
Review Detail of leeroycgna in Major League System

Detalle de revisión


Author here. Originally I posted this story back in January, taking it down as it was in another competition. However, since I did not have any great success in said competition, I have decided to upload exclusively to Webnovel. First volume is complete and I will be releasing 2 chapters a day while I continue to write the Second volume. For those of you who have already read the first volume, there have been no changes so unless you wish to rehash what you've already read, then there's no need to read again. A few points to note below: No romance in first volume despite the romance tag. MC is in Middle School and I am not one to write such things. This is primarily a slice-of-life/youth drama novel, mixing School Life and competitive sports together. The book is based in Japan. Names are read as (First name, Family name) ie: Ken Takagi, Daichi Suzuki. There are some Japanese puns/references throughout which I do my best to explain afterwards, even if it takes some of the humor away from it. No I am not Japanese, however I do my best to research everything possible. Most importantly, I hope you enjoy the story. Please feel free to comment below or on any of the chapters should you feel the urge to, I'd be happy to answer them.

Major League System


Le gusta a personas 75

me gusta



I'm excited to start reading this story. I loved the story The Hitting Zone and I'm excited at the possibility of a similar story but with a system


Hello author, I want to read this book because it’s looks promising and sport novel is my favourite genre, but something is keeping me at bay. I have a question regarding the direction the novel will take. If you consider this giving spoilers then don’t force yourself. The question is, will mc eventually play in MLB or not. If he’ll play then how long will take for him to reach there. Or will it only be a high school competition based novel? Thank you very🙏🏾


Hi, as the title hints at. it's the MC's goal to make it to the Majors. I won't spoil anything further, but you can make the assumption that it will be the end goal to reach there.

Moudassir_Ali:Hello author, I want to read this book because it’s looks promising and sport novel is my favourite genre, but something is keeping me at bay. I have a question regarding the direction the novel will take. If you consider this giving spoilers then don’t force yourself. The question is, will mc eventually play in MLB or not. If he’ll play then how long will take for him to reach there. Or will it only be a high school competition based novel? Thank you very🙏🏾

why does your main and your male supporting have the same last name?


in the pics I mean


Hi, I can't really say without spoiling sorry. The description in the character profile should give a hint though.

Lucinda_Hacker:why does your main and your male supporting have the same last name?

Hi, I want to confirm if the romance tag is for the MC, Ken, or someone else? Also, if it will be a single female romance or harem?

leeroycgna:Hi, I can't really say without spoiling sorry. The description in the character profile should give a hint though.

Hi, romance will be primarily for MC. No Harem

Hardy1j:Hi, I want to confirm if the romance tag is for the MC, Ken, or someone else? Also, if it will be a single female romance or harem?

Thanks. I'll add it to my library

leeroycgna:Hi, romance will be primarily for MC. No Harem

Hi author I just wanted to ask did you take inspiration for writing this novel from any anime?


Yes, Major is my favorite sports anime and I take some inspiration from it :)

minititanz:Hi author I just wanted to ask did you take inspiration for writing this novel from any anime?

i figured, there are a lot of similarities, i watched Majors like 7 times the whole 6 seasons

leeroycgna:Yes, Major is my favorite sports anime and I take some inspiration from it :)

Excellent, a fellow Goro enjoyer. I've definitely used it as inspiration, as well as a lot of other media that I consumed over the years. Pulling out all the stops for this one :)

minititanz:i figured, there are a lot of similarities, i watched Majors like 7 times the whole 6 seasons

I'm a simple guy. I see a sports novel, I read.


Hope it can live up to your expectations

Riman424:I'm excited to start reading this story. I loved the story The Hitting Zone and I'm excited at the possibility of a similar story but with a system

Hello Author, first of all I am really really loving this novel so much that I have caught up using the privelage chapters. I have a few questions if you don't mind answering; 1. Will you complete this novel once and for all or put it on hiatus like the previous ones you have published? Personal preference is that I hope you complete it. 2. I understand that the goal is the MLB but I hope you will contine on to show him playing there and also competing for the world championship. I have seen that you mention the major anime and I too am a fan of it, so please include the MC competing for the biggest trophy. Please give any hints regarding this. 3. This is the most important for me. Readers who like to read sports stories are generally very competitive in nature, so please understand the disappointment shown if the MC loses the competitions or is not shown as the best player. I understand the need for character development and stuff but it is very disturbing to see others (his brother especially considering he is new to the game ) suceeding continuously while he fails at the final step. I am mainly concerned about this because the author's love for the anime Major, so I know you will understand based on Goro's life. Please do not make it too dramatic like it was in the anime. I know the author cannot give any direct answers but I will still request that you can reply to those three points as best as possible. Also keep up the great work and cannot wait for the new chapters. Loving the story, Thank You!!! P.S. Sorry for the lengthy message


Hi there, i'll firstly say that I don't plan on dropping the story. This story is probably the biggest breathrough for me as an Author, so I would be silly to let it slip away. When it comes to victory and defeat, anything that comes easily is not worth having (in my opinion). I will not make the MC win or lose on purpose, but there will be reasons for things that happen in the story. As far as other players being better than the MC, absolutely there needs to be these characters. While Ken has a system, that doesn't make him unbeatable right away, nor does it make him the most talented in the world by default. As I said in the review, this is primarily a Slice-of-life/Youth drama novel centered around competitive sports. Not only will we focus on Ken's improvement as a player, but also his development as a man. That being said, I'm glad you're enjoying the book so far, I love seeing all of your comments and such throughout the book. Cheers.

maniac_008:Hello Author, first of all I am really really loving this novel so much that I have caught up using the privelage chapters. I have a few questions if you don't mind answering; 1. Will you complete this novel once and for all or put it on hiatus like the previous ones you have published? Personal preference is that I hope you complete it. 2. I understand that the goal is the MLB but I hope you will contine on to show him playing there and also competing for the world championship. I have seen that you mention the major anime and I too am a fan of it, so please include the MC competing for the biggest trophy. Please give any hints regarding this. 3. This is the most important for me. Readers who like to read sports stories are generally very competitive in nature, so please understand the disappointment shown if the MC loses the competitions or is not shown as the best player. I understand the need for character development and stuff but it is very disturbing to see others (his brother especially considering he is new to the game ) suceeding continuously while he fails at the final step. I am mainly concerned about this because the author's love for the anime Major, so I know you will understand based on Goro's life. Please do not make it too dramatic like it was in the anime. I know the author cannot give any direct answers but I will still request that you can reply to those three points as best as possible. Also keep up the great work and cannot wait for the new chapters. Loving the story, Thank You!!! P.S. Sorry for the lengthy message

Thanks for the reply author. I understand the points you are making about other players being better at the moment since the MC is still developing even with the system's help. My only issue was how the focus of other players mentioned here was his brother who at the present was as good as the MC even if he just started the sport and even got a better team and all. It would just be upsetting for the MC to lose to him especially with everything going in his brother's way. If the MC continues being undermined by his brother in accolades and victories, then it just seems forced to make such a character a brother figure in the story and then giving him all the advantage. I am saying this because the story at the moment seems very predictable to me on but still, hopefully I'm wrong. Anyways, thanks for the great work and keep it up!

leeroycgna:Hi there, i'll firstly say that I don't plan on dropping the story. This story is probably the biggest breathrough for me as an Author, so I would be silly to let it slip away. When it comes to victory and defeat, anything that comes easily is not worth having (in my opinion). I will not make the MC win or lose on purpose, but there will be reasons for things that happen in the story. As far as other players being better than the MC, absolutely there needs to be these characters. While Ken has a system, that doesn't make him unbeatable right away, nor does it make him the most talented in the world by default. As I said in the review, this is primarily a Slice-of-life/Youth drama novel centered around competitive sports. Not only will we focus on Ken's improvement as a player, but also his development as a man. That being said, I'm glad you're enjoying the book so far, I love seeing all of your comments and such throughout the book. Cheers.

This novel encouraged me to write a novel in the same genre. best of luck!


I really liked it. Finally gg is adequate.