


The world burn for all I care as long as it burns quickly.

2021-03-08 Se unióIndia



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  • TheImmortal25
    respondió a Certavus


    Apparently, if I reject a girl, the system will give me a bonus of 10 more, and they become a sort of mission for me... if a girl's Love Meter stays at 0 for too long, the system takes it as an automatic rejection and then comes 10 more girls. So, at some point, I need to give affection to every woman who has become my love interest, sigh~ or they'll keep multiplying...
    Harem Rejection System: Reject 1 Girl and Have 10 More Chasing You!
    Ciudad · LonelyTurtle
  • TheImmortal25
    respondió a StrangeGod

    The sauce is Spies in Disguise. It's a good movie, it has the voice actors Will Smith and Tom Holland.

    "Erik Anderson, time is ticking." The Watcher spoke as he couldn't wait any more.
    Marvel: I Need A New Body
    Cómic · Marveller
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por
    Chapter 12
    The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!
    Cómic · Writing_Shirou
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por

    First of all Thanks for the Chapter, Author. Second of all, can you stop with this, I understand trying to make the MC more complex and layered, but come on, this is enough, each and everything out in the world is trying to get to him, you are making him so forcefully attached to the Modern Family Cast, it almost like reading a badly written script. At first, I could understand him, you are in a new world, you just died, and are trying to find some semblance of known, but now it is just going too far. I mean the guy won't even take up therapy or try to work on what's bothering him, he just feels something and then just gets back to work. I understand trying to avoid the issue, but no person does that for too long as at the end, they realise one point or another they need help. So, maybe finally we could just have the guy talk it all out with someone, for both sides, his past life and his new life, and then we can have him get some good sleep. This is becoming more like a train wreck day by day with him just piling burden upon burden. Just give him a vacation or something, this amount of shit is too much, one second he's at home the next he is fighting gang members. Just make it a normal story now, no need to add unnecessary excitement. Just him trying to now balance his fame, his personal life, and want to experience more in life. You have an incredible base for his future, just stop trying to add forced drama. Again, thanks for the Chapter.

    Ch 225 Chapter 225: Person with Flaw (1)
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por

    What the Gram, here only pound works. THIS IS AMERICA.

    "Me, Yami, and the Divine Wolves. No, I better name you two. White, your name is Gram, and Black, your name is Garm. The twin Divine Wolves, eh?"
    Toji Fushiguro: Young Justice(DC)
    Cómic · A_Real_Werewolf234
  • TheImmortal25
    respondió a Allpowerful

    And how do you suppose he's to do that. In this chapter we have established this much that the guy is crippled, not in terms of moving arm or walking but in terms of not being able to use his main power, TIME MANIPULATION. So tell me oh Allpowerful how is supposed to forward time if he can't even use it. Really it seems you need to remove the All from your Allpowerful.

    And what did you get for that, to show for your heroics? Bland cafeteria food and chafing prison cuffs.
    Young Titan (DC)
    Cómic · DevionKing
  • TheImmortal25
    respondió a DeathOfDeath

    Well considering he is not a person from our world, and has an AI which pops out information. It's safe to say he doesn't even know who Martian Girl is and what her powerset is.

    There is no great collision that turns you into a Cadcake, but when you open your eyes, it's to find yourself floating amidst a clear sky. The Martian girl floats right across you.
    Young Titan (DC)
    Cómic · DevionKing
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por

    I ain't reading all thart

    Alternating Possessions: If neither team scores on their first possession in sudden death, the format switches to alternating possessions. Each team takes turns starting at the opponent's 25-yard line and tries to score a touchdown or field goal. The order of possessions continues to alternate until there is a winner.
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por

    When I read this chapter, and thought about the Joker's punishment in my mind, if I was an ALL-POWERFUL Being, many things came to my mind, but the one that stuck was, to make THE JOKER the lone man. Since, Joker loves playing his jokes on others, leaving him without the audience, will make his existence insignificant. After all, what will he be without an audience to perform for, this idea came to me from the Umbrella Academy, and my thoughts on what Immortality truly means. An existence without anyone else to talk to, an existence where your purpose, or your dream can never be fully filled, an existence where there is no one but the Joker, with his own jokes and no one else to impart them upon. This in my opinion is the worst punishment for the Joker.

    Ch 13 13: The Killing Joke
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Cómic · Daddy
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por

    Man this whole Messy schedule messed up with me. Too much information to process correctly.

    Ch 192 Chapter 192: Messy Schedule (4- F)
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por

    It's alright, we can wait.

    [ quick note, I planned to post a chapter before his one, but when I went to copy from Google docs, so I could past in webnovel to post, I accidentally hit cut instead of copy, so I accidentally deleted the chapter, I'm pretty sick right now and tiered, so, yeah, I'm going to post this now, and come up with something for the next chapter to fill in the gaps. I just really wanted to at least post one, since i havent for a few days. Sorry about that.]
    The Immortal (twilight fanfiction)
    Película · Beans_on_a_tree
  • TheImmortal25
    Publicado por

    It's a good book no doubt but I can't read it. The author after every sentence or paragraph, has put in one of these, '!?'. It is so annoying and completely breaks the immersion of the book, as unlike small full stops, or commas. These are giant punctuations, that draw your attention. Like at an end of nice family sentence these punctuations are used making me question what the hell is going on. And the weird perspective is just off putting as it is neither the 3rd point of view nor the 1st point of view. For those who like fast paced story, this is good, but there is not sufficient amount of explanation or world building. Even if we remove the amount of World Building, at least keep the pace wabit medium. From MCs return to his plans and ascension is going incredibly fast as if, the MC is not even breathing for one second. Considering the position of the ones whose funeral is being conducted, it just seems to rushed and weird. Overall, if you want good immersion from the very beginning with levelled amount of World building then this book ain't for you.

    Tyrant of the Ruined Sun
    Fantasía · AkA
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por
    Chapter 187: VMA News.
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por

    If you catch the guy please confirm if his name is Peter.

    Ch 187 I googled your symptom, and it said you have 'network connectivity problem'
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por

    Oh she has no right after the words she spoke.

    The camera cuts to where Edward was preparing, where he waved toward Megan, and she shyly waved him back. The crowd cheered thunderously as they saw Edward again. 
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por

    Uncle Ben got that Nobody Job

    MJ waited while Aunt May got to relaxing after a long day at work. After a few minutes when we were setting up the table Uncle Ben came, he didn't say anything all he said was that everything was taken care off.
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Cómic · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • TheImmortal25
    respondió a Shadow_D_Monarch3

    I like that fic please keep writing it.

    "I know it's a longshot. But, I really think she can do it." I replied. The movie that came to mind was actually because I had met with Matthew Vaugh and Bryan Singer – the director and producers of the X-Men First Class movie.
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por
    Chapter 14
    Spider-Man Mayhem
    Cómic · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • TheImmortal25
    respondió a Aks_ChainsOfHeaven

    Tom Cruise doesn't have Panic Attacks. Panic Attacks have Tom Cruise Attacks.

    Ted was having a panic attack, and Pepper tried his hardest to help him out.
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • TheImmortal25
    Comentado por

    No matter how many times I read this scene it still gives me goosebumps. It's just WOW.

    Like a scene from a comic book, the building abruptly stopped its fall, and the figure held its weight between its hands, which had only slightly bent downward upon impact.
    Still Defiant! SI-OC [Marvel/DC]
    Cómic · EmmaCruzader