
Review Detail of satoru_gojo_6121 in Kingdoms of Dust: Rebuilding The Nation

Detalle de revisión


The story is good. Not a lot of problems in grammer and story, The character design seems to be the best. The problem is with the updates. The author seems to rarely posts these days. Like, can I get a reply to when the next (non filler chapter) is gonna come by? I mean you should actually make the filler a part of the story, cuz it good . The posting schedule used to be 1 chapter per day but now it is like 1 chapter a month. The rest is perfect, I've been reading since the 11th chapter and gonna continue till the end.

Kingdoms of Dust: Rebuilding The Nation


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I apologise for not updating the chapters, as much as I want to publish. I am pushing hard for my exam preparations as they are very important for my future. The regular schedule will come back for a short part of February maybe 10-15 chapters and followed by another break. I will be 100% consistent in the next July. Please Endure till then, I will always be updating a chapter monthly and the filler arc is always there. Thank you for being there, it really made my day to have a friend like you.