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Hey Undercage, hope you're doing good and well man. Sorry for the late response, but I've been very busy for the past few months and didn't get a chance to check webnovel. I swear I haven't forgotten about the novel and I plan on resuming on the holidays. Soon (maybe after two months?) I'll have a 3 month break, and I'll definitely use that time to upload at least 30-40 chapters or more. Once again, genuinely sorry for the lack of uploads mate, and I hope you're doing well. Until then I'll try to get a chapter out here and there.
next chap's already out lol
I got smth planned dw
yessir, I'm just getting a few things in order but im writing daily to catch up with my previous schedule.
Thank you for the gift :>
exams, ramadan, and a lot of other things :D
Thank you for the gift :>
thanks for the gift man. I'm sorry I haven't been uploading lately. Exams, plus a few other complications have held me back, but I promise I haven't dropped the novel and I don't plan to.
appreciate the kind words btw :D
yo! welcome back. I enjoyed your comments and wondered where you went. The novel's currently on break though, and uploads'll continue in about a month :C