


Bananas on Pancakes - MASJ: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jIhW3uEtedo7vX4Rk0myn?si=cf79ae88b57e43ef

2023-10-29 Se unióUnited Kingdom



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  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Zozolek0730

    There wasn't really a certain amount of time really. I have like 4k songs on shuffle whenever I write and if 1 fits a certain mood, either through lyrics or instrumental, I'll put it into a separate playlist for potential titles. I also do the same if the name of the song fits a chapter, rather than the vibe of the song itself. This song just happened to appear in my shuffle a few weeks ago and I thought it fit El and Mara well, so wanted to include it in a chapter somewhere ❤

    "Sometimes we fly~ Sometimes we fall~ Sometimes I feel like we're nothing at all~ Dream in the light~ Dance in the dark~ You fill the spaces inside of my heart~"
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Cyrus_Siant

    My understanding of them is that Transmigrated can either be when someone is transported to another world without dying, or they die and their soul inhabits another body. Whereas Reincarnation is where someone dies and is born into a brand new body.

    "Technically that would have been your parent's name, but I sort of changed its fate to create you for myself. That's enough off-topic stuff anyways, now to give you a name…Hmmm…"
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Kazuma_desu_

    Thanks for the feedback ❤️ I'll make sure not to waffle too much over the smallest of details

    As such, just before her boot impacted the Arc Reactor, I widened Mara's foot and thus increased the surface area. With a larger surface area, more metal was impacted and that slowed down the foot quicker, preventing my host's foot from penetrating all the way into the drone's torso.
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a LokeErBest

    I've tried to cut down on some of the bigger blocks, but clearly I'm not hitting the mark. It's probably worth mentioning that I do everything on pc since the reading experience on the app might be what I'm missing. Would you be able to give an example of 1 of the blocks, please, so I can focus on it and understand how it's unnatural? From my point of view, them not interrupting each other is common courtesy since they're not arguing and just talking normally. I'm not against dialogue being interrupted, but from my own experiences, I feel like interruptions aren't really frequent in a casual conversation. I appreciate the feedback as always ❤️

    Ch 39 Chapter 39) – We Go Down Together
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a SnowRose

    Expert or not, it's good advice since it's from the readers' point of view, and the readering experience is one of the main things I should accommodate. Thanks again, and if you find anything else feels off, please let me know so I can improve on it ❤️

    Still absolutely ravenous after the eventful day she had so far, Mara let go of her restraint and requested another helping of food, "Thanks Natalie! In that case can you order me a barbeque beef torta and a chicken quesadilla please? For some reason, all the gore made me hungry. Now that I say it out loud, that doesn't sound normal, right?"
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Master_Mask

    Something like this

    The red head drove her all-black Mercedes E-class sedan to a stop halfway around the circular roundabout out the front of the main manor door. The roundabout functioned as a temporary parking point, allowing easy drop-off and pick-up for visitors or guests.
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Comentado por
    The dress itself was form-fitting and covered her entire body. The sleeves went down to her wrists, covering her arms, and the skirt equally covered the entirety of her legs coming to rest at the top of my host's feet. To allow for easy movement, there was a slit down the side of the dress which started in the middle of Mara's thighs. The base of the dress was black silk, but that was only visible on her torso, shoulders and upper arms as the rest was covered in embroidery. Seed beads, tube beads, silver, nickel and iridescent smoky grey crystals, which were alien materials to Earth, as well as the details on the dress ensured that it was the hardest piece of clothing I had ever attempted to replicate with my form.
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a earthydragonsly

    Yeah, Symbiotes originated from All-Black the Necrosword, so that's why El felt weird. I haven't decided if they'll absorb All-Black, but it could make for a good showdown. Either way, it's far into the future, so I won't give a clear answer for now since I might use it in another way. Sorry it's not a yes or no, but I don't want to promise something and then change my mind further down the line

    Ch 38 Chapter 38) – Fake ID
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Reserv_r_dog

    Good spot, I'll correct this once I finish work ❤️

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Eythen

    At the time she was hiding El, yeah

    Turning around to face Tony again, she stops walking to reply, "Sure, got nothing better planned so got no reason to refuse. Name's Mara by the way, or if we're using our made-up names, you can call me Elysium, Iron Man."
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a SnowRose

    I see what you mean and completely agree. I was so focused on trying to make it clear who was speaking to whom I didn't think about how an actual conversation usually goes. Going forward, I'll try to follow this advice. Once I'm confident I've improved enough and get round to re-writing the initial chapters, I'll have a touch-up of all the other ones to try and help the flow of the conversations. Thank you, I genuinely appreciate it. This kind of constructive guidance is what I was after since I'm still relatively new to writing ❤️

    Still absolutely ravenous after the eventful day she had so far, Mara let go of her restraint and requested another helping of food, "Thanks Natalie! In that case can you order me a barbeque beef torta and a chicken quesadilla please? For some reason, all the gore made me hungry. Now that I say it out loud, that doesn't sound normal, right?"
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Reserv_r_dog

    Yeah, they could. El would have to bond with her or create a child so she could have her own Klyntar, but yeah, she could be healed ❤️

    With Mara dropping that bombshell on the group, the remainder of the time waiting for Tony to return was spent with the other 3 asking her questions about either her abilities, what exactly she's done since she woke up as a clean slate and mentioning a multitude of things in the hopes of jogging her memory, like pop culture references or historical events.
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Haku_Ouroboros

    There isn't any futa currently. I may do it in the future after asking how the readers feel about it. The Symbiote gets involved using tendrils/tentacles or creating hands, but if that's still not your thing, I appreciate you checking out the novel in the first place ❤️

    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Haku_Ouroboros

    The host of the Symbiote is female. For any Lemons in the future with other characters, they will be Symbiote + woman + woman. Since the host will also sleep with the other women, rather than the Symbiote doing everything, I gave it the Yuri tag so as not to potentially mislead people.

    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Yurutto

    Happy to hear you enjoy what I've written ❤️ I'm enjoying writing it, so I don't plan to drop it anytime soon. Some irl stuff could always happen, but I'll be sure to give a rough timescale if I need to take a hiatus for whatever reason.

    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Paulcait

    Now that I re-read what I wrote, I can see how there could be the implication that just Mara is going to sleep with someone else and essentially cheat on El. Both El and Mara will be willingly involved in the Lemon, but I figured that since it's alien + girl + girl, even with a space alien, it should have the Yuri tag. For any Lemons in the future, it will always involve El and Mara. They're each other's number 1 priority, and I wouldn't want to split them up. I would also feel like 1 is cheating on the other ❤️

    Good news (for some) - I've written my first Lemon and I think it turned out pretty good. Bad news (for those same people) - You'll have to wait a little longer since it's not in this chapter, sorry. The reason I'm telling you this in advance is that it is a Yuri Lemon. For a while I've been unsure about giving this novel the Yuri tag as I wasn't completely sure I would involve anyone else with El and Mara. However, since I have finally decided to commit and involve other women going forward, I will update the tags to reflect that.
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Comentado por
    Before I advanced to the next stage, Odin took it upon himself to guide me during the creation, rather than advise what changes needed to be made after the fact, "The guard was curved on itself and ran parallel to the main blade, pointing towards the tip. It was connected to the main blade with an additional, small, curved piece. The outside of the guard and the connected piece were sharpened to also function as blades, with the ends of the guard protrude slightly to create a sharp point. The tip of the sword was more like a spear tip as it had a cut-out on either edge of the blade, slightly back from the very end of it. Halfway up the sword there was a barb on both edges of the blade to inflict more damage when the sword was pulled from the victim. The middle of the sword, between the barbs and the cut out for the tip, was removed to reduce the weight of the sword. The handle is irrelevant, so just go with whatever fits best in your hand."
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a DaoistuRqQA5

    I'm not sure if I'm going to take the harem route for now, but I'll definitely keep it in mind as an option ❤️

    Ch 37 Chapter 37) – Runaway
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Hatsune_Rin

    I believe so, or at least something along those lines. It definitely sounds like something he would say 😂

    Knowing that the adrenaline and panic fuelled the driver's reaction, we put on a faux offended tone, "Now that's just rude." 
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    respondió a Melkpie

    That's a good point, actually. I would like to say that the pass has a chip in it that requires scanning, but I later explain that El inherited Carnage's technopathy, so that's also out the window. For now, assume that Mara forgot about Carnage's technopathy, when she was planning her entrance, until she was later reminded about it by El. I'll add this to the list of things I need to correct when I re-write the first 10 or so chapters once I've improved a little more. Thank you for pointing this out, I appreciate it ❤️

    Following my instruction, Mara looks down to see a VIP badge nestled perfectly between her perky mounds. Raising the dangling badge by the lanyard, up to her face, she confirms that not only have we secured a VIP access badge, but I have also used part of my body to change the details on the pass such that it is now her appearance and name on the badge.
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Película · BananaPancke