
Review Detail of DetachedDreamer in 【Creating The HyPixel For Fun | Marvel & DC Universe.】

Detalle de revisión


Good story, interesting concept, definitely has potential. My problem is with the MC, which if the MC isn't the same as the original ill revise my review. I just think the author wanted a unique MC more than anything else, so much so that they sacrificed quality for being different and different doesn't mean better. Because the MC is so unrealistic the immersion of the story is completely derailed. Other than that its a good story.

【Creating The HyPixel For Fun | Marvel & DC Universe.】


Le gusta a personas 1

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Thanks for the suggestions mate, I always love seeing peoples comments. Anyways I never really knew what to do with my protagonist, so I just write his personality whenever my mood at that time is, In the first chapter I was horny, so he's a horndog. But thinking about it I should have made my protagonist have a personality and plan for the future which I'm doing right now, for the first time in years I actually have a plan for my story.

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