brazzilian who loves webnovels and dont know english
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I'm really enjoying this novel, nowadays all novels seem the same, but fortunately this one is a needle in a haystack and I'm loving every chapter. My English is bad sorry rs, 😁🇧🇷
Já era hora ne kk
super small chapters
The novel is very fun and funny and makes you get more and more involved, that's why I get very excited when a new chapter comes out, however the author releases small chapters, it would be good if he released bigger ones or 2 chapters of the same size... 9/10
Is good, but the mc is dumb and too innocent, as he trusts the people who tried to kill him, it's so stupid, it seems that the MC is a child.
Victor, você acha que o Brasil vai ganhar o hexa?🇧🇷 Se sim faz um combo de capitulos 😏
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