


I love anime

2020-10-29 Se unióGlobal



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Gaia, the mother of the land had turned it's back against the humans when they made deals with the sea people. They sought greater power and man was introduced to sorcery. A power that seemed far greater than magic. Magic was of the earth and it and returned mana from and to Gaia while sorcery was a power that stole mana from Gaia without returning it back. Magic was of the earth and it took and returned mana from and to Gaia while sorcery was a power that stole from Gaia. Man had one king at the time and he/she was known as the world King. A being strong enough to rule the world. At the time, the 3rd world King was a witch known as Latifah. She mad a deal with the strongest being of the sea people called THALISAA and together they yielded great power. But on the night of her ordination as the world King, she betrayed THALISAA for power and the land was cursed. The moon turned red and the sea covered the lands reaching the mountain tops. Man had no way of living on the land and moved over to the mountain tops but that did not save them. They were hunted down by the sea people, killed and taken as hostages. Man was going extinct. As a last resort, Latifah created a sanctuary for man in the skies. A sanctuary as big as two continents and each were made at each region. The western, southern, northern and eastern regions became sanctuaries for man and they were able to live away from the prying hands of the sea people. Man began to live in the sky and lost the right to rule the lands.

Tofi_ · Fantasía
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7 Chs

NAGATA: the god's child (re written)

It was 15 years ago when the news of a child born of two god’s was spread around the continent of Tamashii.  What was known as ‘the search’ became the continent’s most expensive mission which was to find this child and eliminate it immediately. Day after day the life of the child was sought after and day after day people were killed in other to protect the child. It was a blood bath. Cities, villages and towns were all victims to this cruel fate and none could protect themselves from the after effects. People lost their lives, families, friends, loved ones and comrades for a reason that was unknown to them. One of these towns was the city of Diamonplateau. The third largest city in Tamashii. The after effects of ‘the search’ was most evident in the city. It didn’t take long for the lovers to be banished away together with their child. They had become a problem with no solution and the best they could do was to at least protect the city or what was left. Although, the whereabouts of the lovers as well as the Child was gone. The life of the child was still sought for. Soon after, two years passed and the news of the child born of two god’s had died down. It had become nothing but a foolish rumour spread around to cause war so as to reduce the population of the city although some still knew the real reason behind it all. Then 13 more years passed and an unknown boy bearing the name of the Ice god, Ukuyomi came from a distant land in other to find the history of his parents as well as himself. As such destiny is set in play.

Tofi_ · Fantasía
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11 Chs