
Review Detail of Troy_Dellinger in I rise from my Ash

Detalle de revisión


I only read up to ch 8 at the time I wrote this review, so take it with a grain of salt. This book got potential. The blurb interest me tbh, because I like independent, strong, and self-sufficient female lead. However, the first chapter opening was confusing, speaking of writing, although it got better soon. There are a few typos, but I can manage to auto-correct in my head. At least, it wasn't as bad as other books I've read, but it does distracted me from being immersed. Some scenes, seemed to have weird, unsatisfyingly explained, timing that just doesn't fit with events happening in previous scenes. Characters feels a bit rushed. Some are unnecessarily mysterious, others are kinda have no reason to behave the way they are with their initial background. Even the main lead was kinda superficial, because while readers get why she wanted revenge logically, there wasn't much too make her relatable emotionally. Story development up to the one I read feels rushed (which contributed to the section above). Personally, I feel like the impact of the breaking point wasn't meaningful because the lack of insight into main char's psychological state. How distraught was she? How deep the betrayal she feels? And this continues, with main char facing events after events with "downtime" scenes just being kinda info dumped. I prefer slow-burning stories for this kind of theme, so maybe that was why I find it hard getting immersed. I do not mean to discourage, so please don't be discouraged author!! The plot is interesting, after all, and the promise the blurb sells (revenge story like no other) pique my interest to see how it unfolds.

I rise from my Ash


Le gusta a personas 1

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ok thank you, will take note of it and dive further, I will also try to regulate my pacing and explain other characters, it's my first story am sharing with the world even thou I wrote many before, so i hope i would be pardoned some errors


don't worry too much, please 😀 it's just my own preference. you're already amazing for sharing this story in the first place! not everyone have even the courage to even try. be well, and keep writing 😘