


Just a nigga who loves to read

2022-01-13 Se unióGlobal

de lectura


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  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a BoneyWhiteGuy

    Are you perhaps on the spectrum??

    In a society where guilds held significant sway over the territories outside the city's walls, Zack's decision to keep his abilities hidden was a deliberate choice to maintain his independence. He had seen how the guilds operated, how they sought to recruit individuals with valuable traits to bolster their ranks and increase their influence. Zack wanted no part in their games.
    Levelling Up Cheats In The Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Comedian0
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Stagnant_Night

    Hope things get better for you

    Eris's expression softened, and she leaned slightly against the desk. "I've been watching you, Michael. Your struggles, your determination, your relentless pursuit of a better life despite the odds stacked against you. It's rare to see such genuine effort in the face of adversity."
    Building a Business Empire with my Technological System
    Ciencia y ficción · Faux1231
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Mateus_Philip

    Nobody in the grand scheme of things are special, everybody has their own disadvantages and what not. But just like in reality humans are the top of the food chain despite being weaker than most animals then in a fantasy world we would thrive as well

    "The Demons, the Behemoths, and the Deep Dwellers," Leonidas explained. "They are far more powerful than humans, and your existence could disrupt the delicate balance we have maintained for centuries."
    Throne of Time: I Grow Stronger with People's Shock
    Fantasía · Throne_of_time
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a kingGenovaGodfrey

    Seek help

    But the real thing... The real thing was the Huge Boobs and yes I really meant Huge Boobs. Women in my previous world had jugs that were decent even fantastic But women here had watermelons, Huge watermelons just looking at them made me want to whistle with respect. Men over here had great bodies and women here had great looks and even greater boobs, I don't know about anybody else but I sure am quite lucky to be born here and bonus point I had two massive cheats which collaborate with each other.
    INFINITE MONEY - I Will Buy Everything
    Ciudad · Darpan_Biswas
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a the_wailing_calls

    The number 7 has meaning in the Bible and has been mentioned a number of times when referring to things. My comment was more of a guess and not to be taken as fact lol

    The trial of awakening was not easily accessible for anyone who desired it because it required the "Crystal of Heavens" to initiate, which could only be utilized when the individual reached seven years old, mirroring the Seven Deities and Seven Labyrinth of Wonders.
    Great Labyrinth's Chosen
    Fantasía · OriginalDimension
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Daniel_Lee_1421

    Exactly my point lol

    Nonetheless, Azmodeus bowed at a deep angle for a few moments before he looked up and said, "But until I am capable of paying you back, I will use you to obtain more power. I apologize in advance, System-chan!"
    Infinite Evolution System Made Me Too OP!
    Oriental · Astral_Pandemonium
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Xtrafunguy_86

    Not really, it means I can enjoy a book without the book having 100% perfect grammar, spelling and punctuation lol

    "Yes, Captain Aelia..." "Come and stand behind me, and replicate every of my steps. I don't trust you enough to think you wouldn't activate the traps due to some stupid sorry mistake that could potentially ruin the mission..." Captain Aelia said as Hael's eyebrow furrowed, but he got tapped on the shoulder by Zhng, who gave him a look that said, 'You can trust her.'
    Infinity Guardian System
    Fantasía · Supreme_IQ
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Joseph_Keuck

    Yeah sauce is like asking where it’s from lol

    Every transmigrated individual probably had some innate advantages—upon arrival in this world of cultivation, they would receive a 'Golden Finger' from the start, allowing them to smite gods or subdue buddhas with ease, climbing to life's peak.
    Spiritual Energy Rejuvenation: I Began Cultivating By Farming
    Ciencia y ficción · One word, that's settled.
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Chained001

    It told him

    The boundaries of the Spirit Field were vast, even greater than the Nine States Continent. The reason he could only see an acre of land underneath his feet was entirely due to his insufficient cultivation.
    Spiritual Energy Rejuvenation: I Began Cultivating By Farming
    Ciencia y ficción · One word, that's settled.
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Figulicious

    Any recommendations??

    Then one day, he suddenly found that the piece of jade he wore around his neck was actually a Spirit Field Space. Because he had nurtured the jade, he became connected to it, forming a contract and becoming the master of this space.
    Spiritual Energy Rejuvenation: I Began Cultivating By Farming
    Ciencia y ficción · One word, that's settled.
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Joseph_Keuck


    Every transmigrated individual probably had some innate advantages—upon arrival in this world of cultivation, they would receive a 'Golden Finger' from the start, allowing them to smite gods or subdue buddhas with ease, climbing to life's peak.
    Spiritual Energy Rejuvenation: I Began Cultivating By Farming
    Ciencia y ficción · One word, that's settled.
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Dreyerboys

    I feel you. Your comment was very interesting honestly. I do want to say that even if the entity is at odds with the mc they are still leading him down a path that forces the mc to interact with them. I would like to see an mc who goes through the stages like every other cultivator in their world and get powerful along the way and face challenges that they encounter solely for going on this journey willingly and wholeheartedly not because they are forced to by some god that is either with or against them.

    A second voice responded, "I didn't choose him; his universe chose him and directed him towards us. I've chosen many before, but they lost their awareness and dissolved into nothingness. His gods had destined him for greatness, but he was...hmm...an agnostic—a blessed atheist." "What does any of this have to do with us?" the first voice inquired, its tone tinged with skepticism. "Nothing, except that he's an anomaly. That's what we need," the second voice asserted with a sense of finality.
    Legend of The Young Master
    Oriental · Nobelnerd
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Primordial_Seven

    I’ve seen air used as an element in a few eastern fantasy novels but even if that weren’t true. I’m sure the author isn’t Chinese and if they are then I apologize but you don’t have to copy the exact elements for it to be an eastern fantasy novel, it just doesn’t make sense not to include air not that serious lol

    There were 5 elements of nature: Fire (orange), Water (blue), Earth (yellow), Wood (green) and Metal (gray). These were described as the easiest to master.
    I Can Learn All the Techniques
    Oriental · Garessta
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Haramcore

    Keep a low profile Junior, having too much authority is bothersome. This senior has enlightened you today

    "I can't believe that my strength has already reached such a point… And this is merely after around half a day of using the system…"
    Infinite Evolution System Made Me Too OP!
    Oriental · Astral_Pandemonium
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Flawless974

    Never was implied he couldn’t win against him. The statement of being cringe was applied to him fighting the people who came to fight him

    "The root is very deep, if I fight then there will be a long line of people who will come to fight me again and again, there is no end to it. It's better if they find me worthless so that they will not waste their time and mine. Let's start Automation of Daily Task, it's about to be morning."
    Oriental · WoodenPaw
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Xtrafunguy_86

    That’s exactly what I’m saying, does it really matter if there are little mistakes in a fantasy book? I understand if it was blatant spelling mistakes or author kept changing the name entirely that it got confusing but it’s not

    "Yes, Captain Aelia..." "Come and stand behind me, and replicate every of my steps. I don't trust you enough to think you wouldn't activate the traps due to some stupid sorry mistake that could potentially ruin the mission..." Captain Aelia said as Hael's eyebrow furrowed, but he got tapped on the shoulder by Zhng, who gave him a look that said, 'You can trust her.'
    Infinity Guardian System
    Fantasía · Supreme_IQ
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Xtrafunguy_86

    Imagine reading a story and you’re like hmm the vowels are messed up lol

    "Yes, Captain Aelia..." "Come and stand behind me, and replicate every of my steps. I don't trust you enough to think you wouldn't activate the traps due to some stupid sorry mistake that could potentially ruin the mission..." Captain Aelia said as Hael's eyebrow furrowed, but he got tapped on the shoulder by Zhng, who gave him a look that said, 'You can trust her.'
    Infinity Guardian System
    Fantasía · Supreme_IQ
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Xtrafunguy_86

    Because it literally doesn’t take away from the actual story and nobody really notices unless you’re not reading and just tryna find mistakes. In all my years of reading webnovels or comics, I’ve never see such a insignificant critique like vowels…

    "Yes, Captain Aelia..." "Come and stand behind me, and replicate every of my steps. I don't trust you enough to think you wouldn't activate the traps due to some stupid sorry mistake that could potentially ruin the mission..." Captain Aelia said as Hael's eyebrow furrowed, but he got tapped on the shoulder by Zhng, who gave him a look that said, 'You can trust her.'
    Infinity Guardian System
    Fantasía · Supreme_IQ
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Poisonsectelder04_

    Starks* lol

    When my master saw it he was very impressed with me but I couldn't take all the credit as I had much help from Mikken who helped me in the forging process. I asked him to please inform Lord Stark about the development. That it can be a good avenue for funds for us.
    The Quiet Knight /ASOIAF
    Derivados de obras · Ash_D_Born
  • Poisonsectelder04_
    respondió a Bob_Grape

    He’s a genius obviously or maybe had that cultivation base before transmigration

    [Sect Leader: Ye Feng (Qi Refinement Seventh Layer)]
    The Clan Master Can't possibly Be A Mortal
    Oriental · Chaotic Winter Melon Essence