


I learn from the dao of life till the end of my time.

2019-04-01 Se unióMozambique



de lectura


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  • LeylinTheFifth
    respondió a Solrac
    Besides, there was this whole thing, where I saw how Miltank milk is made, that I try to forget. It's kinda gross now.
    Pokemon - Solo's Strange Journey
    Derivados de juegos · BenisBoy14
  • LeylinTheFifth
    respondió a Flaminfiend
    "Haha! You're right. Maybe I should get myself a cute female pokemon to sleep with, so I don't have nightmares either."
    Pokemon - Solo's Strange Journey
    Derivados de juegos · BenisBoy14
  • LeylinTheFifth
    Comentado por
    "Hey Dawn, you mentioned dual performances the other day. What were those about?" Swole changed his mind very quickly. All of a sudden, contests were not so girly after all.
    Pokemon - Solo's Strange Journey
    Derivados de juegos · BenisBoy14
  • LeylinTheFifth
    respondió a Super_Killer_Mob16

    Lil bro saw Jet and basically said "Oh sexy mama" lol

    I Politely refused his offer..... I think?.... I mean he was gripping that desk really hard there for a moment But it Must have been my imagination... Surely.
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    respondió a Kumatsume

    I mean, the kid has killed people before. And she won't stop doing it according to MC so might as well get experience in fighting other mutants

    He let out a low growl, raised his clawed hands, and sprinted forward. His attack relied on his powerful wild animal physique and a pair of sharp bone claws.
    I Am in Marvel with Unlimited Cards
    Película · DarkShadow95
  • LeylinTheFifth
    Comentado por

    Hmm for once I hope this isn't Harem. I like that MC is giving Cassie the love she deserves (cause we won't, the resentment we have for her is too deep), so adding Neph there is a bit complicated due to her relationship with Sunny, well, the lack of one and the acknowledgement that they had on the 3rd nightmare (Sunny finally admitted that he loved her and it was confirmed that she also did but due to the slave thing they couldn't get together). Thou with the [Fateless] thing the G3 pulled, it's now up in the air

    Although I suspected him at first. Thinking that he was sent to assassinate me under the order of one of my father's betrayer's, by time. His personality had grown on me, which chipped away at my distrust and suspicion bit by bit, eventually it bloomed into an unknown emotion that I was honestly a bit scared of.
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    Comentado por

    Honestly at the start I felt and feel sorry for her. At the point where I am at the novel (after 3rd nightmare), just like Sunny I have partially forgiven her. Especially after what she did, but like Sin said, it's hard to forget

    In Cassie's room. The girl was trying to familiarise herself with the room by walking around and colliding with stuff. After a while she found the wall and slid her back down along it as her body trembled and shining tears streamed down her face…..
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    respondió a The_oneandonly344


    "Class dismissed."
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    respondió a Rakshahsa

    I wouldn't consider Daemons gods, they're more of, well...daemons lol. The Gods have realms, Earth and all of its galaxies is the Heart God's realm alone (correct me if I'm wrong since my memory is a bit foggy on this God), it's revealed that the other God's realms had been destroyed by the Dream Realm belonging to the Corrupted Dream God

    I reached my room while thinking about a myriad of stuff that I should not be thinking about as a sleeper. I personally don't like the three great clans and the ones under them. Sure they keep order of the people. So that they won't go out of control. It was revealed that the three great clans have already given up on earth. That's why there are citadels in the dream realm. Earth is like a wasteland for them.
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    respondió a Golden_dragoon

    She had a vision of basically Sunny and Neph fighting, and due to a moment where Neph asked him if he would protect Cassie which he replied with no, Cassie chose Neph by giving her his true name. Sunny's [Shadow Slave] turns him into a slave of anyone who knows his true name. Cassie found out his true name because of a moment of weakness he had that led him to kill the guy who asked what his true name was (his flaw forced him to answer truthfully), so she betrayed him, but in the end Neph instead of coming back forced Sunny to leave. Bro became so spiteful that after coming back he trash talked and threw at Cassie's face that what she did only doomed Neph, the person she wanted to save the most. This put a rift in their relationship (after the 3rd nightmare it was kind of fixed) even up to recent chapters. Sorry for the yap session lol

    Sunny scoffed at my words as Cassie giggled. To be honest. I don't think she ever laughed or had fun in the novel. Maybe I don't remember some tidbits but I think I'm right.
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    respondió a velzard_tempest

    Oh Shadow God's bloodline was devoured by Weaver's blood so technically Shadow God's lineage is truly dead. Especially so because Sunny's Aspect keeps giving him stuff of a Shadow God inheritor hence further cutting any chances of his lineage continuing

    As for Nephis's aspect. It is divine ranked. The reason for that is, The Immortal flame clan had a deep relationship with the sun god. Where the direct descendants of the clan may have a chance of inheriting the divine lineage of the gods their clan is related to. And in the case of Nephis. She received the blessing of the sun god. Just like how sunny got one from the shadow god. But sunny was a bit more special.
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    respondió a Super_Killer_Mob16

    I don't remember correctly but Sunny's flaw [Clear Conscience] only allows him to speak the truth, he got the hang of it later on but this early bro was spitting wild stuff lol

    I Politely refused his offer..... I think?.... I mean he was gripping that desk really hard there for a moment But it Must have been my imagination... Surely.
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    respondió a 8Mi1vix8

    I think he meant Neph lol

    I Politely refused his offer..... I think?.... I mean he was gripping that desk really hard there for a moment But it Must have been my imagination... Surely.
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    respondió a Abordoaj

    Not really, you don't survive in the Nightmare Spell by being a solo person. That has been proved and solidified by what we saw in the 3rd Nightmare, hell even he has said it multiple times, if he kept being like he was, recluse and alone he would have died in a ditch. Even the Sovereigns and Saints need each other, so no, Sunny only learned and grew up

    I gave a solemn nod in response "don't worry, Surviving all those years in the outskirts taught me alot."
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    respondió a Hunab_ku

    I feel sorry for you mate, should have dated while you was younger because oof, you're in for a rough ride once you start. Women are incomprehensible creatures

    I shrugged, instead looking down at the behemoth between my legs....
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    Comentado por

    To be honest I'm still sad that the main love interest is Neph instead of Jet. And with that surprise the author threw at us with Effie, got me wishing SS was a harem novel

    I walked along with an expectant smile on my face 'I met one of my favourite characters in the novel! Ah I'm so very looking forward to the future...'
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    Comentado por

    Author why not use Grammarly? It would help as you seem to be writing from a phone, that is the only reason I can think of for your repeated usage of . as a , and the initials in names

    "You have been asleep for a month. I wonder what kind shithole you ended up in for you to take that long. There was a kid that finished his just a few days ago. He too. Was from the outskirts. Quite a coincidence don't ya think?"
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    Comentado por

    [Soon you'll be Set truly free From all those chains you bear] I still find it so impressive how 'Aphelios, The Weapon of the Faithful' fits, it's like it was made exactly to represent Sunny, hell some of the verses even feel like he is talking to Neph, for example: [Close your eyes Have faith in me And leave the light behind You're never alone Whenever it's cold, let the shadows take hold You're never alone]

    "...I'm free"
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • LeylinTheFifth
    Comentado por

    I think he might be immune to any after effects of seeing the tapestry of fate. Because the only thing stopping Sunny from seeing it is the burden, so I guess his immunity takes care of all that, hence if he got Weaver's mask he could technically keep [Where is my eye?] active for as long as he has essence

    "Perhaps it's due to my immunity to fate and pain allowing me to see all of this. I mean sunny did say that the spell was woven together by weaves and what I'm seeing is the foundation of the spell, The way it was created. And why it was created. But I can't seem to understand what they mean, Unless I absorb weaver's blood. I can't make sense of any of this."
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344
  • LeylinTheFifth
    Comentado por

    Bro is gonna be good friends with Quentin, since both almost got digested lol

    Falling for a few seconds. Ariel landed into a pond of dark green substance that immediately began dissolving his clothes at a frightening pace and unfortunately, with the speed he was falling at, His body fully submerged into the pool of substance.
    Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave
    Cómic · The_oneandonly344