Mad God's Love [Dark, enemies-to-lovers BL] "I was having the worst day in a long string of worst days. Growing up on the streets in the middle of monster apocalypse put a lot of things in perspective - however, meeting one of these creatures personally was the crown jewel of my bad luck. He stalks, he claims, he does not understand..."
A more realistic take on an interest from someone inhuman. It's not rosy, it won't be smooth, there's no instantaneous affection. There's struggle, ambiguity and things going from bad to worse on an express train. All that said, a semblance of a happy ending will be reached.
Trigger warnings:
abandonment, abuse, assault, gore, death, injuries, murder, poverty, rape, self-harm.
The story in full, including the explicit excerpts: (chapters 1 R - 12 BC) (chapters 13 R - 25 R)
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Audranasa · LGBT+
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