My Stomach Hurts
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I have been doing nothing but writing novels for the last five years. I started just like everyone else, bad grammar, robotic character interactions/conversations, and lack of description. As they say, practice makes perfect. I am not perfect, but I am heading there.
Thanks for the gift!
Thanks for the gift
The switch in writing style was because I had taken a few small breaks here and there while reading some stuff traditionally. It took me some time but the writing style gets back to normal after at around chapter 930 or so.
If by "first" you mean the (supposed) Original timeline, then yes.
Thanks for the gift!
Thanks for the gift!
Thanks for the review! And about your suggestion of making this a prequel and write the rest as a new story, I thought about it but I didn't want to make it look like a way to get readers to read multiple novels just to understand the story.
No. We loading the save file in this one.
no. I fixed it.