


Someone who couldn't change the world. So he started making worlds of his own. Thanks for checking my profile. Discord: Izekiel#2519

2022-05-15 Se unióUnited States



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  • Izekiel
    respondió a Nightwalker_00

    I'll be making one soon. Will provide

    Ch 166 166: Did you not?
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a Master_Atlest

    You know I can read your comment without all Capslock too lol

    Ch 26 26: Excess Summon
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a Izekiel

    Satisfied? All new authors have to struggle for reviews since we don't have any advance reader followings. I literally had to promise a mass release in exchange for getting my first ten reviews and that's when I had 500k views. Even then I had to wait for 3 weeks before I reached 10 reviews. So before accusing someone, maybe think twice. The world doesn't revolve around you bro. 1 million views with 150 chapters doesn't mean you'll get 1000 reviews.

    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a Izekiel
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a Izekiel
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a Izekiel
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a Izekiel
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a Izekiel
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a tortle

    And as far as Million Views with 17 reviews are considered lol you really thought you had something there, didn't you? Lol let me show you something then. 🤣

    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a Izekiel

    You can copy paste and give that same review with 5 stars, and it'll still be selected, just like two of my 5 star reviews were gone since they mentioned "f***ng awesome" or something similar terminology. If you remember that review, try posting it again at any time you prefer and see if it's shown on the review page lol

    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a tortle

    I don't have enough free time to delete 3 star reviews. There is an auto moderation system on Webnovel which delete review when curse words are used, or other such banned words. It could possibly be the reason for your review to be gone on its own right after you posted.

    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a Izekiel

    And by short sighted, I meant from your side. Like there are tens of things you can complaint about in first 30 chapters regarding MC's actions, but the eating thing that you made the core of your anger after reading just the first chapter... instead of considering that there might have been more to the situation than met the eye... very short sighted And with that, I'm done answering objectively to your review. Have a great day

    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a Izekiel

    One last thing. The main character has many flaws, as every person does. Humans aren't supposed to be perfect. What you might do in a situation, depends widely on a person. He did quite a lot of things that one person might find right, and another might find wrong. However, what you pointed out about eating? Out of all the flaws of MC that could've been chosen, including his short temper, or anger, you chose the only thing that was explained and planned. The eating... That was quite short sighted honestly.

    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a AuthorSven

    That's much better. And now that you've objectively pointer out the issues, I can also objectively answer. your assumption is incorrect . How did it become cultivation world? There is not even a concept of cultivation? And now about your initial complaint about MC eating and being stupid. Firstly, regarding him eating food from King of pride, The Sin of Pride doesn't work like that. It doesn't make one go crazy if their pride if hurt. Secondly about him being stupid enough to eat and think he'll be safe, that comes into future chapters where the situation is explained more, about how this situation was manipulated in such a way where he had to do it. And thirdly, he had relationship with the King of Pride in the past, which also clouded his perception. The first chapter doesn't tell all this at once. It goes more into the backstory that's slowly highlighted in coming chaps, especially in ones where he meet the King of Pride. Just because the concept of Tower is used, that doesn't make it a Korean Copy or a cultivation novel. Then again, I respect your assumption and your ability to see the future through first chap, no matter how wrong.

    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a EsZeus
    "A sword behind you!" Azekiel appeared near Azekiel. Even though he couldn't fight without being summoned, he could at least touch Azekiel. 
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a KRISHNA_SAI_P

    It will work once a day at most, but 6 is the total limit. It's like you have 6 candies but you can only eat one a day

    Card of Judgment [5 Cards left]
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a I_AM_GAY_WASTAKEN

    When everyone is racist, no one is racist

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a CHRIS2169XP

    the inventory that keeps items recieved rewards from system. Nothing else.

    In his inventory, he saw the Storage Ring. He had actually received the reward he wanted! A ring that he could use to store items, mainly food. 
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a Rune_God

    Those are really cool names

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel
  • Izekiel
    respondió a

    Still worth explaining since it was a query.

    "Every person who passes through a floor you control, they need to give some amount of experience to pass through it every time. Even some of my exp has been deducted as soon as I stepped here," Azekiel explained. "This exp goes to the Ruler of the Floor."
    Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin
    Fantasía · Izekiel