
Review Detail of Dark_Magma in Naruto: The new journey

Detalle de revisión


alright then story is good with good development, even if i didnt like that sasuke got power up at the beginning i still read it and enjoyed it. Everything is good if not for the fact that there aint any updates anymore which is why this story wont get a more than 4.2. also i originally wanted to give this story a 4 stare review without choosing updating stability at all but i misclicked and im lazy to rewrite all this right now and change it. so that one star stays and could be justified by author maybe having troubles as i also read his atg novel which has the super system and its quite good and was updated months ago at the latest i think. also i didnt know the atg with super system was his story. I just found this book(naruto one) on the internet and thought 'well, its interesting so why not read it on webnovel instead.' Whatever happened to author i hope he can come back cuz his stories are good and also atg stories arent that much so yeah. keep it up.

Naruto: The new journey


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