
Review Detail of Juto in Marvel Disassembler

Detalle de revisión


As of chapter 17, I've been thoroughly enjoying this novel. The MC's ability of DNF disassembler is fascinating - being able to break down items to extract different abilities and stats adds an exciting element to the story. I appreciate how the author assigns value to items based on their past users, making the extraction process more intriguing. The MC's character development from a fearful individual to someone willing to take risks for personal growth is compelling. Not to mention, the moments where he channels his inner Agent 47 from Hitman are both amusing and entertaining. The translation is well-executed, and the unexpected humor in the novel keeps me engaged. In my opinion, this novel deserves a solid 5/5 rating. Ps. Yeah, our comments got deleted. I checked and compared the two novels, and they are basically the same with some minor translation differences, but overall quite similar. Your version has slightly more words per paragraph, while his is basically the same as yours but with some slightly shorter paragraphs due to minimized word usage or smaller font. The views are split evenly at 100k each, with yours having a slight edge. Honestly, he's probably not going to stop even though you started first. This isn't the first translator to face this issue on this platform; some books have had three translators. Plus, he's already included in his Patreon. But I see where you're coming from. It may not be much, but I will transfer my reading from his version to yours.

Marvel Disassembler


Le gusta a personas 10

me gusta



Bro can’t even type a comment without ChatGPT… The future generations are so cooked



Kil0:Bro can’t even type a comment without ChatGPT… The future generations are so cooked

You. I called you a fool


what gave it away? the last paragraph before P.S?

Kil0:You. I called you a fool