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There aren’t many reviews listed, so I’ll take the plunge. This is pretty great! It definitely has a lot of potential. I’ve read up to the current max, and I can confidently say this has the makings of one of the top novels here. That being said, I’d recommend waiting until there are about 500 chapters released. Personally, I love reading 100+ chapters in one go, but the story’s pacing feels SO slow due to the extensive world-building (some would also just say filler) up until chapter 50. The chapters themselves are also relatively short (at least to me), so take that as you will.
This is actually a pretty decent read. I had always avoided this book because I typically prefer stories with magic-wielding protagonists. However, when someone described the main character as a “close-combat mage,” I decided to give it a try. Unfortunately, I can’t give it 5 stars. Without spoiling too much, as the story progresses, the main character stops advancing on the wizard path. It almost feels like the author went out of their way to force this to happen—perhaps to avoid the story becoming too much like a typical mage tale. I’m not sure, but either way, I decided to drop it immediately.
Honestly, this is one of the better novels on this platform. It’s unfortunate there are so few chapters so far. I’ll be putting a pause on reading, as I prefer to binge-read 100+ chapters at a time. The main character is overpowered, the story progresses quickly, and the world-building feels grand. Currently, there’s no harem, but the author has been hinting at the possibility for the future. Personally, I don’t care much about romance in these types of stories, but I know it’s a big deal for some readers, so I thought I’d mention it.
Incredible and definitely worth your money.
I don’t usually write reviews, but this book was so frustrating that I decided to start today. I can’t remember if the author mentioned this was their first book, but it definitely reads like a debut at times. The inconsistencies in the writing were so distracting that I would have stopped reading much earlier if I hadn’t received free chapters. I’ll break down my issues in two main parts, and I’ll try to keep this spoiler-free. First, at a certain point, the author gives the main character a way to boost their intelligence. Initially, I thought this might be a clever move by the author—making the main character seem unintelligent (despite him believing he’s smart) so that, with the intelligence boost, he realizes how foolish he was. But no, the main character remains exactly the same. It’s honestly disappointing. The second issue is with the main character’s supposed arrogance and cold-bloodedness. He’s far too much of a pushover for those traits to be believable. If these major issues aren’t a dealbreaker for you, I’d still recommend the book. It’s not terrible, but it’s a tough read due to these inconsistencies.
This is a very slow reason
MC is so slow oml