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open the website, checked library, saw the update, said "no way", clicked on the chapter thinking it would be just a message from the author, saw the title, smiled, left a comment
I never, and i mean never review a story, but this one scratched all iches i had when reading a ff. Not gonna into much details and will let you have fun reading it. Just read the first volume (first 10 chapters or something) and you'll know if it's for you. Thank you author, looking forward to the next chapters
i love how we all developed an automatic china detector when reading ff xd
i think it was his father. no reason for blue to send pokemon to dylan
name of the fanfic please and do you recommend it ?
Mishhhima is better here
Understandable, i personally love this fic, but I didn't realise how much you changed things to make it enjoyable for us. Thanks for all your hard work bro.
would love a pokemon ff