


古池や 蛙飛び込む 水の音

2019-01-04 Se unióJapan

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  • Oto
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    Well, you know, if he spent his 160 blank attribute points it would be wasy to overwhelm them all 😂 Too bad this author forgot to invest their own attribute points in itelligence and memory

    Ch 92 Thyra Cruse
    Supreme Harem God System
    Fantasía · SleepDeprivedSloth
  • Oto
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    156 unspent blank points now 😪

    Ch 78 What Is It That You Are Hiding From Me?
    Supreme Harem God System
    Fantasía · SleepDeprivedSloth
  • Oto
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    Another chapter and still hasnt spent his 120 blank points 😪

    Ch 72 Maybe I Am
    Supreme Harem God System
    Fantasía · SleepDeprivedSloth
  • Oto
    Publicado por

    Came back to leave another review after my previous one was deleted for being too low of a score. Any novel with three pinned comments is hoghly likely to be garbage, and this one is no exception. Not to mention one that has to delete reviews to keep its score afloat, as if reviews on this site even mattered. Nothing else needs to be said.

    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • Oto
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    Still not using all of the blank points 😪

    Ch 47 Improvements
    Supreme Harem God System
    Fantasía · SleepDeprivedSloth
  • Oto
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    Meanwhile he has more than 100 blank points still unspent… How contridictory to what was stated earlier in the beginning when he spent them immediately

    Ch 42 Clover Town
    Supreme Harem God System
    Fantasía · SleepDeprivedSloth
  • Oto
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    Why does it seem like every female is written the same? Their dialogue is identical. Zero differentiating characteristics

    Ch 33 L-Love?
    Supreme Harem God System
    Fantasía · SleepDeprivedSloth
  • Oto
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    Feels like this author ran out of ways to copy solo leveling and now they have no idea how to write their book… It’s difficult to make it through this jumbled mess of a plot

    Ch 11 Kill [1]
    Void Evolution System
    Fantasía · Crocs_is_Dead
  • Oto
    Publicado por

    Massive amount of grammatical and punctuation mistakes, without even mentioning the glaringly obvious terrible mastery of capitalization. The only review I can give this novel: unreadable. When half of the novel is written in capitals, it really detracts from the story. The plot might be fine, but I would be surprised if you retained more that 20% of new readers by chapter 10. It’s simply that off-putting. The content of the story is simply not outweighing the chore of reading your story. Regardless whether people are looking for actual plot or simply lemon, its not worth a read. You just simply cannot get immersed in a novel with such unprofessionalism as this. Author, seeing your responses to other reviews, it seems you dont take negative reviews very well. I’d recommend you to heed some of the advice from your negative reviews. Your current chapters need massive amounts of editing, and simply ignoring it and continuing to write more chapters is fool’s play. Hope to revisit your novel another time and be surprised, as small a chance as that may be.

    Pornstar System
    Ciudad · demon_king69
  • Oto
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    I know its a stylistic choice to make the system text all caps, but it just obnoxious. It makes it really off-putting to read. One of those choices that may seem like a good idea but actually detract from the story.

    Ch 2 First mission
    Pornstar System
    Ciudad · demon_king69
  • Oto
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    I’m only a few hundred words in and I already have a nagging feeling that this author will say “now dont get me wrong” at least 5 times per chapter

    Ch 1 System acquired
    Pornstar System
    Ciudad · demon_king69
  • Oto
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    Feels like the novel is getting out of hand… All of this additional stuff is just quite forced and cliche. Wouldve been better to just leave it mysterious until you came up with a better idea

    Ch 62 Early Morning
    The Witch Hunter System
    Fantasía · Pointbreak
  • Oto
    Publicado por

    The first volume was fairly engaging desite being dragged out a fair bit. Apart from a massive mistake regarding the MC’s flaw, the rest of the first volume didnt really any glaring plotholes and such. However, that being said, it certainly feels like the author lost track of what is important in the story. The MC’s ability never changes and it feels like the entire story focuses on what I can only presume is the FL. The key moment for me was the beginning of the second volume, where the story just showed that the author was dragging things out and making cliche scenarios that no readers care for. After such a long and dragged out plot, for the second volume to be the same plot, just adds fatigue to the reader. Not to mention the MC remains this side character all the way past the first 100 chapters. Who is the MC? Why is no character development happening? These are the things have gradually annoyed me and led me to drop the book. All in all, it just feels like the author lost sight of the story, who is actually the MC, and is seemingly too focused on drawing the plot out rather than writinng conclusive endings to plot arcs.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Oto
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    Seems like this is getting dragged on more and more and the MC is being constantly nerfed just so there can be more ‘improvement’ The start to the new volume just wasnt a great one, with this falling out nonsense taking place. Unfortunately I seem to have lost interest

    Ch 96 Exile
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Oto
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    Okay, this flaw is straying from how it was actually worded. This isnt being unable to lie, its being forced to answer all questions, and to not lie while doing so. Remaining silent and never speaking again wouldve been a very easy solution which I am sure you didnt want, but you still worded the flaw the way that you did. Massive oversight

    Ch 20 Outcast Once Again
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Oto
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    I like this flaw a lot! I could see him choosing to remain silent in order to prevent releasing his true name. I think its quite plausible based on what seemed to be foreshadowing in the dream where it was mentioned he didnt speak much. Regardless, loving the novel!

    Flaw Description: [You cannot lie.]
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Oto
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    He’s such an idiot leaving his monsters in the wild. Its so obvious theyll get him noticed. So much for being ‘secretive’

    Ch 20 Stretcher
    My Necromancer Class
    Fantasía · Aero182
  • Oto
    respondió a DaoistsFR36V

    No, its not a proc. A proc would be 5% chance to deal ___ damage. The wording is clearly not that.

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    My Necromancer Class
    Fantasía · Aero182
  • Oto
    respondió a BusinessMan

    He would only kill the enemy 5% faster, but the time it would take to reach the next enemy remains the same. Maybe a 1% increase overall. Also, since he is doing 1 damage and it doesnt seem like the author will add decimals, the 5% seems like it will be wasted and useless.

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    My Necromancer Class
    Fantasía · Aero182
  • Oto
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    ? Why is this novel suddenly becoming more and more cringe

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    My Necromancer Class
    Fantasía · Aero182