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zeus is perfect hypocrite like he doesn't want anyone to blame his sister for apocalypse and everyone's suffering but he wants daniel to suffer so that everyone can be happy
author u posted wrong chapter
author in silas status screen he only has fire , water and Ice elements and recent chapters he is shown as lightning user ?
ic tftc
author just a little question at the cafe he was on 30chapter of the novel , so isn't this to exaggerating like how much could he know about the story if he only read upto 30ch
hey can anyone tell me about his third stigmata I can only remember two silent casting and boundless reservoir and also who is archmage zen?
finally something refreshing the plot is interesting and well placed and the characters are wholesome and most importantly the author doesn't add trash rubbish talks to fill the word count like most authors out there , I just hope author increases update speed and doesn't drop the novel
author give a little summary about the world history and various groups
extra of bad ending