
Review Detail of Chaddts in Marvel : Homelander

Detalle de revisión


It's not a bad story at all, interesting power and the grammar is fine. The Mc is relatable and the beggining of the story is great until chapter 12. There is an unmarked, unshown timeskip of unknown duration. During that time skip the character develops a bunch and we are left in the dark. Not only does he gain powers over the time skip, but his relations with a character briefly mentioned once 5 chapters previously changes drastically and we don't see any of this occur, or be explaomed. His personality also goes through a big change and we see none of the build up. This left me disconnected and simply lost in the story, struggling to make sense of things when none of the pertinent information is given to the reader. Tldr. After the chapter titled "ice cream" the story goes south hard into a confusing mess.

Marvel : Homelander


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