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1: she did not knowingly do it
1: yea I was thinking about it like the main one th at causes the other 2: oh I guess I was wrong
1: that is kinda wrong ( from what I remember) 616 is the main universe we see that dose not mean it the universe
He is 11 but he can form his body to look older
I am not saying he week or he not one of the top power house I just disagree on the amount of people who can beat him
That is understandable stay heal thy
What I am basically saying is why would she belive she doing wrong
1: that is untrue At in Russia if u get merry at any age u be consider adult In Africa it varies from 12 to 21, In Japan it was 20 but recently changed in 2022 to 19 A lot of Islam countries consider Males at 15 years old are considered adults, while females are considered adults when they have their menstruation Also if u notice in USA it depends on the state And that the tip of the iceberg’s 2: u also did not talk about my other point
1: not everone live in amirca but even in amirca the law do not consider that adult but someone who can muture enough to not make that much dumb decisions