

2018-07-31 Se unióUnited States



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Technomancer: Using Technology To Clear the Tower

Alexander Kingsley is a 42 year old single father, who is about to lose his position as project manager at a multimedia advertising company, to a younger employee who just so happens to be related to the CEO of the company. The unfair demotion leads Alexander to have an angry outburst, and during which he accidentally shoves another employee to the ground. The employee ends up hitting their head on the corner of a desk, and sues Alexander! Faced with charges of assault, and legal fees he can't afford, he opts to kill himself so that his debt cannot be passed onto his only daughter. Alexander took a jump off a bridge, down towards the icy cold river beneath, but when he jumped he began to regret jumping. But it was too late. As he plummeted towards the water, he was overwhelmed with regret and guilt. Guilty that he would do something so selfish instead of making things right. Leaving his daughter to deal with the death of a parent. These were the thoughts that Alexander thought as he watched the surface of the water fill his vision. Right as he hits the water, his thoughts seemingly slow down. He felt face hit the surface of the water, which retained it's surface tension, and his bones break upon impact. He felt his neck snap. One vertebrae. Two. Then his vision went black, and he thought death had finally claimed him. But instead he found himself laying on the floor of a dark cave. [Welcome to the Tower of Wishes!] [Floor 1 will now commence.] [Activating Gift.] [Technomancy Gift awakened!] [Hosts health critical! Performing emergency treatment with materials on hand.] Alexander found a new, mysterious lease on life, and finally figured out a way to potentially solve his financial problems.

LibrarianOfTheosis · Fantasía
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5 Chs

I Thought Rogues Were Useless

Modern Society changed 82 years ago when the entire world received the same message. [Welcome to the League!] [Since your world is so underdeveloped, you will be given a grace period of 100 years.] [To help your species grow, Dungeons will be available to conquer, along with Gates.] [Good luck!] After that monsters appeared all over the world and more than half the population was wiped out before Human's began to learn to defend themselves. Modern weapons were useless, but Humanity discovered something far more potent. The system. Everyone on Earth received a status screen, much like a game, that rewarded them with insane growth when they killed monsters in dungeons or gates. Through the past 82 years, society changed into one that abided by the law of the jungle again. Only the strongest survive, which also gave birth to preconceived notions of what classes given by the system were strong. If you got a weak class from the system, you were condemned to a life of struggle, and the conceived weakest class was the Rogue. There were almost no Rogues who were able to fight any other class the same level as them, since the class was only useful as a scout, or to spy on your enemies. Yes, while Humans had developed and grown stronger, they grew more divided. Causing people from Guilds to be at odds with other Guilds, forgetting that the original purpose was to grow stronger as a collective for what was to come after 100 years. What came after 100 years was that we were now in a dimensional tournament to bid for our survival. Failure to win meant that your dimension was wiped clean, to be grown from scratch to try again billions of years later. All for the enjoyment of various Gods. Follow Xeon as he discovers that the Rogue class he has been relentlessly bullied for having, has more potential than the world previously thought.

LibrarianOfTheosis · Ciudad
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3 Chs