was ended after being sent to her death trap by. Waking up again, she was brought to another world quite different yet similar to Earth. Trees were towering here as animals and insects that were seen small at earth became gigantic titans that wrecked havoc. "Is that mothra?!?! godzilla?!?! wait! Why are they so big but... normal. Normal??? Holy Sh*t. They are not big! I'm just small!" Join Iziul, as she transmigrated into a Queen Bit and thread the path of evolution while building her army of children to conquer the world! ---------- Hope you guys enjoy it!

    Dapper_San · Fantasía
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  • Inside an apocalyptic novel

    A genius student majoring in economics and biology at the age of sixteen with high achievments in university have a secret He love to read novels, one reason how he was faster in realizing things than normal most of all if it's fantasy genre.. Just that he never thought his wish will come true! Transmigrating as a not important cannon fodder in a rebirth zombie apocalypse novel is.. so awesome! But he have many problem, he became a girl! and with a hypersexuality to boost.. it's fine though, this Is a BL novel anyways.. What? He was actually a cross-dresser? He was so OP? This.. why is the MC and ML eating me??! Menu Xue: Stop, stop, I'm a guy! ML and MC: So what? 2 x 1: Threesome

    Qiqi_Simps · Fantasía
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  • Thread Pavilion

    A third young miss from a low level branch of a prestigious clan who decided to end her miserable cripple life ended up transmigrating to Earth and returning back to the cultivation world once again after dying the second time around. Will she be able to find the happiness she was looking for? Join Yaya on her journey in search for excitement while plundering the world to improve business called Thread Pavillion. - New story! Not a serious one tho. Written for entertainment only! Enjoy.

    Dapper_San · Fantasía
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  • Babysitting Dylan

    Dylan Wealth the young master of the wealth family, He's frustrating, He's annoying, And he's just 7 years of age, His father kingsley Wealth is well known as a famous billionaire,who runs and owns different company in countries . He was also known for his cold behavior,he was never spotted with a woman,he avoided them like plaque He's just 28 years of age,young and so handsome,his handsomeness is blinding,he was like a fallen angel from heaven,he is attractive,beautiful,clean-cut,dapper,elegant,good-looking,graceful, and lovely. His body features was one of a kind,it was no doubt that his son got his cuteness from him,he was just like a small version of him,cute and has an innocent look which deceive people. He has made his father fire all the nannies that work for him for just little mistake,most of the nanny who came to take care of him,only came for his father,this got him mad and ask his father not to get him a female nanny,but a male nanny. The only person Kingsley care for was his son same goes to Dylan thou they do have some argument The family has been so uptight until she came in Who's she? What can she do? Who can put Dylan in his place? Who can melt the icy billionaire's heart? Who's Dylan mother? Will Dylan and the lady get along? What is the reason behind Kingsley cold behavior?

    RoyalPraiz · Ciudad
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  • Garden of Eden [BL]

    Adih, the Seventh Prince of the Radiant Kingdon, is set to explore the Realm of Magic, Hellish Abyss, and High Heaven to find the epitome of his potential. However, along the way, he needs to collect Male Partners for his... Dual Cultivation Method?!? Join Adih as he seek love, lust, and power! ...... The story is written in First POV. This is a BL Dual Cultivation novel. Lots of seggs happening here, tread carefully. No 17 below!

    Dapper_san00 · Fantasía
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  • The Final Hysteria (one shot)

    Erina De’Atella left her ring on the dresser on the day she was to kill a man.

    Sun_ · Fantasía
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  • Mr Kim Is Actually Female?

    ______ 23 year old Kim Hae Soo was the "ACE" killer amongst all her peers, when was betrayed brutally and killed. Somehow she transmigrated into a handsome cross dresser!? As she settles down, Kim Hae Soo is stunned seeing someone that looks identical to her deceased brother! While all the matter someone started to shamelessly entangle themselves towards her. ______ *Warning* This is my first time writing a novel or some sort so there will ne parts that won't make sense and also there maybe a few grammar mistakes. It would be appreciated if you give your honest thoughts and feedback on how the story is progressing. *I don't own the cover all credits go to the original owner*

    ssourlemonss · Adolescente
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