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master author, why do you do this to me?! you just end it there? with that monumental cliffhanger? GEEEEZ!
How can it not be Detroit. Grandpa and grandson together on the same MLB team would be awsom and to good to pass up when writing a story.
take your time and come back when you're ready. I would rather see writing with motivation than you just drop an incredible story due to being burnt out.
got it. 👍
it should be " 2,000" not "2.000" no more periods for bug numbers.
I was expecting a dragon, considering how hard he was trying to get one earlier.
he's going to summon a dragon golem isn't he?
sorry about that. I was working and listening on audio.
so is his name Loyd or Richard?
I am really enjoying this story, but why does he have to be dence? they always make the MC decent, and it so very annoying. the two most annoying things you can pick for a personality is dence or emotionless.