
Review Detail of Shinfreyer in Eye Sorcerer

Detalle de revisión



Eye Sorcerer

Mr. System

Le gusta a personas 19

me gusta



I made this review when it was still in the sypnosis review, but seriously once this novel goes to the hundredths or goes to the global scale are you 100 percent sure that it won't be the same as the others. sure i might be biased, but I'm tired of the constant nationalism and the prejudice they emit towards my own country is just too much.

DemonizedDemon:I don't understand why you are making this negative review. There has been no nationalism as of yet in these 20 chapters released. So what if the story was based in China and that it would implicitly imply that China is #1? If you were writing a story and needed to make a background for it, would it not be easier to write one using an already existing place such as Earth? Wouldn't you use a more familiar place, which in this case is China, to give a more vivid description? Imagine if someone born native and resides the United States writing a story with a background in Venezuela, Ghana, or Beijing. Imagine how much worse the quality of the story would be since there are no personal, not even an inkling of authentic experiences of the customs of these places from the author. Not to mention that the story quality and power system is well developed and very interesting to read. Now that you're making this review, there are going to be many others who just only see your 'CHINA #1' and click upvote and not bother to read the story at all. Then the story would not get picked. Sigh.

ooooh i hope not..


it will become chinanumwa1


While I too am tired of the Nationalism that is a thin excuse for global racism I feel that your review is just as bad. You have condemned this piece of writing based off of what others have done. As of the first 20 chapters I have yet to see what I would call a gross exhibition of superiority complex. Will it turn to that? Possibly and if the trend shown on the site holds true then it's likely but until that holds true I choose to refrain from judging this work based on what others have done. I would ask that you and others like you judge a book on its merits and not on what others have done. Don't be a judgmental individual that looks down on others which is coincidentally what all that "nationalism" is doing. AKA don't be a hypocrite.


I get the point that you are trying to make but you are lacking knowledge. He isn't condemning this piece off of what others have done, he is condemning it off of what is inevitable of any Chinese novel set on Earth due to the Chinese government (they implicitly force authors to, in some way, incorporate China being #1)

Mithren:While I too am tired of the Nationalism that is a thin excuse for global racism I feel that your review is just as bad. You have condemned this piece of writing based off of what others have done. As of the first 20 chapters I have yet to see what I would call a gross exhibition of superiority complex. Will it turn to that? Possibly and if the trend shown on the site holds true then it's likely but until that holds true I choose to refrain from judging this work based on what others have done. I would ask that you and others like you judge a book on its merits and not on what others have done. Don't be a judgmental individual that looks down on others which is coincidentally what all that "nationalism" is doing. AKA don't be a hypocrite.

I don't understand why you are making this negative review. There has been no nationalism as of yet in these 20 chapters released. So what if the story was based in China and that it would implicitly imply that China is #1? If you were writing a story and needed to make a background for it, would it not be easier to write one using an already existing place such as Earth? Wouldn't you use a more familiar place, which in this case is China, to give a more vivid description? Imagine if someone born native and resides the United States writing a story with a background in Venezuela, Ghana, or Beijing. Imagine how much worse the quality of the story would be since there are no personal, not even an inkling of authentic experiences of the customs of these places from the author. Not to mention that the story quality and power system is well developed and very interesting to read. Now that you're making this review, there are going to be many others who just only see your 'CHINA #1' and click upvote and not bother to read the story at all. Then the story would not get picked. Sigh.


You know do know that the novel will literally get taken down if its set in modern day with China as an actual country if the author doesn't fill it with demonization and genocide of foreigners and constant praise of the superior communist government? Like actually will get deleted and author will get a warning? But your comment was a good try of showing your moral superiority Chinabot....

Mithren:While I too am tired of the Nationalism that is a thin excuse for global racism I feel that your review is just as bad. You have condemned this piece of writing based off of what others have done. As of the first 20 chapters I have yet to see what I would call a gross exhibition of superiority complex. Will it turn to that? Possibly and if the trend shown on the site holds true then it's likely but until that holds true I choose to refrain from judging this work based on what others have done. I would ask that you and others like you judge a book on its merits and not on what others have done. Don't be a judgmental individual that looks down on others which is coincidentally what all that "nationalism" is doing. AKA don't be a hypocrite.

So dont set it on modern Earth or why not set in a different world with countries that we don’t.

kessu91:You know do know that the novel will literally get taken down if its set in modern day with China as an actual country if the author doesn't fill it with demonization and genocide of foreigners and constant praise of the superior communist government? Like actually will get deleted and author will get a warning? But your comment was a good try of showing your moral superiority Chinabot....

Emm… I think its the blatant lies of depicting that china is the perfect and the embodiment of justice country while other countries are constantly scheming and evil. Authors making blatant statements like “china is an environmental country” (fact:largest poluter) “china cares about human rights” (emm Uyghur) “Other countries want to invade china” (south china sea, indian boarder) They just keep making blatant false statements, this is the problems This is not just a problem of chinese novels alone, to a smaller extent korean novels some times has this problem too but not as large as china.

DemonizedDemon:I don't understand why you are making this negative review. There has been no nationalism as of yet in these 20 chapters released. So what if the story was based in China and that it would implicitly imply that China is #1? If you were writing a story and needed to make a background for it, would it not be easier to write one using an already existing place such as Earth? Wouldn't you use a more familiar place, which in this case is China, to give a more vivid description? Imagine if someone born native and resides the United States writing a story with a background in Venezuela, Ghana, or Beijing. Imagine how much worse the quality of the story would be since there are no personal, not even an inkling of authentic experiences of the customs of these places from the author. Not to mention that the story quality and power system is well developed and very interesting to read. Now that you're making this review, there are going to be many others who just only see your 'CHINA #1' and click upvote and not bother to read the story at all. Then the story would not get picked. Sigh.

That is what most experienced authors do, but a lot of newer ones set it on earth since A) the background/world setting is much easier and B) the vast majority of their readers are chinese so the nationalism usually isn’t a big problem for them

1996611q:So dont set it on modern Earth or why not set in a different world with countries that we don’t.

May I remind you that this is a light novel, not reality. The author may want to write their ideal version of China, who knows? After all, all countries has its problems and they just want to make a better version of it in a story.

1996611q:Emm… I think its the blatant lies of depicting that china is the perfect and the embodiment of justice country while other countries are constantly scheming and evil. Authors making blatant statements like “china is an environmental country” (fact:largest poluter) “china cares about human rights” (emm Uyghur) “Other countries want to invade china” (south china sea, indian boarder) They just keep making blatant false statements, this is the problems This is not just a problem of chinese novels alone, to a smaller extent korean novels some times has this problem too but not as large as china.

Every country has their dirty laundry but China and especially China refuses to admit it’s dirty laundry. Like if it some made up country doing it to another made up country there would be Zero problems. The moment they start slapping real country names that when problems starts. The problem is further exgasterbated with poor writing. Super powerful chinese MC forces all the world leaders (except china) to kneel before him, meanwhile there would he high praises for the MC by everyone including those nations whom their elected leader was forced to kneel. All chinese are patriots while all foriegners are evil/cowards. This is how these chinese novels with modern setting ends. I’m repulsed by such settings.

DemonizedDemon:May I remind you that this is a light novel, not reality. The author may want to write their ideal version of China, who knows? After all, all countries has its problems and they just want to make a better version of it in a story.

First of all, don't talk about poor writing skills. We haven't even gone over 40 chapters yet. Secondly, just because the story is based on China and on Earth, doesn't mean that this will involve other countries. Other nationalities haven't even been mentioned yet. The author is probably trying to avoid the kind of situation you are talking about. In additionally, the main character shows none of the slightest inclination that he would be extremely nationalistic to the point of racism. Third, most of the story is likely to be based in other fantasy worlds, as you can see from the more detailed world building of the fantasy world he is in now. Fourth, what is the point of airing dirty laundry in this story. We're trying to read light novels here, not to argue about politics or what problems a country has. If they say it's good in the story then it's good for that person. It's all different views here.

1996611q:Every country has their dirty laundry but China and especially China refuses to admit it’s dirty laundry. Like if it some made up country doing it to another made up country there would be Zero problems. The moment they start slapping real country names that when problems starts. The problem is further exgasterbated with poor writing. Super powerful chinese MC forces all the world leaders (except china) to kneel before him, meanwhile there would he high praises for the MC by everyone including those nations whom their elected leader was forced to kneel. All chinese are patriots while all foriegners are evil/cowards. This is how these chinese novels with modern setting ends. I’m repulsed by such settings.

He is condemning this piece. Even if the author is forced to make China the number one country in the novel doesn't mean that there will be excessive nationalism to the point of racism. Especially when the story shows not even the slightest sign of it. By saying that the novel would have excessive nationalism, he is basing it off what other novels have written, did he not?

sblego11:I get the point that you are trying to make but you are lacking knowledge. He isn't condemning this piece off of what others have done, he is condemning it off of what is inevitable of any Chinese novel set on Earth due to the Chinese government (they implicitly force authors to, in some way, incorporate China being #1)

I don't think he is trying to show his moral superiority. Even if he was, his morals are indeed better than yours. At least he isn't insulting people like you.

kessu91:You know do know that the novel will literally get taken down if its set in modern day with China as an actual country if the author doesn't fill it with demonization and genocide of foreigners and constant praise of the superior communist government? Like actually will get deleted and author will get a warning? But your comment was a good try of showing your moral superiority Chinabot....

That is where you are wrong. It literally does mean that there will be excessive nationalism to the point of racism. Either that excessive nationalism is there, or the government forces the author to drop the book

DemonizedDemon:He is condemning this piece. Even if the author is forced to make China the number one country in the novel doesn't mean that there will be excessive nationalism to the point of racism. Especially when the story shows not even the slightest sign of it. By saying that the novel would have excessive nationalism, he is basing it off what other novels have written, did he not?

I don't understand why you don't get it also... I made this review in a Future tense.. saying that it has a high percent chance of happening, I ALSO SAID THAT IT HAS GOOD PLOT AND SYPNOSIS HOW IS THAT NEGATIVE!? The only thing you're triggered is the fact i said it won't escape the clutches of it having too much nationalism since it's based on earth. BESIDES I HAVE WRITTEN THIS REVIEW BASED ON THE SYPNOSIS PREVIEW WHERE YOU WILL VOTE FOR THE NOVEL. Sure I may have judge so early, but I'm 80% sure that for plot to thicken the author will place foreign countries as the villain to have some mysteriousness and schemes, *Ehem* Japan.

DemonizedDemon:I don't understand why you are making this negative review. There has been no nationalism as of yet in these 20 chapters released. So what if the story was based in China and that it would implicitly imply that China is #1? If you were writing a story and needed to make a background for it, would it not be easier to write one using an already existing place such as Earth? Wouldn't you use a more familiar place, which in this case is China, to give a more vivid description? Imagine if someone born native and resides the United States writing a story with a background in Venezuela, Ghana, or Beijing. Imagine how much worse the quality of the story would be since there are no personal, not even an inkling of authentic experiences of the customs of these places from the author. Not to mention that the story quality and power system is well developed and very interesting to read. Now that you're making this review, there are going to be many others who just only see your 'CHINA #1' and click upvote and not bother to read the story at all. Then the story would not get picked. Sigh.

Dont mind the people who criticise your review. Most of them are either chinese or the kind of people who would sell their dignity and themselves for a little bit of recreation. You can observe that most of their comments are logic less and entirely lacks self respect (willing to let themselves be called pigs, dogs, worthless scum, Despicable trash e.t.c and their reason is........its just a story)

Shinfreyer:I don't understand why you don't get it also... I made this review in a Future tense.. saying that it has a high percent chance of happening, I ALSO SAID THAT IT HAS GOOD PLOT AND SYPNOSIS HOW IS THAT NEGATIVE!? The only thing you're triggered is the fact i said it won't escape the clutches of it having too much nationalism since it's based on earth. BESIDES I HAVE WRITTEN THIS REVIEW BASED ON THE SYPNOSIS PREVIEW WHERE YOU WILL VOTE FOR THE NOVEL. Sure I may have judge so early, but I'm 80% sure that for plot to thicken the author will place foreign countries as the villain to have some mysteriousness and schemes, *Ehem* Japan.

My apologies. I did not pay enough attention to the time stamp on your comment and didn't realized it was so long ago. I understand you like the plot line and the characters, which I also agree. I am only triggered because you emphasized the possibility of excessive racism to the point of nationalism. I know you mean well and is just predicting what might happen in the future, but there are people out there who don't read the whole comment. The only thing they see is CHINA #1 and relate it to nationalism and racism, then they just like and leave, creating a vicious cycle.

Shinfreyer:I don't understand why you don't get it also... I made this review in a Future tense.. saying that it has a high percent chance of happening, I ALSO SAID THAT IT HAS GOOD PLOT AND SYPNOSIS HOW IS THAT NEGATIVE!? The only thing you're triggered is the fact i said it won't escape the clutches of it having too much nationalism since it's based on earth. BESIDES I HAVE WRITTEN THIS REVIEW BASED ON THE SYPNOSIS PREVIEW WHERE YOU WILL VOTE FOR THE NOVEL. Sure I may have judge so early, but I'm 80% sure that for plot to thicken the author will place foreign countries as the villain to have some mysteriousness and schemes, *Ehem* Japan.

My apologies, again. I also dislike it when they attack other countries like that without any real reason or precedent in the story. It ruins the atmosphere of the story and turns it into a disgusting filler type.

Shinfreyer:I made this review when it was still in the sypnosis review, but seriously once this novel goes to the hundredths or goes to the global scale are you 100 percent sure that it won't be the same as the others. sure i might be biased, but I'm tired of the constant nationalism and the prejudice they emit towards my own country is just too much.