
Review Detail of _tomat0two in I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

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I've clicked on the spoiler option for this is mostly for others who have read it already and decided to leave. Do not hate this story. Especially, I made it ... for a certain one. To beloeve that a rwader didnt simply leave their stoey because they found it 'bad'. Truly it wasn't. Believe me I was nearlt moved at times. Yet ... sigh.I've read about 60 chapters now .. and --- It is -The regular alpha wolf plot, with worthless girls under his control. Devoid of anything wonderful, new, oe creative. Simply being a new way of telling the same type of story. Which here being the inside the 'Loud house' world.Thats the overall feeling of the entire world- not jjst so far, but indicating there will be minimal change in how the author will implement ideas into their fantasy. Writing quality is a tad messed up. With sentences being somawhat oddly made every chapter. There are times when I have to guess the meaning of the entire paragraph and keep going, since It probablt doesnt matter anyway. With that I also get into the story being filled with worthless actians, and narratives. For example the idea that the authro uses every point of view possible, and sometimes does so in a single chapter --leading to inconsistancy in the world. Like as if it were spinning around the entire time ha ..The development of the basis to understand the story is alright. At the very least I understood what was needed to read along, still with confusion. Even so, It wasnt ALL borderline nonsese. (though maybe here and there it was.)One major thing with that are the characters demeanor, and over all the entirety of their soul's are lacking considerablty. The way everything somehow revolved around the idea that the Main character is amazing, and hes powerful and charming. Even if somehow that changed, the characters stay with their doll like personalities. Similar to an old movie youve watched over 20 times. What once was an anormous amount of feelings and character design is now the same stuff over and over. Alright. -- Simply, The boy himself is nothing special. A crippled teen. He has mysterious skills. Gained in 'some' way because of 'some' people. With the other characters acting as filler to explain the world around, for him and us readers. Everyone of the cjaracters introduced can be deleted and replaced and yet the story would be absolutely no less bland than it is now. 168 chapters is a plenty long time of writingOne that deserves atleast some plenty amount of though to give a less than wanted opinion about it.I dont carw about the world. I am not attached to neither the main character or anyone else. Nor his ambitions, or the reasons for them act as a spark for sentimental feelings. Nothing leads me to think, this is amazing. Suppose I'm simply bland myself. Let me be that way then. And I will reconsider myself, not this.I have not nearly even spoken about the anourmous amounts of sadistic plot there is. Unecessary evil beings always including [forgive me for the i'll use of words]rape, murder, gutting, assulting. Sexual assulting ganging on helpless ones. Intense nightmare of rape--and more. Please listen carefully. The story is not a bad one. Neither is it such horrific as I explain it to be. Give it a try, it is interesting I'd say. I've spent the whole day reading. I hope this review doesnt go over. If you do read simply forgwt about this review and think upon it with your own view on the story at that moment. This is actually more of me forcing myself to atleast leave something behind for I am stubborn and will not leave this story wasting my time. I'll be making use of the time spent reading with a simple review beofre I leave this one and start a new one. Whenever that may be.I hope the 3.6, wont make you dislike this review. I hope.The intention to bring harm is not minetruly

I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)


Le gusta a personas 4

me gusta



J'ai tout lu pour l'instant et c'est pas mal. Ta juste defois envie de défoncer certains personnages mais tout vas bien.

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It's good I know but...


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Magically:It's good I know but...