
Review Detail of CliffkunLolRekt in The Curse of the Werewolf (BTS Jungkook ff)

Detalle de revisión


Would you and your fellow spammers kindly **** off from spamming this site with this bts bull**** like how many peaple can write the same thing in a day if your going to write about it at least fucking to to the romance genare Many outhers are also fed up I don’t care just take it to another ganre Fan fictions are for things like anime cultivating Harry Potter Percy Jackson ect as I’m pretty shure bts jook and the outher one witch I’m to tired to remember the name are part of a band Even if it was not a band and about a novel it’s more romance than fan fic I don’t care if you write romance GL or even BL You can clearly see there are a obserd amount of this in this fan fic section at one time yet you preceded to post is bull **** it’s gotten to the point where peaple can barely find dxd novels as you guys have been borderline spamming I understand you are a fan but for **** sakes enough is enough You have a right to like stuff and talk about it but there is a breaking point where enough is enough your disturbing your nabors as your to loud I’m going to copy and paste this to every bts jook ect I see as it’s gotten bad yet you guys keep fucking posting this stuff Look I don’t hate on you cus of the stuff you like it’s cus you see it’s crowded yet push into the (elevator anyway)(or fan fiction area) plus you guys post twice or three times as the Webnovel glitch

The Curse of the Werewolf (BTS Jungkook ff)


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