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What does this even mean? The stern president’s voice was unusually calm? Would such a president ever alpear on tv without a calm voice?
Why would a world that is falling apart care about someone’s age with regards to work? World building is already off to a shaky start. Not to mention the Earth ‘falling apart’. Better have a supernatural explanation for that, or at least a star or black hole passing too close and throwing everything off.
This world building is idiotic. A race of birds exist that can not only eat, but also find high level and extremely rare ores from hundreds of kilometers away and dozens of kilometers underground. Besides this stupid ability even existing, why would any of this ore remain in this entire planet’s crust after a few thousand years of this species’ existence? Oh, and then we have a new ‘problem’ that is made up for the plot which is literally immediately solved. Why even write it? Its like you wrote ‘the MC tripped over his shoelaces, and then he got up!’. Couldn’t think of actual plot or character development, so just writing whatever filler is at the top of your mind?
I wish authors kept up their writing wuality instead of rushing out a bunch of nonsense for mass releases and other crap. Or writing multiple novels at the same time. Makes for a bunch of watered down trash.
Wow, this was a terrible opening chapter.
This whole ‘demoness spent trillions of years honing her spear’ along with everything that comes with it is just utter horseshit and just makes all of this look idiotic. Everything about her, what she is doing, and who she supposedly loves, what does it even matter in the face of such time? It is ridiculous beyond measure. It makes all of this buildip just seem like a farce. Her chessboard? What a joke.
When did he even fall down? You aren’t describing things very well.
This whole ‘Minokawa’s are a myth and Reliance has never seen one’ totally conflicts with all the ‘as expected’ bullshit coming out of his mouth with regards to everything about this bird. Writing has really been trash lately.
She has no information about this side of the universe, but here she is guaranteeing random crap. How stupid.