


Describe myself, huh? Annoying, for sure.

2019-09-14 Se unióGlobal



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  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a kessu91

    I really don't plan on doing that. By the time he's in 4th year, he'll have done many things that are away from canon/plot. It won't just be him getting stronger with plot happening in the background, he will change canon events and experience things that aren't in canon, go to other countries, interact with other families, etc. It won't end at Hogwarts either, there'll be more after that.

    Anyway, I'd say i'm all set for Hogwarts. Considering Ignis is a Most Ancient and Noble House and a well known one at that, it'll be pretty pointless trying to blend in but I've decided I'm gonna act like an above average student who's a genius with theoretical knowledge and is fairly normal with practical work, not bad but not a genius. Maybe I'll start to show some of my true strength once Harry's in Hogwarts considering everyone will be a lot more focused on him than me.
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a kessu91

    No, there are no quests, there is no assigning stat points into intelligence or strength or whatever either. There is also no store. As he gets stronger and/or older, it gives him more knowledge and helps with his development and growth. The system will not handicap him in any way. There are no quests where he gets a penalty or something, there is also no magical store where he can buy and materialise pretty much anything. It was made by his ancestors to aid in his growth, not hand over everything to him immediately.

    *sigh* 'makes sense I guess' I grumbled under my breath.
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a 8buddha

    It is definitely not canon, this is fanfiction and there are many things different here from canon. In canon, Harry didn't suffer from physical abuse, he was just neglected but here that's what happened.

    'I kinda feel bad Harry Potter now'
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a Vaibhav_Vinu

    He won't, i'm more focused on him getting stronger and doing important stuff instead.

    Ch 18 18 - Acromantulas and Fun
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a BigBoobs

    I won't be updating for like another week. I'm gonna try planning this story out a bit instead of doing my usual and just writing whatever, that's a surefire way to make plot holes and errors. I also have to go to college now and that's giving me a lot less free-time than i'm used to, not to mention how I have to wake up at specific times again, so sorry BigBoobs, I shall not be updating this fic for a bit.

    Ch 29 29 - New Home, Researching and Inventing.
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a MapleHound

    What's the point in being a genius if you can't have some fun.

    6 - Try out flying, although I don't think quidditch would be a good use of my time.
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a MapleHound

    He was acting muggle-raised, he wouldn't know his wand hand and would just have to think he's left handed because that's his writing hand and stuff, of course he knew he was left handed.

    "Uhh, left.. I think"
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a BrahimMeziani

    All you have to do is put the Rocky theme song on loop, it's a training arc.. that doesn't end. Alright, I will admit that I spent quite a bit too long on just training instead of blending school stuff, social interactions and just other different aspects. Third year will hopefully be different instead of just training and stuff.

    Ch 23 23 - Knockturn Shopping and Emancipation Preparation
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a qwertypous_046

    I'm sure that this fic is full of plot holes, there's no way that there aren't any, but I literally said 'it seems I resemble my father a lot more than my mother'. He didn't say that he knew what his father looked like, just that it seemed he'd not inherited his looks from his mother and instead resembled his father.

    Speaking of my parents, it seems I resemble my father a lot more than my mother, I have black hair and light blue eyes and the only thing that I can see that's inherited from my mother is my nose. Honestly, I'm a cute kid, it's kinda hard to miss considering the matron, who's a 40 year old something lady with brown hair and grey eyes, pinches my cheeks almost everyday no matter how much I try to make her stop and I have to admit I'll probably have pretty good looks in the future.
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a Allenavaca

    F*uck the Lestranges, they can get the damn Eagle! Raven is way better than an eagle!

    Hmm.. nah, I don't need a bird purely because it's fast. What about.. A raven? I mean, I am in Ravenclaw, not to mention their colour is great for blending into the shadows, they could also fly around and act as surveillance without causing suspicion, Ravens aren't very rare after all.
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a DarthVegito

    What do you think would make a 'higher threat' worse? If there are things that you think make it worse then you can tell me so maybe I can avoid certain tropes.

    Ch 29 29 - New Home, Researching and Inventing.
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a Xinne

    Scroll to the end of the last chapter.

    "But you're an Ignis"
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a NewbiMainAccount

    I really never understood the whole insulting part of the word 'muggle'. Sure, the 'purebloods' think 'muggles' are beneath them but the word 'muggle' isn't inherently offensive. It's a word made to distinguish magical people from non-magical people born from non-magical families, and that's exactly what it achieves. No mag, muggle, mundane, who really cares? The word gets the job done just fine.

    "Non-magical people, we call them Muggles."
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a NewbiMainAccount

    I googled it and well; 'Of course, there are style guides that discourage it, but it's perfectly acceptable to begin a sentence with “but” when writing. ... Using any stylistic quirk too frequently spoils your writing. By all means, start sentences with “but” from time to time, but remember that “but” also belongs after a comma' Seems fine to me, not really breaking immersion or anything.. probably.

    But, something was wrong. I instinctively knew she wouldn't be opening her eyelids again.
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a

    Yea, I know but when I was writing I was just like, "Pssh, it's 2020, just add a capital on that b*tch"

    But, something was wrong. I instinctively knew she wouldn't be opening her eyelids again.
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a Darquesse

    It's literally explained in this very paragraph.. he just thought of a room that he could apparate in using the ROR.

    My Duelling strength and spell knowledge reached NEWT level in all subjects.. well a few such as Divination and Care of Magical Creatures don't really count without the ability of a Seer or hands-on experience with animals, and I'm honestly not sure how good I am at Herbology considering we haven't done anything practical yet but the core subjects such as Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, History of Magic, DADA, Magic Theory and Astronomy are all at least NEWT level, although I've also reached the level of NEWT on Healing, Occlumency.. well Occlumency I could get a Masters no sweat if it was an actual NEWT subject you could choose but considering it's not taught in Hogwarts it's not really important for the moment, I've also reached NEWT level on Rituals, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy.. well actually, my ability with Ancient Runes and Arithmancy is already above NEWT level considering they don't require power but just really good memory and thinking which is my strongest asset at the moment. I've also become adept at Apparition and know how to make a port key, well.. I am fairly certain I can make a portkey, I've never actually tried it yet but I am confident I can do it, I have all the knowledge in my head. Now you might be thinking, 'you can't apparate in Hogwarts due to the wards' well all I had to was think of a room that I can apparate in and the ROR delivered, just like that.
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a ChaosSlimeGod

    I guess I'm just an idiot. When I pictured a tennis ball and pool ball next to each other, to me the tennis ball was quite a bit bigger.

    Before, my core was around the size a pool ball after it grew from a golf ball size most likely due to all of the wandless magic I was doing, but the day I woke up on my 7th birthday it was almost the size of a tennis ball!
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a Acsmaster007

    I've read so many betrothal fanfics on fanfiction. net that i'm almost tired of them. It was always Harry/Daphne betrothal contract from like 200 years ago and I don't know, I prefer the MC to be able to choose things like that instead of being forced into it through a magical contract, though I'll try to add romance in the next few years, year 1 and 2, they were 11 and 12 which is just too young for romance imo, but now is fine, though I really don't know if I can write entertaining romance, i'll try my best.

    Ch 29 29 - New Home, Researching and Inventing.
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a Genist

    Dude, everyone knows that Africa is everything and everything is Africa. Africa is all.

    Ch 22 22 - Exploring Aerimagic and Ending 2nd Year
    Harry Potter - Scion of House Ignis
    Derivados de obras · Loyal_Hunter
  • Loyal_Hunter
    respondió a Havoc76

    I replied to wrong comment. Yea, he's already starting to get drunk on power in this chapter.

    Ch 25 Alchemical questions
    Skyrim: Faal Thur
    Otras · Mr_McGuffin