
Review Detail of Swaggles in Let's make history!

Detalle de revisión


Honest review here. The beginning is slow-paced but it helps us grasp a better understanding of the characters and what we can expect. The writing is a bit unique, and the author uses it to his/her advantage(although I have minor issues with it). I love the interactions between the characters. It's a treat for my eyes. The plot is unique, especially the introduction. The only main problem I have is the early locked chapters. Other than that, good job and keep on updating!


Let's make history!


Le gusta a personas 1

me gusta



My line was thrown back at me xD. Oh, it's fine. I thought it was unreasonable, but if it's only going to be 50 chapters then it's understandable. Unfortunately, all your readers will get the same impression so I think you need to tell them all at once via Writer's Thought, or another way.

daylightmoon123445:Hey dude, thx for your honest critiq- ehem, review. It's true that it's annoying that it's locked early, but there are only 50 chapters, so it's auto-locked. Sorry about that!

Hey dude, thx for your honest critiq- ehem, review. It's true that it's annoying that it's locked early, but there are only 50 chapters, so it's auto-locked. Sorry about that!