


古池や 蛙飛び込む 水の音

2019-01-04 Se unióJapan

de lectura


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  • Oto
    Oto3 years ago
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    Well, you know, if he spent his 160 blank attribute points it would be wasy to overwhelm them all 😂 Too bad this author forgot to invest their own attribute points in itelligence and memory

  • Oto
    Oto3 years ago
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    Another chapter and still hasnt spent his 120 blank points 😪

  • Oto
    Oto3 years ago
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    Came back to leave another review after my previous one was deleted for being too low of a score. Any novel with three pinned comments is hoghly likely to be garbage, and this one is no exception. Not to mention one that has to delete reviews to keep its score afloat, as if reviews on this site even mattered. Nothing else needs to be said.

  • Oto
    Oto3 years ago
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    Still not using all of the blank points 😪

  • Oto
    Oto3 years ago
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    Meanwhile he has more than 100 blank points still unspent… How contridictory to what was stated earlier in the beginning when he spent them immediately

  • Oto
    Oto3 years ago
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    Why does it seem like every female is written the same? Their dialogue is identical. Zero differentiating characteristics

  • Oto
    Oto3 years ago
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    Feels like this author ran out of ways to copy solo leveling and now they have no idea how to write their book… It’s difficult to make it through this jumbled mess of a plot

  • Oto
    Oto3 years ago
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    Massive amount of grammatical and punctuation mistakes, without even mentioning the glaringly obvious terrible mastery of capitalization. The only review I can give this novel: unreadable. When half of the novel is written in capitals, it really detracts from the story. The plot might be fine, but I would be surprised if you retained more that 20% of new readers by chapter 10. It’s simply that off-putting. The content of the story is simply not outweighing the chore of reading your story. Regardless whether people are looking for actual plot or simply lemon, its not worth a read. You just simply cannot get immersed in a novel with such unprofessionalism as this. Author, seeing your responses to other reviews, it seems you dont take negative reviews very well. I’d recommend you to heed some of the advice from your negative reviews. Your current chapters need massive amounts of editing, and simply ignoring it and continuing to write more chapters is fool’s play. Hope to revisit your novel another time and be surprised, as small a chance as that may be.

  • Oto
    Oto3 years ago
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    I know its a stylistic choice to make the system text all caps, but it just obnoxious. It makes it really off-putting to read. One of those choices that may seem like a good idea but actually detract from the story.